The Region of Central Asia: Introduction (original) (raw)
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In a first panel on “Prospects for the EU-South Caucasus Relations and the Role of Frozen Conflicts”, the importance of the different international players in the South Caucasus region has been discussed. While the US’ engagement and interest was estimated as modest, and other regional players as Turkey and Iran were assessed as—at least temporarily—not significant to the region’s developments, Russia’s and the EU’s role were the main topic of this panel discussion. The European Society for Central Asian Studies (ESCAS) invites proposals for individual papers, panels and round-table discussions for the 20th ESCAS conference, which will take place in Tashkent and Samarkand, Uzbekistan. In line with regional traditions, the conference will have a nomadic format and be held in collaboration with the Tashkent State University of Economics. This format will allow you to experience different academic environments and network with colleagues from various disciplines. Timetable November 15, 2024. Submission deadline January 15, 2024. Notification of acceptance February 1, 2024. Online registration opens March 31, 2024. Online registration ends April 10, 2024. Registration Payment Deadline (this is very important as we will need to secure places in Afrosiyob for June 6) May 1, 2024. Preliminary program release June 5-8, 2024. Conference Information in the PDF file attached
New Kazakhstan and the Future of the Organization of Turkic States: Key Areas of Cooperation
is article explores promising areas of cooperation between the member states of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS), which need to be developed in response to global climate and geopolitical challenges. It also examines issues of economic, energy and environmental security while referring to the theory of regional security complex developed by representatives of the Copenhagen School of international relations. After the theoretical introduction, the article analyses the signi cance of di erent areas of cooperation, such as transport and communications, the green energy sector and food security. In line with its aim, the article focuses on the role of the OTS in providing security in the sensitive elds of transportation, logistics, agriculture and power supply. Finally, the article discusses the need for a qualitative deepening of integration between the Turkic countries in the face of geopolitical uncertainty.
European Union and Central Asia – Past Directions and Future Perspectives
SSRN Electronic Journal
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On November 11, the IX Summit of the Organization of Turkic States (hereafter OTS) was held in Samarkand. The organization includes Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, and Uzbekistan, and as an observer - Hungary and Turkmenistan. The article reviews the results of this summit and examines whether the organization is making progress in regional cooperation, including in the sphere of defense to protect themselves from the neo-imperial dictate of the Russian ruling regime.