The ISO 3382 parameters : Can we simulate them ? Can we measure them ? (original) (raw)
The measured impulse response is often used as a true reference of a real room impulse response and geometrical acoustic simulations are considered to be only a crude representation of it. However, both approaches have their own challenges and limitations. Geometrical acoustic models do not include wave phenomena, such as interferences and diffraction, as they simplify sound propagation by rays. The advantages of acoustic simulations with such models include a perfectly omnidirectional and impulsive sound source, no distortion problems, full control of the background noise, and a well-defined onset time of the impulse response. On the other hand, impulse response measurements include wave phenomena, but they do have their own weaknesses, which may cause significant errors in the derivation of the ISO-3382 room acoustic parameters. Due to the presence of background noise in the measured impulse response it is difficult to evaluate which part is valid. In addition, the sound source us...