Efficient Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Cross-Domains Without Trusted Setup (original) (raw)

QuickSilver: Efficient and Affordable Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Circuits and Polynomials over Any Field

Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security

Zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs with an optimal memory footprint have attracted a lot of attention, because such protocols can easily prove very large computation with a small memory requirement. Such ZK protocol only needs O(M) memory for both parties, where M is the memory required to verify the statement in the clear. In this paper, we propose several new constant-round ZK protocols in this setting, which improve the concrete efficiency and, at the same time, enable sublinear amortized communication for circuits with some notion of relaxed uniformity. (1) In the circuit-based model, where the computation is represented as a circuit over a field, our ZK protocol achieves a communication complexity of 1 field element per non-linear gate for any field size while keeping the computation very cheap. We implemented our protocol, which shows extremely high efficiency and affordability. Compared to the previous best-known implementation, we achieve 6×-7× improvement in computation and 3×-7× improvement in communication. When running on intro-level AWS instances, our protocol only needs one US dollar to prove one trillion AND gates (or 2.5 US dollars for one trillion multiplication gates over a 61-bit field). (2) In the setting where part of the computation can be represented as a set of polynomials with a "degree-separated" format, we can achieve communication sublinear to the polynomial size: the communication only depends on the total number of distinct variables in all the polynomials and the highest degree of all polynomials, independent of the number of multiplications to compute all polynomials. Using the improved ZK protocol, we can prove matrix multiplication with communication proportional to the input size, rather than the number of multiplications. Proving the multiplication of two 1024 × 1024 matrices, our implementation, with

A certifying compiler for zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge based on ∑-protocols

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2010

Zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge (ZK-PoK) are important building blocks for numerous cryptographic applications. Although ZK-PoK have a high potential impact, their real world deployment is typically hindered by their significant complexity compared to other (non-interactive) crypto primitives. Moreover, their design and implementation are time-consuming and error-prone.

Efficient Generic Zero-Knowledge Proofs from Commitments

IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2014

Even though Zero-knowledge has existed for more than 30 years, few generic constructions for Zero-knowledge exist. In this paper we present a new kind of commitment scheme on which we build a novel and efficient Zero-knowledge protocol for circuit satisfiability. We can prove knowledge of the AES-key which map a particular plaintext to a particular ciphertext in less than 4 seconds with a soundness error of 2 −40. Our protocol only requires a number of commitments proportional to the security parameter with a small constant (roughly 5).

A certifying compiler for zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge based on Σ-protocols


Zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge (ZK-PoK) are important building blocks for numerous cryptographic applications. Although ZK-PoK have a high potential impact, their real world deployment is typically hindered by their significant complexity compared to other (non-interactive) crypto primitives. Moreover, their design and implementation are time-consuming and error-prone.

Anonymous NIZK Proofs of Knowledge with Preprocessing

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1995

In this extended abstract we present an unpublished result in [6] which extends a result in [4]. We give a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof system of knowledge with preprocessing, whose main property is that, after executing two preprocessing phases and given a transcript of a proof phase, the verifier is not able to relate the transcript to any of the two preprocessing phases significantly better than random guessing. The technique used has motivated the cash scheme in [ 3 ] . Because of this result, only mentioned b u t used in [3], the main observation of Pfitzmann et al. in [8] against the cash scheme in [3] doesn't hold. We also discuss the other observations of Pfitzmann et al. in [8] against the cash schemes in [3, 51 and show that all of them don't hold. As a conclusion, the cash schemes in [3, 51 are not broken a t all.

An Efficient Noninteractive Zero-Knowledge Proof System for NP with General Assumptions

Journal of Cryptology, 1998

We consider noninteractive zero-knowledge proofs in the shared random string model proposed by Blum et al. [5]. Until recently there was a sizable polynomial gap between the most efficient noninteractive proofs for NP based on general complexity assumptions [11] versus those based on specific algebraic assumptions [7]. Recently, this gap was reduced to a polylogarithmic factor [17]; we further reduce the gap to a constant factor. Our proof system relies on the existence of one-way permutations (or trapdoor permutations for bounded provers). Our protocol is stated in the hidden bit model introduced by Feige et al. [11]. We show how to prove that an n-gate circuit is satisfiable, with error probability 1/n O(1) , using only O(n lg n) random committed bits. For this error probability, this result matches to within a constant factor the number of committed bits required by the most efficient known interactive proof systems.

Machine-checked ZKP for NP relations: Formally Verified Security Proofs and Implementations of MPC-in-the-Head

Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2021

MPC-in-the-Head (MitH) is a general framework that enables constructing efficient zero-knowledge (ZK) protocols for NP relations from secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocols. In this paper we present the first machine-checked implementations of MitH. We begin with an EasyCrypt formalization that preserves the modular structure of the original construction and can be instantiated with arbitrary MPC protocols, and secret sharing and commitment schemes satisfying standard notions of security. We then formalize various suitable components, which we use to obtain full-fledged ZK protocols for general relations. We compare two approaches for obtaining verified executable implementations. The first uses a fully automated extraction from EasyCrypt to OCaml. The second reduces the trusted computing base (TCB) and provides better performance by combining code extraction with formally verified manual low-level components implemented in the Jasmin language. We conclude with a discussion of the trade-off between the formal verification effort and the performance of resulting executables, and how our approach opens the way for fully verified implementations of state-of the-art optimized protocols based on MitH. CCS CONCEPTS • Security and privacy → Cryptography; • Theory of computation → Logic and verification.

Halo: Recursive Proof Composition without a Trusted Setup


Non-interactive proofs of knowledge allow us to publicly demonstrate the faithful execution of arbitrary computations. SNARKs have the additional property of succinctness, meaning that the proofs are short and fast to verify even when the computations involved are large. This property raises the prospect of recursive proof composition: proofs that verify other proofs. All previously known realizations of recursive proof composition have required a trusted setup and cycles of expensive pairing-friendly elliptic curves. We obtain the first practical example of recursive proof composition without a trusted setup, using only ordinary cycles of elliptic curves. Our primary contribution is a novel technique for amortizing away expensive verification procedures from within the proof verification cycle so that we could obtain recursion using a composition of existing protocols and techniques. We devise a technique for amortizing the cost of verifying multiple inner product arguments which may be of independent interest.

Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge without Intractability Assumptions

Public Key Cryptography, 2000

We initiate the investigation of the class of relations that admit extremely efficient perfect zero knowledge proofs of knowledge: constant number of rounds, communication linear in the length of the statement and the witness, and negligible knowledge error. In its most general incarnation, our result says that for relations that have a particular three-move honest-verifier zero-knowledge (HVZK) proof of knowledge, and which admit a particular three-move HVZK proof of knowledge for an associated commitment relation, perfect zero knowledge (against a general verifier) can be achieved essentially for free, even when proving statements on several instances combined under under monotone function composition. In addition, perfect zero-knowledge is achieved with an optimal 4-moves. Instantiations of our main protocol lead to efficient perfect ZK proofs of knowledge of discrete logarithms and RSA-roots, or more generally, q-one-way group homomorphisms. None of our results rely on intractability assumptions.