Design and Construction Cost of a Water Line Underneath I-75 in Bowling Green, Ohio (original) (raw)

A Framework to Evaluate the Life Cycle Costs and Environmental Impacts of Water Pipelines

Pipelines 2016, 2016

The true value of a pipeline as an asset should be based on several factors that impact its service life. Those considerations include the consumption and production of raw materials, design, installation, operation and maintenance, and planning for the end of the pipeline's service life; as well as, the corresponding environmental impacts at each of these life cycle phases. In this paper, a model is presented that allows utilities and engineers to evaluate the total life cycle cost associated with a water transmission pipeline. The model is designed to compare Ductile Iron (DI) versus PVC pipe, two of the most commonly used pipe materials. In addition to the tangible cost comparisons, the model also includes an evaluation of environmental impacts that need to be considered by utilities to build or replace a transmission pipeline. Results from scenario analysis for 8" and 24" pipes illustrate that although PVC pipes have initial economic benefits (due to lower material costs), DI tends to be more cost effective and also comparatively environmentally sustainable (less CO 2 emissions) over its service life. 1.0 Introduction Water distribution systems consist of an interconnected series of pipes, storage facilities, and components that convey drinking water and required fire protection needs for cities, homes, schools, hospitals, businesses, industries and other facilities (EPA 2015). More than one million miles of water mains are located across the United States (US). Based on the number of people being served, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) classifies water distribution system into four major categories: (1) very small systems (serving fewer than 3,300, 84.5% of community water systems); (2) small systems (3,300-9,999, 8.5%); (3) medium systems (10,000-49,999, 5.5%); and (4) large systems (>50,000, 1.5%). The main stakeholders involved in these infrastructure facilities include federal, state and municipal governments and the city local bodies. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has estimated that, approximately 4,000 to 5,000 miles of water mains are being replaced annually and this rate is projected to increase in the coming years (EPA 2013). This is mostly because many pipes in the US are reported to be nearing the end of their useful service life, and the cost to replace those pipes for the next 25 years are estimated to reach more than $1 trillion USD to maintain the current levels of water service Pipelines 2016 1152 © ASCE

Optimal Design of Water-Supply Pipe Systems Using Economic and Technical Analysis

World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2016, 2016

Optimal design of water distribution networks involves an evaluation of different aspects such as economic and technical analysis, mechanical and hydraulic issues, and population-based strategies. These objectives often conflict, to an extent that finding the optimal solution for one of those objectives reduces the other objective's utility. This paper presents an approach to select an optimal design between three pre-specified scenarios that accounts for both economic and technical issues to supply the required water demand to customers, and also satisfy decision makers' criteria and meet the design purposes for Darakeh neighborhood in Tehran, Iran. WaterGEMS software that contains powerful GIS-based solution for efficiently modeling, managing, and protecting valuable resource water, was used to find a management solution and design an optimal water-supply system. Consequently, based on economic and technical scoring, one of the considered scenarios was evaluated as the best option for the water distribution network of the study area.

Economic and Financial Costs of Saving Water and Energy: Preliminary Analysis for Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 2 (San Juan) – Replacement of Pipeline Units I-7A, I-18, and I-22

Initial construction costs and net annual changes in operating and maintenance expenses are identified for a three-component capital renovation project proposed by Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 2. The proposed project primarily consists of replacing aged mortar-joint pipe in pipeline units I-7A, I-18, and I-22 with new rubber-gasketed, reinforced concrete pipe. Both nominal and real estimates of water and energy savings and expected economic and financial costs of those savings are identified throughout the anticipated useful life for the proposed project. Sensitivity results for the cost of saving water are presented for several important parameters. Annual water and energy savings forthcoming from the total project are estimated, using amortization procedures, to be 485 ac-ft of water per year and 179,486,553 BTUs {52,604 kwh} of energy per year. The calculated economic and financial cost-of-saving water is estimated to be $385.46 per ac-ft. The calculated economic and fi...

Water Distribution System for the City of Vidette , GA Brief


This article describes service-learning activities associated with community service jointly performed by two academic programs, Construction Management (CM) and Civil Engineering Technology (CET), of the same department. Emphasis is presented on describing those tasks developed by the project team. This service work was to assist the town of Vidette, GA, in designing its new water distribution system (WDS). The characteristics and size of the project and associated service-learning tasks required the engagement of both programs, CM and CET, during several semesters. Almost forty students, five faculty members, two licensed industry professionals, and one public officer participated in this still ongoing project. Once approved, the resulting design documents (drawings and specifications) would be employed by the town to apply for loans or other forms of needed financial assistance to build its new WDS. To assure the attainment of required minimum standards, the department obtained t...

Optimal long-term design, rehabilitation and upgrading of water distribution networks

Engineering Optimization, 2008

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Optimal Urban Water Distribution Design

Water Resources Research, 1985

A heuristic linear programming-based procedure has been developed for the least cost layout and design of water distribution networks. The methodology is capable of analyzing a wide range of demand pattern and pipe failure combinations. Hydraulic consistency is ensured throughout the procedure through the use of the Hardy-Cross network solver technique. The procedure can also be extended for use in the expansion or reinforcement of existing network systems. While the techniques used to reduce the size of the constraint set to enable the procedure to handle a wide range of loading conditions do not guarantee global optimality, a pragmatic "reasonable" optimum is achieved. The method is demonstrated by application to the design of a new network and the expansion of an existing network. In the expansion of the existing network problem the solution obtained was less expensive than any previously published solution. Quindry et al., 1981]. These earlier studies, and in particular those dealing with branched networks, assumed a given layout for the network and then designed the network components on the basis of the assumed layout. The studies by Alperovits and Shamir [1977], Quindry et al. [1979], and Quindry et al. [1981], however, analyzed looped water networks with the added ability to readjust flows within the assumed layout in an attempt to converge upon the least cost solution. Only recently has the joint problem of least cost layout and component design of looped water distribution networks been addressed. While some models have been developed for municipal water networks [e.g., Mays et al., 1976; Martin, 1980], they are not generally appropriate as they are mainly concerned with branched networks such as storm sewer collection systems. The complicating feature in the development of formal procedures capable of addressing the joint problem of layout and design is the strong interrelationship between the layout and component sizings. Two methods which are capable of considering the layout and design problems have been published recently by Rowell and Barnes [1982] and Morgan and Goulter [1982]. In their study, Rowell and Barnes [1982] developed a model which addressed the problem through a two-level hierarchical approach. In this model a least cost branched layout is first determined. The looping required for reliability is then provided by the insertion of redundant pipes interconnecting the branches of the tree. However, as is shown by Goulter and Morgan [1984], the assumptions used in this procedure sacrifice hydraulic consistency in the search for the least cost solution. Morgan and Goulter [1982] developed a model using two linked linear programs to solve the least cost layout and design of these looped systems. In this model one linear program solves the layout, while the other determines the least cost component sizes. The constraint set used to ensure looping in the layout part of the procedure requires every node to be connected by at least two pipes. However, while the model ensures hydraulic consistency at every stage, fulfillment of the looping constraint described above does not explicitly guarantee true redundancy. The lack of any truly successful models in this realm of joint layout and component design indicates a general need for development of new models in this area. An additional consideration in water network design has arisen with the recent publicity concerning the deterioration of urban infrastructures across North America. The expansion or upgrading of existing systems has become an important issue in municipal engineering. A few models which are capable of analyzing the least cost upgrading or expansions of existing networks have recently been developed I-e.g., Quindry et al. . Since most, if not all existing networks are looped systems, the approaches used in these models have been based on techniques which are capable of analyzing looped networks. The particular network on which these models are tested and compared is the New York Tunnels Expansion project which was first considered by Schaake and . In each of the succeeding studies a lower cost system was found which fulfilled the expansion requirements.