Fast Transient Hybrid Neuro Fuzzy Controller for STATCOM During Unbalanced Voltage Sags (original) (raw)

Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) and Static VAR Compensators (SVCs) -based neural network controllers for improving power system grid

International journal of electrical & electronics research, 2024

The stability of the electrical network is considered a major challenge in the development of energy systems based on various sources. This research provides a comparison of the dynamic performance of FACTS devices such as STATCOM and SVC. These techniques, which are integrated stability devices with a multi-source power system, are used. The neural network technology unit is used to control FACTS devices to enhance the performance of power sources under abnormal and different conditions. Testing is conducted under conditions of three-phase short circuit to ground at bus (3) in the system. MATLAB/Simulink is used for modeling and simulation. The obtained results demonstrate the impact of the control unit based on SVC and STATCOM in reducing system oscillations and improving dynamic system performance during the post-fault period. The comparison confirms the superior dynamic performance and quick fault recovery of the control unit.

Impact of PSS and STATCOM on dynamic parameters of power system based on neuro-fuzzy controllers

2016 13th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON), 2016

This paper studies the impact of leveraging both static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) and power system stabilizer (PSS) on multi-machine power systems. Considering a standard IEEE 9-bus test power network, the classic and intelligent controllers are applied and analyzed to achieve a desirable system performance. Simulated tests show the usefulness of ST-ATCOM on network power quality in terms voltage profile. In addition, it can significantly improve the damping oscillations of synchronous generator under normal and abnormal network conditions. The PSS also contributes to improving the synchronous generator parameters. It is also observed that using intelligent controllers with STATCOM and PSS leads to a better performance relative to the classic controllers.

STATCOM Based of Adaptive Control Technique to Enhance Voltage Stability on Power Grid

In this STATCOM can to be ensure fast and efficient support for reactive power system voltage stability. In the literature, various methods to control STATCOM are discussed, including many applications the proportional-integral (PI) controller. However, these earlier works get the PI gains on a trial-and-error method or extensive studies with a compromise of performance and applicability. Therefore, the control parameters for optimum performance for a given operating point may not be effective in a different operating point. This article proposes a new control model based on adaptive PI control, which can adjust the control gains even in case of failure, so that the power always corresponds to a desired reaction, regardless of the change in operating condition. Since the setting is autonomous, that is the plug-and-play capability for STATCOM operation. In that simulation test, the adaptive PI control shows consistent excellence under various operating conditions, such as dissimilar initial control gains, different load levels, change the transmission network successive disturbances, and serious incident. In contrast, the conventional controller with STATCOM tuned, fixed PI gains usually lead well in the original system, but cannot efficiently perform, such as the proposed control method when there is a change of system conditions.

An intelligent mitigation of disturbances in electrical power system using distribution static synchronous compensator

The Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS), 2023

The power quality of an electrical system is critical for industrial, commercial, and housing applications, and with the increasing use of sensitive loads, customers and utilities are beginning to pay more attention to it. A distribution static synchronous compensator (D-STATCOM) represents one of the best custom power devices (CPDs) for improving the power quality of a distribution system. The performance of this device relies upon the algorithm and strategy used for its control. Artificial intelligence was utilized to overcome these shortcomings, while a response optimizer tool was used for the tuning process. An adaptive controller design was also proposed, based on the integration of fuzzy logic with traditional proportional-integral (PI) controller. The fuzzy logic controller system was designed using the adaptive neuro fuzzy interference system (ANFIS) editor. In this work, a D-STATCOM controller was used to mitigate sag and swell problems, while the ANFIS together with the optimization method was used to improve the system response. This study was carried out using MATLAB/Simulink, and the results showed a superior and adaptive performance in mitigating voltage sag and swell problems at different loading conditions compared to the traditional PI.

Fuzzy-PI-Based Direct-Output-Voltage Control Strategy for the STATCOM Used in Utility Distribution Systems

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2009

This paper describes the control strategy for the static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) used in utility distribution systems is investigated, fuzzy-PI-based direct output-voltage (DOV) control strategy is presented. Based on power balancing principle, this DOV control strategy cannot only reduce the active and reactive current control loops of a conventional double-loop control strategy but also achieve to regulate dclink voltage and maintain the voltages at the point of common coupling (PCC). In order to effectively improve the immunity capability of this DOV control strategy to the uncertainties in system parameters, two fuzzy PI controllers are separately employed to maintain the voltages at the PCC and to simultaneously regulate dclink voltage. The mathematical model of conventional double loop control, Direct-Output-Voltage (DOV) control, Fuzzy-PI based control is studied. The control scheme for the above approaches is implemented using MATLAB Simulink platform. The simulation results of the models are presented and compared.

Fuzzy logic control of a SVC to improve the transient stability of ac power systems


In this work, an efficient fuzzy logic controller is used to improve the controllability of a SVC (Static Var Compensator). The SVC device is a member of the FACTS (Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System) family employed in power transmission systems. The new fuzzy logic controller replaces the existing PI regulator and permits better disturbance compensation and voltage regulation. The SVC is used to maintain the voltage bus constant by absorbing or injecting reactive power. The proposed fuzzy controller uses the error between the reference voltage and the measured voltage to determine the required susceptance B. The fuzzy controller has been implemented in MATLAB/SIMULINK and the effectiveness of the reactive power compensation and the voltage regulation are demonstrated by simulations. Fuzzy logic control of a SVC to improve the transient stability of ac power systems, I. Mansour, D.O.

Voltage profile enhancement in distribution network using static synchronous compensator STATCOM

International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2020

STATCOM is one of FACTS devices that used as regulator for transmission and distribution systems which works for reactive power compensation. STATCOM utilisation in distribution system mostly for enhancing the profile of voltage, where used for adjusting the disturbance voltage by injecting into the system a controllable voltage. This paper present a Fuzzy controller based on STATCOM to enhance the voltage profile in distribution network. The controller of STATCOM has simulated for different types of abnormal load conditions of balance and unbalance load. The results of simulation show ability of proposed design to enhance the load voltage which was 96% of the nominal value. 1. INTRODUCTION STATCOM is one of the most important devices can be used in power flow control and power quality, which permit a utilise function in the prepared in the manner that without any loss the performance expectation. The equipments such as transformer, motor, computer, printer, equipment of communication and all types of house machines. These equipments mentioned were affect to the quality of power negatively [1]. When a large load in the network the reactive power unable to be transmitted even though with essential of buses voltage magnitude [2]. Voltage instability cause complete or partial discontinuation in the network. The STATCOM advantage is that can regulate efficiently the injected current in to the bus [3]. Also STATCOM has several applications in compensation of the conditions of sag/swell, the Suppressing in harmonics of line currents and improve the power factor in the load, and reactive power compensation in transmission line also in the load also STATCOM mitigate the fluctuations of the bus voltage [4, 5]. STATCOM with storage energy is advisable for controlling the injected voltage in its magnitude and also the angle by VSC "Voltage Source Converter" for controlling the powers "active and reactive" of STATCOM [6]. Many works have been suggested for the implementation of voltage profile enhancement in the literature. Improving Voltage Profile using PI Controller in [7]. Whereas [8] presents Optimal location of UPFC to enhence voltage profile. In [9] presents Enhancement of voltage profile using SVC. The use of PI controller in [7], has many drawbacks that needs tunning at each operating point, slow in response and less smoother. The use of UPFC in [8], needs settings and controllers for both STATCOM and also for SSSC. The use of SVC in [9], have passive parameters that affect to the tuning of the system and nake some oscillation in response. The new porposed of STATCOM for voltage profile enhancement with Fuzzy logic control is a high-speed response and smoother than conventional controller also the propsed system use VSC instead of passive element in SVC. The use of d-q theory to calculate the reactive power and the bus voltage

Application of Neuro-Fuzzy Controller for SVC for Improving Transient Stability

IJMTST, 2019

In this paper steady-state modeling of Static VAR Compensator (SVC) for power flow studies has been represented and discussed in details. Firing angle model for SVC was proposed to control the voltage at which it is connected. In same manner firing angle model for SVC is proposed with Fuzzy controller to control active power flow of the line to which TCSC is installed. The proposed models take firing angle as state variable in power flow formulation. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed models ANN algorithm was developed to solve power equations in presence of SVC. The Case studies are carried out on 9-bus test system to demonstrate the performance of the proposed models.

Fuzzy based Adaptive PI Control Method for Voltage Regulation of Statcom

Third International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering Science and Technology ICCTEST-2017, 2017

STATCOM's (Static Synchronous Compensators) are utilized to make the power system approach steady through giving rapid and strong Reactive power. Trial and error procedure, alternate of performance and likewise by means of their applicability are the distinctive manipulate strategies which we're utilising so to to receive a Proportional-Integral (PI) positive factors which happened within the STATCOM which may be very gradual and time consuming. The main motive of making use of a set of Adaptive PI controller as good as Fuzzy logic Controller is that prior methods which we are utilizing aren't so powerful for various running elements. We use this Adaptive PI controller mainly seeing that the controller attain may also be self adjusted and likewise gives the specified response paying little mind to vary in the working condition. We are able to also use Adaptive PI controller as a Plug-and-Play gadget for the working of STATCOM. FLC is utilized to diminish the response time of the system under disturbance. Through providing reactive power aid we are able to regulate the voltage beneath special working stipulations, such as, change in Transmission line, change in load, change in gains, severe disturbance, and two disturbance effects. Through utilising MATLAB/SIMULINK programming we will reproduce complete system.

Application of a Fuzzy Controller for Transient Stability Enhancement of AC Transmission System by STATCOM

In recent years, with development in power electronics technology, the static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) is assuming a significant role in reactive power compensation and transient stability enhancement in modern power systems. This paper investigates application of a role based fuzzy control technique for controlling a STATCOM at steady and transient states. Fuzzy controllers are designed for main and supplementary controllers of STATCOM. The main controller is used for regulating of AC bus voltage and the supplementary controller is designed for controlling of DC capacitor voltage. This study demonstrates that STATCOM considerably improves transient stability of power system after occurring fault and load changing. The efficacy of the control strategy is evaluated by PSCAD/EMTDC simulation programs