Going beyond traditional approaches on industrial engineering education (original) (raw)
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International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2015
The program of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering at the Universidad Industrial de Santander (Colombia) has been developing projects of pedagogical innovation led by professors and students as a product of its Strategic Focus in search of its consolidation to be the most important program of Engineering in Colombia. This particular plan is described and analyzed in this article based on its content, form and level of impact. The purpose of making this study has determined the most useful and effective academic methodologies that help to define strategic approaches oriented to make adequate decisions for the improvement of the future performance of its former students. The findings show that the pedagogical strategies that favor the autonomous learning and facilitate the processes of a meaningful and cooperative learning are: 1) case methodology, 2) playful activities in the classrooms (ludic), and 3) laboratories; Strategies which are being applied transversely by using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in order to develop the skills required by the working environment of the future Industrial Engineers.
Innovative Approaches to Engineering Education
Summary Innovation in engineering education ensures that degree programs attract students and transform them into graduates who are well prepared for future engineering practice that exploits new science and technology, and is responsive to changing socio-economic and environmental contexts. Drawing on examples from Australia and elsewhere, the paper outlines the rationale and implementation of several recent innovations in engineering education, and anticipates future directions. During the past twenty years, university education has become more globalised, and has changed from being teacher-centered to learner-centered. Industry is ever more demanding of graduates’ employability and value. In consequence, current degree programs more explicitly address the learning outcomes their graduates should attain. Typically, these cover discipline and contextual knowledge, practice knowledge and skills, and personal and professional attributes. Engineering, as a discipline, has led the deve...
A paradigm is insinuated for the insertion of innovation in engineering education to improve student learning, evolution in business drive. An outline has been delivered for the students of engineering and technology in order to assist the companies, regions and students by using their knowledge. The economic development is determined by the strategic partnerships through elementary research, training technology transfer and technical assistance. A change in the design and delivery of traditional model of engineering education is required by rapid advancement in technologies, cognitive science and economic globalization. The objective of this paper is to examine the matter and compositions of instructional development programs around the world and to frame a strong agenda for designing and providing effective programs for engineering educators. In order to develop measurements of collaboration impacts and appropriate metrics, additional research is needed.
Actions for a New Industrial Engineering Curriculum Based on a Changing Society
Engineering Schools have been interacting, more and more, with society in a very intensive way, in order to deal with its necessities, integrating them in these courses and, as a consequence, preparing professionals with an adequate profile. This paper shows our vision about the interactions between market and communities, and which are the actions to be taken as change agents in the academic world, to achieve flexibility and engagement for excellence. This work shows our vision about how to prepare an entrepreneur engineer and how the industrial activities will evolve in this country with these new structures. The old paradigm, "teaching", is now confronted with a new one, which is "learning", which requires that a new dynamic interaction with teachers, students, school, work market and society be implemented. At last, we show what FEI is doing to deal with these challenges and we also put forward some questions for reflection and debates, which, in our opinion,...
University as a Laboratory: Exploring how engineering education can support industrial needs
Universities have two major tasks; generating knowledge through research and educating students for academia, the public sector and the industry. In this paper, the authors explore how engineering education can support industrial needs on two fronts: creating a case study platform for research and preparing graduating engineering students to become more capable engineers when beginning their working life in industry, by applying the ""University as a laboratory"" concept. ""University as a laboratory"", as coined by Henriksson (2017), means that research-based case study projects are brought into educational courses where students are assigned to work as engineering designers, and researchers can observe problem solving patterns and evaluate different methodologies (also presented by Henriksson and Johansen (2016)). Though the concept have been presented earlier (Henriksson and Johansen 2016, Henriksson 2017), a more thorough evaluation is in ...
Special issue on engineering education: challenges for innovation
European Journal of Engineering Education, 2015
Engineering education plays an essential role in the pursuit of a more sustainable and equitable world. These two challenges imply training engineers to conceive and develop better goods and services with less, renewable resources (sustainability) for serving a large growing world population (equity), as denoted by the US National Academy of Engineering of the National Academies (2008). How to better train engineering students in a globalised, fast-evolving, and technology-dependant world is the goal of engineering education research. During the past 100 years, a number of challenges in engineering education have been tackled by a worldwide community of researchers, either motivated by the emergence of new technologies contributing to or requiring a redefinition of engineering curricula or by the input of educational sciences with suggestions for new approaches to teaching & learning (Froyd, Wankat, and Smith 2012). In all these shifts, innovation played a key role: either by improving a given aspect without compromising all remaining aspects (evolution) or by introducing a radically new aspect, often borrowed from other knowledge areas, allowing to improve a number of aspects at the same time (revolution). The USA has shaped the landscape of engineering education for the past century, with associations like the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) now celebrating more than 120 years of existence. In contrast, Europe and Latin America have only embraced this movement in more recent decades, with associations like the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP), and the Brazilian Association for Engineering Education (ABENGE), being created in 1973, 1972, and 1973, respectively. More recently, the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (SPEE) was formally created in 2010, in an endeavour to motivate, coordinate, and foster contributions from Portuguese researchers to the Engineering Education field. This guest editorial is one particular result of that endeavour. It is structured as follows: Section 1 presents the very short history of SPEE, while also describing the antecedents of its 1st International Conference (CISPEE); Section 2 describes the rationale, aims, and layout of CISPEE, plus the process that led to the present special issue; Section 3 details the contents of the special issue and also of the special section, within a regular issue of the EJEE, containing a smaller number of contributions that required some additional editing efforts from their authors; and, finally, Section 4 concludes the guest editorial.
A Conceptual Model For Integrating And Synthesizing The Industrial Engineering Curriculum
2004 Annual Conference Proceedings
The Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh is addressing an important issue in IE education-how to develop a comprehensive, integrated curriculum that (1) thoroughly prepares graduating engineering students for industrial practice and graduate school, (2) is pedagogically sound, and (3) trains students to readily recognize and apply their engineering background to solve unstructured problems, both locally and beyond US borders. We present an innovative and unique approach to curriculum reform that contains four overarching objectives: (1) the integration of fundamental concepts across the curriculum; (2) teaching students to synthesize different concepts to solve unstructured problems; (3) providing problem solving methods and strategies within a societal framework that allows for their application in a local as well as a global context; and (4) creating a portable development methodology that can be readily adapted to other engineering disciplines. Our broad objective is to develop a technically sound undergraduate IE curriculum that will (a) be tightly integrated and allow for enhanced learning, (b) ensure that our graduates will have the lifelong engineering proficiencies to successfully apply what they learn, (c) allow our graduates to appreciate the societal role of engineering, both locally and globally, and (d) serve as a model for incorporating these same objectives into curricula for other industrial engineering programs and potentially other engineering disciplines. This paper presents a conceptual model for achieving this objective and reports upon the progress that has been made thus far on this ongoing effort.
3Innovative Approaches to Engineering Education
Innovation in engineering education ensures that degree programs attract students and transform them into graduates who are well prepared for future engineering practice that exploits new science and technology, and is responsive to changing socio-economic and environmental contexts. Drawing on examples from Australia and elsewhere, the paper outlines the rationale and implementation of several recent innovations in engineering education, and anticipates future directions.
Continuos Innovation Model in an Introductory Course to Industrial Engineering
The Industrial Engineering Department at the University of Chile has been a leader in teaching innovations in the country, having gradually evolved from an educational paradigm based on the acquirement of knowledge to one that focuses on the development of attitudes and skills. As a result of this evolution, the course " Introduction to Industrial Engineering " was created in the mid nineties on a Radical Constructivist Approach basis. Its main goal is to expand students self and social awareness, increasing, based on that, their autonomy and capacity to design and manage their educational process. This paper presents basic elements of this course and its main results and proposes a model for continuous evaluation and improvement based on the active participation of students and past students. Main goal of the paper is provide new evidence of the benefits o f Constructivist Approaches to educat ional innovations.
Industrial design as an innovative element in engineering education
This paper describes how the Copenhagen University College of Engineering (IHK), in our continuing effort to innovate the engineering study programs, have introduced strong industrial design elements in the 210 ECTS Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering program as well as the 30 ECTS International Design Semester and the 10 ECTS Summer School in International Design and Development. The paper describes how implementation of novel industrial design subject areas requires the creation ofnew laboratory and workshop facilities in order to combine traditional engineering design disciplines with creative design as a driver of innovation. With a practical and problem based learning approach at IHK the students are asked to work closely together with companies to come up with engineering solutions that are sustainable from both an engineering and a design perspective.