Densities, viscosities and ultrasound velocities for binary mixtures of isopropylethanoate and non-polar hydrocarbon solvents (original) (raw)
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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
The ultrasonic velocity (U), density (ρ) and viscosity (η) have been measured for the ternary mixture of benzene, chlorobenzene, nitrobenzene and pyridine successively with N, N-dimethylformamide in cyclohexane at different frequencies and at temperature 308 K for different concentrations of component liquids. The experimental data of velocity, density and viscosity have been used for a comparative study of the molecular interaction in the different mixtures using the excess values of parameters such as excess adiabatic compressibility (β E), excess free length (L f E), excess free volume (V f E) and excess surface tension (S E). Variation in the above parameters for the different mixtures is indicative of the nature of interaction between them.
I. Introduction Recent development in science have found profound applications of liquid mixtures in the field of medicine, engineering, agriculture and other industrial applications, the study and understanding of thermodynamic and transport properties are more essential [1, 2]. Measurement of density and ultrasonic velocity has been adequately employed in understanding the molecular interactions in pure, binary, and higher order multi component liquid mixtures [3, 4]. The propagation of ultrasonic velocity in a medium is a thermodynamic property and has come to be recognized as a very specific and unique tool for predicting and estimating various physico-chemical properties of the liquid mixtures under consideration [5-7]. In recent years, there has been considerable interest in theoretical and experimental investigations of the excess thermodynamic properties of binary mixtures. In principle, the interaction between the molecules can be established from the study of the characteristic departure from ideal behaviour of some physical properties (i.e., volume, compressibility, and viscosity). The excess thermodynamic functions are sensitive to the intermolecular forces as well as to the size of the molecules. In order to study all these molecular-kinetic properties of liquids and liquid mixtures, low amplitude ultrasonic wave is very valuable. Ultrasonic methods have established a permanent place in science and new applications and found for the solution of many theoretical and practical problems. Most important features of ultrasonic systems are robustness, non-invasiveness, precision, low cost, rapidity and easy automation. Sometimes it become difficult to do thermo-acoustical study with actual liquid mixture system, in such cases mixtures of models compounds, often called surrogate mixtures, are useful for building an understanding of the physical properties and chemical reactions of complex fuel mixtures. Surrogate fuels can provide a baseline for engine performance, and they can help in making predictions for the more complex fuel [8-10]. A detail survey of literature shows that very less work has been done for (Nitrobenzene + Benzene) and (N, N-Dimethyl formamide + Benzene) mixtures. Keeping all these important applications of thermodynamic and acoustic study in our mind, we have studied the said property for (Nitrobenzene + Benzene) and (N, N-Dimethyl formamide + Benzene) mixtures over the entire composition range at four different temperatures T = (298, 308, 313 & 318.15) K and at one atmospheric pressure.
The ultrasonic velocity (u), density (ρ), and viscosity (η) have been measured for the binary mixtures of Butanol +N,N Dimethyl acetamide m, Pentanol + N, N Dimethyl acetamide,and Hexanol + N, N Dimethyl acetamide at 30 0 C. The experimental data have been used to calculate the acoustical parameters namely adiabatic compressibility (β), intermolecular free length (Li), acoustical impedance (Z) ultrasonic absorption ([α/f 2 ]), the excess values of some of the above parameters have also been evaluated. The results obtained here are used to explain the molecular interaction between the components of the binary mixture. Thermodynamic properties are useful for understanding the variations in liquid structure and the molecular interaction of the liquid mixtures. Ultrasonic investigation finds extensive applications in probing in to the physico-chemical behavior and properties of the liquid and binary liquid mixture. Investigation results are used in design processes in the chemical and petrochemical industries. The measurement of ultrasonic velocity in liquids and liquid mixtures is used as an effective tool to prove the properties of liquid mixtures. Pure liquids and liquid mixtures consisting polar & non-polar components are considerable importance in analyzing intermolecular interaction between component molecules and molecular structure accurately. The ultrasonic investigations of these studies find several applications in the field of research in science, technology and industries. The excess values of acoustical parameters of binary liquid mixture are useful in understanding the solute-solvent interactions. Ultrasonic studies provide a wealth of information about the state of liquid.
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Densities and ultrasonic speeds of binary mixtures of benzaldehyde with n-hexane and cyclohexane at 30 °C were measured over the entire composition range. From these experimental data, the adiabatic compressibility (K S ), intermolecular free length (L f), acoustic impedance (Z), relative association (R a) and relaxation strength (r) were calculated. Also, the excess adiabatic compressibility (K S E ), intermolecular free length (L f E ), acoustic impedance (Z E), and ultrasonic velocity (U E) were calculated. The observed variation of these parameters helps in understanding the nature of interactions in these mixtures. Further, theoretical values of the ultrasonic speed were evaluated using theories and empirical relations. The relative merits of these theories and relations were discussed.
Journal of Solution Chemistry, 2010
Ultrasonic velocity, density and viscosity have been measured for P -Chlorotoluene w i t h c h l o r o b e n z e n e at different temperatures 303.15K, 308.15K, 313.15K and 318.15K at a fixed frequency of 2 MHz over the whole concentration range of 2MHz. Using the experimental data thermodynamic parameters such as adiabatic compressibility (β ad ), inter molecular free Length (L f ), acoustical impedance (Z), molar volume (V m ), Rao's constant (R), Wada's constant (W), Viscosity (η), internal pressure (π) and Free volume (V f ) have been calculated. The nature of variation in these parameters with concentration and temperature has been used to understand the type and the strength of molecular interactions present in the system investigated.
Ultrasound Study of Binary Liquid Mixtures Allyl Acetate with Di-Oxane at 30 0 c
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology IJRASET, 2020
The density, viscosity and ultrasonic velocity have been measured for binary mixture of Allyl + Dioxane of fixed equal volumes of the components at temperatures of 30 0. The experimental data have been used to calculate some thermodynamic and acoustic parameters such as isentropic compressibility, specific acoustic impedance, intermolecular free length, molar volume, available volume, viscosity and excess values of above parameters by practically determined ultrasound velocity, density and viscosity. and internal pressure. It was observed that adiabatic compressibility (β), free length (Lf), and free volume (Vf), increased with increase in temperature, whereas internal pressure (πi) decreased with increase in temperature. Some probable reasons on the increase or decrease of acoustic and thermodynamic parameters with temperature change are presented.
Ultrasonic velocity, density and kinematic viscosity for the binary mixtures of benzyl benzoate with 2-methoxyethanol, 2ethoxyethanol and 2-butoxyethanol measured experimentally over the entire composition range at constant temperatures 303.15, 313.15 and 323.15 K. Using this data calculated excess thermo dynamic parameters such as excess molar volume, excess free length, excess Gibbs activation energy, deviation in isentropic compressibility and deviation in kinematic viscosity. In the light of excess/deviation parameters estimated the molecular interaction between above binary mixtures. Excess molar volume, excess free length, deviation in isentropic compressibility and deviation in kinematic viscosity are fitted to Redlich-Kister polynomial equation of fourth order. An attempt is made to express the molecular interaction based on Partial molar volumes. In this study correlate the viscosities of binary liquid mixture of benzyl benzoate with 2-alkaxyethanols using equations Grunberg-Nissan (GN), Katti-Chowdary (KC), Tamura-Kurata (TK), Hind et al.(Hind), Auslander (Aus) and Jouyban-Acree (JA). The ultrasonic study reveals that the strength of molecular interactions at all the temperature follows the order BB+BE>BB+EE> BB+ME.