Effect of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on Growth, Yield and Quality of Papaya (Carica papaya L.) cv. Vinayak (original) (raw)

Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Plant Growth, Yield and Quality of Papaya ( L.) cv. Red Lady Carica papaya


Continuous use of chemical fertilizers poses soil health issues, whereas organic manures alone are not able to fulfil the requirements of highly nutrient-demanding crops. Indian soils are deficient in NPS, leading to low yield potential, so the only option left is to concentrate on alternate strategies like Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) to maintain the soil fertility. In this view, research was carried out to study the effect of integrated nutrient management on plant growth, yield and quality of papaya (L.) cv. Red Lady under Carica papaya Punjab conditions. The main objectives of this study were to adopt organic manures instead of relying only on chemical fertilizers or to find the appropriate combination of organic manures along with chemical and bio-fertilizers. The dose of chemical fertilizers was kept constant (50% for all treatments), whereas different concentrations of organic manures and bio-fertilizers were added. Among all the treatments, the application of 50% NPK + 20 kg FYM + 100 g + 100 g PSB resulted in the maximum plant height, stem girth, fruit length, fruit width, Azospirillum and yield. Likewise, all the fruit quality parameters such as TSS, firmness, total sugars, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars and ascorbic acid were also improved by the same treatment. Hence, integrated nutrient management significantly improved the vegetative growth, yield and quality of papaya cv. Red Lady when 20 kg of FYM and 100g of were applied along with 50% NPK.

Fertilizer requirement of papaya (Carica papaya L.) for commercial cultivation under Bihar condition

International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2019

An experiment entitled “Fertilizer requirement of papaya (Carica papaya l.) for commercial cultivation under Bihar condition” was conducted during the year 2016-17 at Horticulture garden, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur (Bihar). The experiment contains twenty seven treatment with three replication under Randomised Block Design (RBD factorial). Treatment includes three levels of each calcium nitrate, neem coated urea (both @ of 0, 100 & 200 g/plant) and muriate of potash (0, 200 & 400 g/plant) were applied in four equal split starting at 2 month of planting. The results showed that, number of flowers and fruits/plant ranged from 19.19 – 20.89 and 14.97 – 18.14 respectively, fruit weight from 0.889 – 0.927 kg among different fertilizer application, the TSS content ranged from 7.76 – 8.80 °Brix and acidity content from 0.33 – 0.36%. Neem coated urea showed best result in increasing the no. of flowers and fruit weight than calcium nitrate. Application of higher dose (40...

Effect of Organic Practices on Fruit Quality in Papaya Cv. Surya

Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 2012

A field experiment was conducted during 2009-10 at Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore using papaya cv. 'Surya'. Ten organic nutrient treatments along with recommended dose of fertilizers and control (no manure/fertilizer) were used totaling twelve treatment combinations of FYM, biofertilizers and vermicompost. Fruit quality parameters such as total carotenoids, lycopene, TSS, average fruit weight and ascorbic acid content were analyzed. Among the treatments, application of 50% recommended dose of fertilizers in the form of farm yard manure (FYM) applied as Azospirillum+Phosphate solubilizing bacteria+Mycorrhiza+Vermicompost showed high level of carotenoids, lycopene and low levels of ascorbic acid. TSS and average fruit weight were not affected by various organic nutrient treatments.

Effect of Different Micronutrients on Growth, Yield and Quality of Papaya (Carica Papaya L.) CV. Ranchi

II International Symposium on Papaya, 2010

The experiment was carried out to study the effect of organic practices, mulching and plant growth regulators on growth, yield and quality of papaya cv. Taiwan Red Lady 786 under subtropical conditions of Punjab. In this experiment, farmyard manure, vermicompost and mulching along with different concentrations of GA 3, NAA and Ethrel were tested in randomized block design. Maximum plant height (145.33cm), stem diameter (37.66cm), number of leaves/plant (32.33), number of flowers (135.66/plant), number of fruits (40.66/plant), fruit set percentage (78.18%), fruit length (17.13cm), fruit breadth (12.23cm), specific gravity (0.92) and ascorbic acid percentage (83.77%) was recorded in GA 3 200ppm with FYM, vermicompost and black mulching, whereas maximum TSS (16.71 0 B) and minimum acidity percentage (0.129%) was recorded with application of Ethrel 200ppm with FYM, vermicompost and black mulching. The results of this experiment revealed that integration of PGR's application with farmyard manure, vermicompost and black mulch yield better results.

Fertigation Improves Fruit Yield and Quality of Papaya

II International Symposium on Papaya, 2010

To assess the influence of fertigation on nutrient use and yield improvement in papaya, investigations were carried out in papaya cv. Co.7 during 2006-2008 at Horticultural College and Research Institute, Coimbatore. Nitrogen and potassium were fed through drip as urea and muriate of potash while phosphorous was applied through soil as single super phosphate. The treatments include 100% recommended dose of N and K 2 O through drip (T 1), 75% recommended dose of N and K 2 O through drip (T 2), 50% recommended dose of N and K 2 O through drip (T 3) and soil application of recommended dose of fertilisers (50 g N:50 g P 2 O 5 :50 g K 2 O per plant) at bimonthly interval starting from 3 rd month after planting (MAP). Application of 100% recommended dose of N and K 2 O (50 g N and 50 g K 2 O) through drip irrigation (T 1) resulted in flowering at the shortest height (96.32 cm). Plant height, stem girth and number of leaves were also found significantly higher in T 1. Leaf N and K showed significant changes while P exhibited no variations among the treatments. Treatment, T 1 resulted in more number of fruits, fruit weight, TSS and low fruit cavity index. The increase in number of fruits and fruit weight is attributed for higher fruit yield per tree (73.97 kg) and the resultant total fruit yield per hectare (184.9 tonnes) with high B:C ratio (1:1.97) in plants treated with 100% recommended dose of N and K 2 O (50 g N and 50 g K 2 O) through drip irrigation, in addition to soil application of 50 g P 2 O 5. It is concluded that fertigation of papaya cv. Co.7 with 100% recommended dose of N and K 2 O through drip (50 g N at 6.25 g/plant/week and 50 g K 2 O at 6.25 g/plant/week for a two months period), in addition to soil application of 50 g P 2 O 5 in bimonthly intervals resulted in maximum fruit yield. The physiological as well as biochemical changes in plants due to fertigation are also discussed in this paper.

Nutrient Requirement of Papaya (Carica papaya L.) for Yield Optimization and Commercial Cultivation Under Kerala Conditions

Journal of Krishi Vigyan, 2017

Papaya has gained commercial importance over the years because of its varied uses, mainly for table purpose. One of the reasons for low production in papaya is inadequate nourishment. As the export of papaya from India is rapidly increasing, there is a pressing need to enhance its productivity and improve the fruit quality. The present experiment was undertaken to study the response of major plant nutrients viz., nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on growth, yield and quality of papaya and also to ind out the optimum dose of NPK for commercial cultivation of papaya under Kerala conditions. The trial was conducted in confounded factorial randomized block design. Different levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (200, 250 and 300) gram per plant per year were tried in six equal splits. Results revealed that application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at the rate of 250:250:500g per plant per year in six equal splits, at two months interval was economically viable and improved the growth, yield and quality of papaya.

Effect of plant nutrients on quality and shelf life of papaya (Carica papaya L.) Cv. Taiwan Red Lady

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2021

The present investigation on "effect of plant nutrients on quality and shelf life of papaya (Carica papaya L.) Cv. Taiwan Red Lady" was carried out during 2019-2020 in farmer's field, Pittalagudem village of Nalgonda District, Telangana. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with nine treatments and three replications. Results revealed that the combined foliar application of plant nutrients significantly increased the total soluble solids (12.26 0 Brix), total sugars (7.91%), reducing sugars (6.07%), non-reducing sugars (1.84%) and ascorbic acid (23.56 mg 100g-1) and reduced physiological loss in weight PLW% (15.62%), titrable acidity (0.011%) at the same time increased fruit firmness (6.93 kg cm-2) and shelf life (6.83 days) was obtained with the treatment T4: KNO3 (1.5%) + Borax (0.5%) + Ca (NO3)2 (0.5%) + ZnSO4 (0.5%) per tree.

Yield and profitability of papaya genotypes based on chemical, organic and biological fertilization


Papaya is one of the fruit trees with the greatest demand in world markets, so it is important to develop new agricultural technology (fertilization) that helps to produce papayas of excellent quality, in addition to reducing production costs. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of chemical, organic and biological inoculant fertilization on the yield and profitability of two papaya genotypes. The investigation was carried out in the Superior Agricultural College of the state of Guerrero. The study consisted of evaluating the two genotypes of papaya, Maradol and Mulata in combination with chemical fertilizers, organic and biological inoculants. The evaluated variables were days to flowering, height of plant, stem diameter, days to harvest, number of fruits per plant, diameter and length of the fruit, total soluble solids (°Brix), average weight of the fruit, yield and economic profitability. The genotypes of papaya Maradol and Mulata presented a better response in...

Effect of plant growth regulators on chemical quality of papaya (Carica papaya) cv. Red Lady

International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2020

The present investigation has been conducted for two consecutive years (2018-19 and 2019-20) to determine the effect of various phyto bio regulators on chemical quality of papaya (Carica papaya) cv. Red Lady in a randomized block design using factorial arrangement with 11 treatments and 03 replications. The treatment consists of two concentrations i.e. 100 ppm & 150 ppm of various phyto bio regulators which includes Naphthalene acetic acid (100 and 150 ppm), Gibberellic acid (100 and 150 ppm), Benzyl adenine (100 and 150 ppm), Ethrel (100 and 150 ppm) and 2,3,5-Triiodo benzoic acid (100 and 150 ppm). The study revealed that phyto bio regulators significantly affect the chemical quality of papaya fruits. The ascorbic acid was found to be highest in 150 ppm of Gibberellic acid while Ethrel (150 ppm) recorded significantly highest value of TSS, total sugar, reducing sugar, non-reducing sugar, sugar: acid ratio and lowest value of titrable acidity.