Postnatal myosin heavy chain isoforms in prenatal porcine skeletal muscles: Insights into temporal regulation (original) (raw)
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Quantifying the Temporospatial Expression of Postnatal Porcine Skeletal Myosin Heavy Chain Genes
S U M M A R Y Postnatal skeletal muscle fiber type is commonly defined by one of four major myosin heavy chain (MyHC) gene isoforms (slow/I, 2a, 2x, and 2b) that are expressed. We report on the novel use of combined TaqMan quantitative real-time RT-PCR and image analysis of serial porcine muscle sections, subjected to in situ hybridization (ISH) and immunocytochemistry (IHC), to quantify the mRNA expression of each MyHC isoform within its corresponding fiber type, termed relative fiber type-restricted expression. This versatile approach will allow quantitative temporospatial comparisons of each MyHC isoform among muscles from the same or different individuals. Using this approach on porcine skeletal muscles, we found that the relative fiber type-restricted expression of each postnatal MyHC gene showed wide spatial and temporal variation within a given muscle and between muscles. Marked differences were also observed among pig breeds. Notably, of the four postnatal MyHC isoforms, the 2a MyHC gene showed the highest relative fiber typerestricted expression in each muscle examined, regardless of age, breed, or muscle type. This suggests that although 2a fibers are a minor fiber type, they may be disproportionately more important as a determinant of overall muscle function than was previously believed. (J Histochem Cytochem 50: [353][354][355][356][357][358][359][360][361][362][363][364] 2002)
Spatial and Temporal Changes in Myosin Heavy Chain Gene Expression in Skeletal Muscle Development
Developmental Biology, 1999
Seven myosin heavy chains (MyHC) are expressed in mammalian skeletal muscle in spatially and temporally regulated patterns. The timing, distribution, and quantitation of MyHC expression during development and early postnatal life of the mouse are reported here. The three adult fast MyHC RNAs (IIa, IIb, and IId/x) are expressed in the mouse embryo and each mRNA has a distinct temporal and spatial distribution. In situ hybridization analysis demonstrates expression of IIb mRNA by 14.5 dpc, which proceeds developmentally in a rostral to caudal pattern. IId/x and IIa mRNAs are detectable 2 days later. Ribonuclease protection assays demonstrate that the three adult fast genes are expressed at approximately equal levels relative to each other in the embryo but at quite low levels relative to the two developmental isoforms, embryonic and perinatal. Just after birth major changes in the relative proportions of different MyHC RNAs and protein occur. In all cases, RNA expression and protein expression appear coincident. The changes in MyHC RNA and protein expression are distinct in different muscles and are restricted in some cases to particular regions of the muscle and do not always reflect their distribution in the adult.
Journal of muscle research and cell motility, 2000
The contractile properties of muscle fibres are, in part, determined by the myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoforms they express. Using monoclonal antibodies, we show that at least three forms of slow twitch MyHC accumulate sequentially during mouse fetal development and that slow MyHC maturation in slow fibres occurs before expression of the adult fast MyHCs in fast fibres. Expression of deletion derivatives of beta-cardiac MyHC cDNA shows that the slow MyHC epitopes that are detected in adult but not in young animals are located near the N-terminus. The same N-terminal region of various fast MyHC molecules contains a conserved epitope that can, on occasions, be observed when slow MyHC cDNA is expressed in non-muscle cells. The results raise the possibility that the N-terminal epitopes result from post-translational modification of the MyHC and that a sequence of slow and fast MyHC isoform post-translational modifications plays a significant role during development of murine muscle fibres.
The expression of myosin genes in developing skeletal muscle in the mouse embryo
The Journal of Cell Biology, 1990
Using in situ hybridization, we have investigated the temporal sequence of myosin gene expression in the developing skeletal muscle masses of mouse embryos. The probes used were isoform-specific, 35S-labeled antisense cRNAs to the known sarcomeric myosin heavy chain and myosin alkali light chain gene transcripts. Results showed that both cardiac and skeletal myosin heavy chain and myosin light chain mRNAs were first detected between 9 and 10 d post coitum (p.c.) in the myotomes of the most rostral somites. Myosin transcripts appeared in more caudal somites at later stages in a developmental gradient. The earliest myosin heavy chain transcripts detected code for the embryonic skeletal (MHCemb) and beta-cardiac (MHC beta) isoforms. Perinatal myosin heavy chain (MHCpn) transcripts begin to accumulate at 10.5 d p.c., which is much earlier than previously reported. At this stage, MHCemb is the major MHC transcript. By 12.5 d p.c., MHCpn and MHCemb mRNAs are present to an equal extent, an...
Animal Science Journal, 2002
A nucleotide sequence including the full coding region for the myosin heavy chain (MyHC) slow isoform was determined from the longissimus skeletal muscle. The deduced amino acid sequence was 1935 residues, which was the same length as the human and rat MyHC-slow isoforms. The porcine MyHC-slow isoform showed 97.6% and 97.4% amino acid identities to the human and rat isoforms on their entire regions, respectively. The functional regions were also highly conserved among mammalian MyHC-slow isoforms. Amino acid substitutions between the porcine MyHC-slow and MyHC-fast isoforms were concentrated on the functional regions. Loop 1, the controlling region of nucleotide binding and release, was conserved among the fast isoforms, but not between the slow and fast isoforms. Loop 2, a part of the actin binding region, was not conserved among any of the isoform types, and the most substitutions in this region were found in the slow isoform. The myosin essential light chain binding region was conserved among the fast isoforms, except for some substitutions in the 2b isoform, but was clearly different in the slow isoform. The myosin regulatory light chain binding region was conserved among the fast isoforms, but not between the slow and fast isoforms. These results indicate that the functional difference between the porcine MyHC-slow and -fast isoforms are controlled by the sequence diversity at the four functional regions compared.
Journal of Comparative Physiology B-biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology, 2023
The kinetics of myosin controls the speed and power of muscle contraction. Mammalian skeletal muscles express twelve kinetically different myosin heavy chain (MyHC) genes which provides a wide range of muscle speeds to meet different functional demands. Myogenic progenitors from diverse craniofacial and somitic mesoderm specify muscle allotypes with different repertoires for MyHC expression. This review provides a brief synopsis on the historical and current views on how cell lineage, neural impulse patterns, and thyroid hormone influence MyHC gene expression in muscles of the limb allotype during development and in adult life and the molecular mechanisms thereof. During somitic myogenesis, embryonic and foetal myoblast lineages form slow and fast primary and secondary myotube ontotypes which respond differently to postnatal neural and thyroidal influences to generate fully differentiated fibre phenotypes. Fibres of a given phenotype may arise from myotubes of different ontotypes which retain their capacity to respond differently to neural and thyroidal influences during postnatal life. This gives muscles physiological plasticity to adapt to fluctuations in thyroid hormone levels and patterns of use. The kinetics of MyHC isoforms vary inversely with animal body mass. Fast 2b fibres are specifically absent in muscles involved in elastic energy saving in hopping marsupials and generally absent in large eutherian mammals. Changes in MyHC expression are viewed in the context of the physiology of the whole animal. The roles of myoblast lineage and thyroid hormone in regulating MyHC gene expression are phylogenetically the most ancient while that of neural impulse patterns the most recent.
Myosin heavy chain isoform transitions in canine skeletal muscles during postnatal growth
Journal of Anatomy, 2006
To gain a better understanding of the normal characteristics of developing canine muscles, myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform expression was analysed in the axial and limb skeletal muscles of 18 young dogs whose ages ranged from the late prenatal stage to 6 months. We compared the results of immunohistochemistry using ten monoclonal antibodies, specific to different MHC isoforms, and enzyme-histochemical reactions, which demonstrate the activity of myofibrillar ATPase, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and α-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (α-GPDH). In the skeletal muscles of fetuses and neonatal dogs the developmental isoforms MHC-emb and MHC-neo were prevalent. In all muscles the primary fibres, located centrally in each muscle fascicle, strongly expressed the slow isoform MHC-I. The adult fast isoform MHC-IIa was first noted in some of the secondary fibres on fetal day 55. During the first 10 days after birth, the expression of MHC-emb declined, as did that of MHC-neo during the second and third weeks. Correspondingly, the expression of MHC-IIa, and later, of MHC-I increased in the secondary fibres. Between the sixth week and second month the expression of MHC-IIx became prominent. The slow rhomboideus muscle exhibited an early expression of the slow isoform in the secondary fibres. Our results indicate that the timing of muscle maturation depends on its activity immediately following birth. The fastest developing muscle was the diaphragm, followed by the fast muscles. A pronounced changeover from developmental to adult isoforms was noted at 4-6 weeks of age, which coincides with the increased physical activity of puppies.