Heisenberg spin bus as a robust transmission line for quantum-state transfer (original) (raw)

Heisenberg Spin Bus as a Robust Transmission Line for Perfect State Transfer


We study the protocol known as quantum state transfer for a strongly coupled antiferromagnetic spin chain or ring (acting as a spin bus), with weakly coupled external qubits. By treating the weak coupling as a perturbation, we find that perfect state transfer (PST) is possible when second order terms are included in the expansion. We also show that PST is robust against variations in the couplings along the spin bus and between the bus and the qubits. As evidence of the quantum interference which mediates PST, we show that the optimal time for PST can be smaller with larger qubit separations, for an even-size chain or ring.

Qubit Teleportation and Transfer across Antiferromagnetic Spin Chains

Physical Review Letters, 2007

We explore the capability of spin-1/2 chains to act as quantum channels for both teleportation and transfer of qubits. Exploiting the emergence of long-distance entanglement in low-dimensional systems [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 247206 (2006)], here we show how to obtain high communication fidelities between distant parties. An investigation of protocols of teleportation and state transfer is presented, in the realistic situation where temperature is included. Basing our setup on antiferromagnetic rotationally invariant systems, both protocols are represented by pure depolarizing channels. We propose a scheme where channel fidelity close to one can be achieved on very long chains at moderately small temperature.

Entanglement Transfer through an Antiferromagnetic Spin Chain


We study the possibility of using an uniformly coupled finite antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain as a channel for transmitting entanglement. One member of a pair of maximally entangled spins is initially appended to one end of a chain in its ground state and the dynamical propagation of this entanglement to the other end is calculated. We show that compared to the analogous scheme with a ferromagnetic chain in its ground state, here the entanglement is transmitted faster, with less decay, with a much higher purity and as a narrow pulse form rising non-analytically from zero. Here non-zero temperatures and depolarizing environments are both found to be less destructive in comparison to the ferromagnetic case. The entanglement is found to propagate through the chain in a peculiar fashion whereby it hops to skip alternate sites.

Transfer of arbitrary two-qubit states via a spin chain

Physical Review A, 2015

We investigate the fidelity of the quantum state transfer (QST) of two qubits by means of an arbitrary spin-1 2 network, on a lattice of any dimensionality. Under the assumptions that the network Hamiltonian preserves the magnetization and that a fully polarized initial state is taken for the lattice, we obtain a general formula for the average fidelity of the two qubits QST, linking it to the oneand two-particle transfer amplitudes of the spin-excitations among the sites of the lattice. We then apply this formalism to a 1D spin chain with XX-Heisenberg type nearest-neighbour interactions adopting a protocol that is a generalization of the single qubit one proposed in Ref. [Phys. Rev. A 87, 062309 (2013)]. We find that a high-quality two qubit QST can be achieved provided one can control the local fields at sites near the sender and receiver. Under such conditions, we obtain an almost perfect transfer in a time that scales either linearly or, depending on the spin number, quadratically with the length of the chain.

Spin-Chains as Quantum Channels for Qubit-State Transfer

2009 Third International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies, 2009

In this paper, we provide a simple strategy to optimize the performances of a spin chain as a quantum channel for state transfer. We investigate the most general conditions under which a long range interacting chain achieves the highest fidelity and the shortest transfer time. In this respect, we show that the symmetry of the spin chain plays a key role to identify the ideal system, which involves the sender and receiver only, and provide numerical evidence. However, the twospin ideal chain is unpractical due to the decrease of the coupling strength with the distance. Therefore we show how to design a spin chain, which nearly approaches the optimal behavior, while keeping the coupling strength reasonably high.

Effect of Randomness on Quantum Data Buses of Heisenberg Spin Chains


A strongly coupled spin chain can mediate long-distance effective couplings or entanglement between remote qubits, and can be used as a quantum data bus. We study how the fidelity of a spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain as a spin bus is affected by static random exchange couplings and magnetic fields. We find that, while non-uniform exchange couplings preserve the isotropy of the qubit effective couplings, they cause the energy levels, the eigenstates, and the magnitude of the couplings to vary locally. On the other hand, random local magnetic fields lead to an avoided level crossing for the bus ground state manifold, and cause the effective qubit couplings to be anisotropic. Interestingly, the total magnetic moment of the ground state of an odd-size bus may not be parallel to the average magnetic field. Its alignment depends on both the direction of the average field and the field distribution, in contrast with the ground state of a single spin which always aligns with the applied magnetic field to minimize the Zeeman energy. Lastly, we calculate sensitivities of the spin bus to such local variations, which are potentially useful for evaluating decoherence when dynamical fluctuations in the exchange coupling or magnetic field are considered.

Many-qubit quantum state transfer via spin chains

The transfer of an unknown quantum state, from a sender to a receiver, is one of the main requirements to perform quantum information processing tasks. In this respect, the state transfer of a single qubit by means of spin chains has been widely discussed, and many protocols aiming at performing this task have been proposed. Nevertheless, the state transfer of more than one qubit has not been properly addressed so far. In this paper, we present a modified version of a recently proposed quantum state transfer protocol [Phys. Rev. A 87, 062309 (2013)] to obtain a quantum channel for the transfer of two qubits. This goal is achieved by exploiting Rabi-like oscillations due to excitations induced by means of strong and localized magnetic fields. We derive exact analytical formulae for the fidelity of the quantum state transfer, and obtain a high-quality transfer for general quantum states as well as for specific classes of states relevant for quantum information processing.

Boundary-controlled spin chains for robust quantum state transfer


Quantum state transfer in the presence of noise is one of the main challenges for building quantum computers. We compare the quantum state transfer properties for two classes of qubit chains under the influence of static randomness. In fully engineered chains all nearest-neighbor couplings are tuned in such a way that a single-qubit state can be transferred perfectly between the

Quantum-state transfer in imperfect artificial spin networks

Physical Review A, 2005

High-fidelity quantum computation and quantum state transfer are possible in short spin chains. We exploit a system based on a dispersive qubit-boson interaction to mimic XY coupling. In this model, the usually assumed nearest-neighbors coupling is no more valid: all the qubits are mutually coupled. We analyze the performances of our model for quantum state transfer showing how pre-engineered coupling rates allow for nearly optimal state transfer. We address a setup of superconducting qubits coupled to a microstrip cavity in which our analysis may be applied.