[Review] S. Montrul. The acquisition of heritage languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 382 p. ISBN 978-1-107-00724-6 (original) (raw)

[Review of:] Kisić V. Governing Heritage Dissonance. Promises and Realities of Selected Cultural Policies. Belgrade: European Cultural Foundation (ECF), 2016. 328 p. ISBN/EAN 978–90–6282–069–6

Музей. Памятник. Наследие, 2022

The review analyzes the monograph “Governing Heritage Dissonance. Promises and Realities of Selected Cultural Policies” (2016) of Višnja Kisić, the researcher and teacher of the Center for Museology and Heritology at the University of Belgrade (Serbia). The book is devoted to the problem of managing the dissonance of heritage in the countries of South-Eastern Europe. The work, which won the Cultural Policy Research Award (2013) of European Cultural Foundation, includes nine chapters covering both the theoretical and conceptual aspects of heritage dissonance and an analysis of four initiatives that work through the dissonance of heritage in practice. Studying changes in the understanding of dissonance in works on heritage and cultural memory, as well as international program documents, V. Kisić proposes the concept of “inclusive heritage discourse” as an alternative to “authorized heritage discourse” of Lorajane Smith. She also offers the concept of “heritage dissonance” instead of “dissonant heritage”, as coined by John Tunbridge and Gregory Ashworth. The dissonance of heritage is interpreted by V. Kisić as a latent quality inherent in any heritage, opening up space for discussion about the meanings and interpretations of heritage. It sets the framework for the current and future heritage policy, interpretive and management practices. The author analyzes such initiatives as the process of serial nomination of medieval gravestones Stećaks for the UNESCO World Heritage List, the travelling exhibition titled “Imagining the Balkans: Identities and Memories in the Long 19th Century” etc. The author argues dissonance as an inherent quality of heritage, notes that it is not necessarily associated with wars and violence, and therefore can be included in broader social and cultural models of understanding and using heritage.

[Review] L. Kulikov, N. Lavidas (eds.). Proto-Indo-European Syntax and Its Development. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2015

Voprosy jazykoznanija, 2016

The book under review is dedicated to the questions of Proto-Indo-European syntax reconstruction. The book is based on the materials of the workshop “Proto-Indo-European syntax and its development“, 19–20 April 2011 as a part of 20th International symposium on theoretical and applied linguistics. The workshop put together researchers in Proto-Indo-European studies, typology and syntax, its main problem was to find consensus in what concerns ergative/accusative word order, subject and object marking.

Политики за опазване и популяризиране на нематериалното културно наследство. С., 2013, Издателство За буквите - О писменехь., ISBN 978-954-2946-69-4. 284 с. : с цв. ил. ; 21 см. Библиогр.: с. 219-233, Рез. на англ., фр. ез.

Development of policies for the safeguarding and promotion of intangible cultural heritage is complex in its nature and manifesting process. This process is regarded to the need and the desire to preserve the knowledge and the skills of cultural expression as they have significant historical, artistic and cultural value to the development of mankind and encourages their transmission through generations by implementation of effective programs in this area. Nowadays, the need of creating new type of policies that are taking into account caring about people (e.g. performers of traditional culture) is prioritized. These policies should be oriented towards taking concrete steps on local, national or international level. This book touches all these issues as they stated and their development. The book reveals the UNESCO's efforts, based on adopted in 2003 "Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage " and the Bulgarian experience aimed at preserving and promoting traditional culture. Разработването на политики за опазване и популяризиране на нематериалното културно наследство е сложен по своята същност и проявление процес. През годините той се развива възходящо и систематично и представлява общо/групово, а не единично действие. В най- голяма степен, този процес е подчинен на необходимостта и стремежа не само към съхраняване на знанията и уменията за културно изразяване, които имат важно историческо, художествено и културно значение за развитието на човечеството, но насърчава и тяхното предаване на следващите поколения, чрез реализиране на ефективни програми в тази област. В днешния ден, от първостепенна важност се явява нуждата от въвеждане на нов тип политики, които да отчитат грижата за хората – създатели, носители и олицетворяващи традиционната култура. Тези политики трябва да бъдат ориентирани към предприемане на конкретни стъпки, реализиращи се на локално, национално и международно ниво. Това следва да се прави и с оглед на необходимостта самите хора да продължат да усъвършенстват своите знания и умения, за да могат успешно да ги предават на следващите след тях поколения. Настоящата книга се спира на всички тези проблеми, като ги посочва в тяхната същина и развитие. Представят се усилията положени от страна на ЮНЕСКО, основаващи се на приетата през 2003 г. в Париж „Конвенция за опазване на нематериалното културно наследство“. Разкрива се и българският опит, насочен към съхраняване и популяризиране на традиционната култура и памет.