BioBERTpt - A Portuguese Neural Language Model for Clinical Named Entity Recognition (original) (raw)
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BMC Bioinformatics, 2021
Background The volume of biomedical literature and clinical data is growing at an exponential rate. Therefore, efficient access to data described in unstructured biomedical texts is a crucial task for the biomedical industry and research. Named Entity Recognition (NER) is the first step for information and knowledge acquisition when we deal with unstructured texts. Recent NER approaches use contextualized word representations as input for a downstream classification task. However, distributed word vectors (embeddings) are very limited in Spanish and even more for the biomedical domain. Methods In this work, we develop several biomedical Spanish word representations, and we introduce two Deep Learning approaches for pharmaceutical, chemical, and other biomedical entities recognition in Spanish clinical case texts and biomedical texts, one based on a Bi-STM-CRF model and the other on a BERT-based architecture. Results Several Spanish biomedical embeddigns together with the two deep le...
BioALBERT: A Simple and Effective Pre-trained Language Model for Biomedical Named Entity Recognition
Background: In recent years, with the growing amount of biomedical documents, coupled with advancement in natural language processing algorithms, the research on biomedical named entity recognition (BioNER) has increased exponentially. However, BioNER research is challenging as NER in the biomedical domain are: (i) often restricted due to limited amount of training data, (ii) an entity can refer to multiple types and concepts depending on its context and, (iii) heavy reliance on acronyms that are sub-domain specific. Existing BioNER approaches often neglect these issues and directly adopt the state-of-the-art (SOTA) models trained in general corpora which often yields unsatisfactory results. Results: We propose biomedical ALBERT (A Lite Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers for Biomedical Text Mining) - bioALBERT - an effective domain-specific pre-trained language model trained on huge biomedical corpus designed to capture biomedical context-dependent NER. We adopt...
Contributions to Clinical Named Entity Recognition in Portuguese
Proceedings of the 18th BioNLP Workshop and Shared Task
Having in mind that different languages might present different challenges, this paper presents the following contributions to the area of Information Extraction from clinical text, targeting the Portuguese language: a collection of 281 clinical texts in this language, with manually-annotated named entities; word embeddings trained in a larger collection of similar texts; results of using BiLSTM-CRF neural networks for named entity recognition on the annotated collection, including a comparison of using in-domain or out-of-domain word embeddings in this task. Although learned with much less data, performance is higher when using in-domain embeddings. When tested in 20 independent clinical texts, this model achieved better results than a model using larger out-of-domain embeddings.
In this work, we introduce a Deep Learning architecture for concepts related to cancer Named Entity Recognition in Spanish clinical cases texts. We propose a deep neural approach based on two Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) network and Conditional Random Field (CRF) network using character and contextualized-word embeddings to deal with the extraction of semantic, syntactic and morphological features. The approach was evaluated on the CANTEMIST Corpus obtaining an F-measure of 82.3% for NER.
Clinical NER using Spanish BERT Embeddings
This paper presents an overview of transfer learning-based approach to the Named Entity Recognition (NER) sub-task from Cancer Text Mining Shared Task (CANTEMIST) conducted as a part of Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF) 2020. We explore the use of Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) based contextual embeddings trained on general domain Spanish text to extract tumor morphology from clinical reports written in Spanish. We achieve an F1 score of 73.4% on NER without using any feature engineered or rule-based approaches, and present our work as inspiration for further research on this task.
Clinical Named Entity Recognition using Contextualized Token Representations
arXiv (Cornell University), 2021
The clinical named entity recognition (CNER) task seeks to locate and classify clinical terminologies into predefined categories, such as diagnostic procedure, disease disorder, severity, medication, medication dosage, and sign symptom. CNER facilitates the study of side-effect on medications including identification of novel phenomena and human-focused information extraction. Existing approaches in extracting the entities of interests focus on using static word embeddings to represent each word. However, one word can have different interpretations that depend on the context of the sentences. Evidently, static word embeddings are insufficient to integrate the diverse interpretation of a word. To overcome this challenge, the technique of contextualized word embedding has been introduced to better capture the semantic meaning of each word based on its context. Two of these language models, ELMo and Flair, have been widely used in the field of Natural Language Processing to generate the contextualized word embeddings on domain-generic documents. However, these embeddings are usually too general to capture the proximity among vocabularies of specific domains. To facilitate various downstream applications using clinical case reports (CCRs), we pre-train two deep contextualized language models, Clinical Embeddings from Language Model (C-ELMo) and Clinical Contextual String Embeddings (C-Flair) using the clinical-related corpus from the PubMed Central. Explicit experiments show that our models gain dramatic improvements compared to both static word embeddings and domain-generic language models. The pre-trained embeddings of these two models will be available soon.
A Comparison between Named Entity Recognition Models in the Biomedical Domain
Proceedings of the Translation and Interpreting Technology Online Conference TRITON 2021, 2021
The domain-specialised application of Named Entity Recognition (NER) is known as Biomedical NER (BioNER), which aims to identify and classify biomedical concepts that are of interest to researchers, such as genes, proteins, chemical compounds, drugs, mutations, diseases, and so on. The BioNER task is very similar to general NER but recognising Biomedical Named Entities (BNEs) is more challenging than recognising proper names from newspapers due to the characteristics of biomedical nomenclature. In order to address the challenges posed by BioNER, seven machine learning models were implemented comparing a transfer learning approach based on fine-tuned BERT with Bi-LSTM based neural models and a CRF model used as baseline. Precision, Recall and F1-score were used as performance scores evaluating the models on two well-known biomedical corpora: JNLPBA and BIOCREATIVE IV (BC-IV). Strict and partial matching were considered as evaluation criteria. The reported results show that a transfer learning approach based on fine-tuned BERT outperforms all others methods achieving the highest scores for all metrics on both corpora.
MotivationExtraction of biomedical knowledge from unstructured text poses a great challenge in the biomedical field. Named entity recognition (NER) promises to improve information extraction and retrieval. However, existing approaches require manual annotation of large training text corpora, which is laborious and time-consuming. To address this problem we adopted deep learning technique that repurposes the 43,900,000 Entity-free-text pairs available in metadata associated with the NCBI BioSample archive to train a scalable NER model. This NER model can assist in biospecimen metadata annotation by extracting named-entities from user-supplied free-text descriptions.ResultsWe evaluated our model against two validation sets, namely data sets consisting of short-phrases and long sentences. We achieved an accuracy of 93.29% and 93.40% in the short-phrase validation set and long sentence validation set respectively.AvailabilityAll the analyses, pre-trained model, environments, and Jupyter...
Iterative Annotation of Biomedical NER Corpora with Deep Neural Networks and Knowledge Bases
Applied Sciences
The large availability of clinical natural language documents, such as clinical narratives or diagnoses, requires the definition of smart automatic systems for their processing and analysis, but the lack of annotated corpora in the biomedical domain, especially in languages different from English, makes it difficult to exploit the state-of-art machine-learning systems to extract information from such kinds of documents. For these reasons, healthcare professionals lose big opportunities that can arise from the analysis of this data. In this paper, we propose a methodology to reduce the manual efforts needed to annotate a biomedical named entity recognition (B-NER) corpus, exploiting both active learning and distant supervision, respectively based on deep learning models (e.g., Bi-LSTM, word2vec FastText, ELMo and BERT) and biomedical knowledge bases, in order to speed up the annotation task and limit class imbalance issues. We assessed this approach by creating an Italian-language el...
BERN2: an advanced neural biomedical named entity recognition and normalization tool
In biomedical natural language processing, named entity recognition (NER) and named entity normalization (NEN) are key tasks that enable the automatic extraction of biomedical entities (e.g., diseases and chemicals) from the ever-growing biomedical literature. In this paper, we present BERN2 (Advanced Biomedical Entity Recognition and Normalization), a tool that improves the previous neural network-based NER tool (Kim et al., 2019) by employing a multi-task NER model and neural network-based NEN models to achieve much faster and more accurate inference. We hope that our tool can help annotate large-scale biomedical texts more accurately for various tasks such as biomedical knowledge graph construction.