Agribisnis Tembakau di Indonesia : Kontroversi dan Prospek (original) (raw)

Dinamika Agribisnis Tembakau Dunia dan Implikasinya bagi Indonesia

Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi, 2016

EnglishTobacco is one of the world’s important commodities in trading. The main products of tobacco are tobacco leaf and cigarette. Since 2000’s world agribusiness of tobacco tended to decrease after experiencing a high growth in few decades. This was indicated by the decreasing growth of harvested area, production and consumption of tobacco leaves and cigarettes. This situation was primarily affected by the increasing public pressure against tobacco, mainly in developed countries, due to health and environmental aspects. Developed countries responded the dynamics by the application of a policy to restrict tobacco in their land and move the production to developing countries. Production of tobacco decreased faster than its consumption causing larger gaps between supply and demand of tobacco leaf. On the other hand, the market of tobacco supply and demand grow along with the growth of population triggering the increase of tobacco leaf world price. The potential market would be availa...

Pemodelan Dan Strategi Competitiveness Agribisnis Tembakau Besuki Na-Oogst DI Jawa Timur

Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, 2009

Agribusiness of NOTA and NO Traditional Tobacco has competitiveness (comparative and competitive advantage). Moreover, they are susceptible to changes in input and output prices which are indicated by the DRC and PCR coefficient close to 1. The NOTA tobacco is comparatively stronger than the traditional NO tobacco. This illustration has explained that the alternative cultivation technology of NOTA tobacco is better than the traditional NO. Input prices policy by government to NOTA and NO tobacco Traditional agribusiness provided for the development of agroindustry which has NPCI coefficient lower than one (1). It means that the government's policies provide protection for production inputs. However, the policy is not balanced by a protective policy in output, so that the protective policy has not been very significant input for NOTA and NO Traditional tobacco producers. Overall, government policy is to develop Besuki Na-oogst tobacco both the NOTA and NO Traditional. It is not significant to farmers. It can be explained by the Effective Protection coefficient (EPC) and the Profitability Coefficient (PC) which is lower than one (<1), as well as negative Subsidy Ratio to Producers (SRP).

Prospek Dan Tantangan Usahatani Tembakau Madura

SEPA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis

Tobacco has an important role in the socio-economic life of the community, such as the State in the form of tax revenue and foreign exchange earnings,employment, the income of farmers, laborers, and merchants, as well as revenue. But on the other hand, under the pretext of health, development and trading of tobacco began to get legalized opposition through regulations. This has an impact on the survival of tobacco farming, which in turn have an impact on the welfare of farmers. This paper aims to discuss the prospects and challenges facing tobacco farmers inMadura. In addition, tobacco farmers face problems: marketing systems, productivity, and bargaining position. Alternative solutions are 1) reduction in acreage planted; 2) replacement of plants; 3) low nicotine tobacco cultivation; 4) diversification of derivative products; 5) optimization of the institutional.

Analisis Faktor Internal Dan Eksternal Yang Mempengaruhi Pengembangan Agribisnis Tembakau DI Kabupaten Jember

Jurnal Ilmiah Inovasi

Salah satu kabupaten di jawa timur yang berperan sebagai penghasil terbesar dalam bidang pertembakauan adalah kabupaten jember. Sebagai kabupaten yang menghasilkan tembakau terbesar, perlu dilakukan pengembangan terhadap industri tembakau. Dalam proses pengembangan tersebut perlu dilakukan identifikasi dan analisa terhadap faktor internal dan eksternal yang dapat mempengaruhi industri pertembakauan. Dalam mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa faktor-faktor tersebut digunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Data dalam penelitian diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuesioner, wawancara, dan studi literatur. Kabupaten Jember untuk mengembangkan tembakau adalah sarana prasarana, peran APTI, peran kelompok tani, pemasaran, pembinaan, dan budaya tanam tembakau. Sedangkan yang menjadi kelemahan Kabupaten Jember adalah perubahan anomali iklim, pengetahuan teknis petani, hama penyakit, permodalan, dan penentuan harga oleh perusahaan. Peluang dari luar adalah permintaan pasar, DBH-CHT, dan perkembangan tekno...

Fakta Tembakau Indonesia 2020

Buku FAKTA TEMBAKAU Indonesia 2020 merupakan hasil kerja bersama dan dedikasi banyak pihak. Atas prakarsa Badan Khusus Pengendalian Tembakau PP IAKMI Periode 2014-2019, Pimpinan PP IAKMI masa bakti periode yang sama melakukan audiensi kepada Kepala Badan Litbang Kementerian Kesehatan RI dan mendiskusikan rencana untuk menelaah ulang, menyusun dan melakukan pemutakhiran data tembakau yang komprehensif yang dapat dijadikan acuan data nasional bagi pengendalian tembakau di Indonesia. Terima kasih sebesar-besarnya kami sampaikan kepada Kepala Badan Litbang Kementerian Kesehatan RI, dan Sekretaris Badan Litbang Kementerian Kesehatan RI atas dukungan dan kerjasamanya sehingga terwujud buku FAKTA TEMBAKAU Indonesia 2020. Kepada para Kontributor yang berasal dari Lembaga Pendidikan dan Penelitian, Badan Litbang Kementerian Kesehatan RI dan akademisi aktivis pengendalian tembakau, kami sampaikan terima kasih yang tulus atas kerja samanya. Penghargaan secara khusus kami sampaikan kepada Nur H...

Dinamika Konsumsi Rokok Dan Impor Tembakau Indonesia

SEPA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis

The tobacco control and the danger of smoking campaigns have given quite much impact into the lower nicotine and tar cigarettes consumption pattern. This fact affects the higher demand of imported tobacco in which are believed to be better than locals. Object of this research are to analyze trend of Indonesian tobacco import in the next 3 years and analyze factors that influence Indonesian tobacco import. Method of the research used descriptive method which using time series secondary data for 27 years from 1990 to 2016. Data is taken from few institusions and literatures. Analysis method used linier trend and multiple linier regression. Results of this research indicate that from 2018 to 2020 import of Indonesian tobacco trend will increase about 3 percent every year. Consumption of cigarettes kretek industries, income and import tariff affect to Indonesian tobacco import significantly. The increasing of imported tobacco is caused by the high demand of virginia tobacco of cigarettes industries that increased their cigarettes production cause high consumption of mild (low nicotine and tar) cigarettes. Therefore, Indonesia government has to support tobacco's farmer in developing low nicotine and tar tobacco production that is needed by cigarettes industries through cooperation partnership with cigarettes producer, so the dependency of imported tobacco can be decreased.

Dampak Krisis Global Pada Industri Hasil Tembakau Di Indonesia: Sebuah Analisis Runtun Waktu

Jurnal Pajak dan Keuangan Negara (PKN)

Despite facing various crises since 1998 until now, the level of production of tobacco products in Indonesia has not been significantly affected. By approaching a time series analysis with the ARIMAX model and using data on tobacco production from 1992 to 2021, this research illustrates that the tobacco industry in Indonesia has a fairly good level of resistance to the crisis conditions that have occurred. Under these circumstances, there is still opportunity for the government to optimize state revenues while at the same time carrying out the function of controlling the consumption of tobacco products. Meskipun menghadapi berbagai krisis sejak tahun 1998 sampai dengan saat ini, tingkat produksi hasil tembakau di Indonesia tidak terkena dampak secara signifikan. Dengan pendekatan analisis runtun waktu dengan model ARIMAX dan menggunakan data produksi tembakau dari tahun 1992 hingga 2021, penelitian ini memberikan gambaran bahwa industri hasil tembakau di Indonesia memiliki tingkat k...

Tanaman Tembakau di Temanggung sebagai Dampak Variasi Culture Stelsel Masa Kolonialisme Sampai Masa Sekarang

Letak geografis Temanggung sangat menunjukkan iklim dan cuaca yang menentukan apakah tembakau akan memiliki bibit yang unggul atau tidak. Temanggung sendiri terletak diantara Gunung Sindoro dan Gunung Sumbing dengan salah satu destinasi wisatanya yaitu Embung yang didirikan di bekas lahan tembakau. Hasil tembakau yang dipanen oleh masyarakat Temanggung kemudian dapat dijadikan sebagai mata pencaharian prioritas dengan hasil yang cukup besar.

Perkembangan Impor Beras DI Indonesia

AgriMalS, 2021

This study aims to analyze how rice imports have grown in Indonesia. This research was a descriptive case study of Indonesia. The data of development of the rice imports was collected from the last ten years (2010-2019). The data used are secondary sources of data from the Agency for Central Statistics (BPS). Base on the data rice imports in Indonesia have fluctuated, especially from 2018 to 2019. Several factors influenced the increasing amount of imported rice in Indonesia, including population growth as well as an increase in domestic rice prices. As a result the amount of consumption is higher than the quantity of rice produced.