The role of motivation in achieving management goals (original) (raw)

Motivation - a Performance Increase Method for the Manager


Whatever its type of ownership and individual competition, a company’s successes in a certain field are the direct consequence of the good results achieved in a different area. In this context, the MANAGEMENT-MOTIVATION-LABOR QUALITYPERORMANCE relation becomes especially important, as it represents the most important trigger in determining each and every employee to give his full potential of knowledge, experience and creativity. The company management must ensure the best conditions for people to feel really motivated by their work. This will benefit labor quality and implicitly individual and collective performances. The successive theoretical models of motivation have developed as management concepts evolved:  the traditional model, associated with F. Talylor and the classical management school, which gives a rather simplistic account of motivation, as an exclusive response to material pressure;  the human relations model, developed by E. Mayo’s school, according to which motiv...

Motivation as a Determinant Factor in Performance

Polonia University Scientific Journal, 2021

The problems of staff motivation are considered in the paper. Motivation is a process of influencing the human worker occupies an important place in the system of enterprise management, personnel management, and labor management. The purpose of the paper is to substantiate the need to motivate employees to work effectively, using a systematic approach to the choice of tools to influence the person as a subject of labor. The essence of motivation is defined as a set of motivating reasons, factors under the influence of which the employee acts in a particular situation. The role of needs, interests, values , and motives in creating the conditions for effective work, which necessarily includes the quality of work, is substantiated. Moreover, in modern conditions, effective quality work is decent work. The main approaches to the definition of "motivation" are given and the essence of the material and intangible motivation in the enterprise is revealed. The necessity of a systematic approach to the formation of types of motivation, needs, motives, incentives, a modern worker who seeks not only material prosperity but wants to engage in interesting, meaningful work, to enjoy it. Characterizing the basic theories of motivation, the authors substantiate the possibility of their use in practice to create conditions for effective work in the enterprise. Motivation is seen as a factor of work efficiency.

The Concept of Motivation and Manager's Approach Towards It

Knowledge International Journal

In the current state of play concerning economic development towards the success of the enterprise, decisive factors are the employers with high potential and dedication to the enterprise. To achieve this goal, to a large extent affects the compilation of a motivational platform that will serve as a stimulating structure of human resources at the enterprise. The motivation concept besides achieving the goals of the employer, should also be combined with a balance between work and life (work-life-balance). Motivation can include one or more goals, such as preserving and increasing the commitment of actual workers, their strengthening links with the existing enterprise and higher commitment to new workers. The motivation plan should have a timetable and a planned cost. The purpose of a motivation system that should be part of the management concept, that will increase job satisfaction and which would result in motivation of workers and all this should encompass assessment system with ...

A Few Aspect of Motivation: An Overview of Concepts, Theories and Techniques

Khulna University Studies, 1999

This paper examines the concepts, theories, and techniques of motivation, which are important aspects of managerial and administrative people in business and industry. The performance of any organization depends on the efficiency of individuals, and that could be achieved when they are motivated with their works. Motivation is the inner force or drive of individuals constituted through feelings, experience, realization of job, work, and behavior of management that directs them to accomplish their work assignments. Definitions pertaining to motivation also disclosed that this force is directed to satisfy or fulfill needs, wants, expectations, and desires This force could be made favorable by making change of needs and wants satisfying factors that are widely known as means of motivation. The motivational means might broadly be of two types financial and non-financial By adapting the means of motivation, company can create motivational and well-disciplined work environment that are essential for the present complex business world.

A Few Aspects of Motivation: An Overview of Concepts, Theories and Techniques

Khulna University Studies, 1999

This paper examines the concepts, theories, and techniques of motivation, which are important aspects of managerial and administrative people in business and industry. rhe perrormance of any organization depends on the efficiency ofindividuals, and that could be achieved wtren trrey a.e motivatea with their works. Motivation is the inner force or drive of individuals constituted through feelinis, "*p..i"n"", realization ofjob, work, and behavior of management that directs them to accomplish theii work assignments. Definitions pertaining to motivation also disclosed rhat this force is directed toiatisfy or fulfil needs, wants, expectations, and desires This force could be made favorable by making change ofneeds una *unt, sutirrying factors that are *idely known as means of motivation. The motivarionaimeans might broadly be of two types financial and non-financial By adapting the means of motivation, company can create motivational and well-disciplined uork environment that are essential for the piesent complex business world.

4.employee motivation project.docx

Human beings are a resource to an organization. Like another resource they represent an investment whose development and utilization require proper managing.


This research project entitled " The Impact of Motivation on the Productivity of Employees in an Organization " has as purpose to look for those motivational variables that affects output in an organization and also to come with long lasting solution to problems associated to output in organizations. The main objective of the research is to assess the impact of motivation on workers performance in an organization and case for the study was SO.NA.RA Limbe. The primary (questionnaires and interview) method were used to collect data from field. The method analysis is random sampling (sampling size 80) and the tools used for data analysis are descriptive statistics, percentages and frequencies. The result of this study shows that motivation has a significant effect on organizations' output. Some variables other than motivational factors were discovered to be having an important effect on outputs such as; these therefore let to the following recommendation: firstly managers should de-emphasize seniority and emphasize merit and hard-work as yardstick for promotion; There should be a searchlight on the leadership style in the organization and efforts should be made to promote only productive only productive and effective worker; organization should encourage initiative and creativity by allowing for some flexibility in application of rules and regulation and lastly there should be more delegation of power at all levels of the organization and more towards decentralization.