Online Bayesian inference for multiple changepoints and risk assessment (original) (raw)

Online inference for multiple changepoints and risk assessment


The aim of the present study is to detect abrupt trend changes in the mean of a multidimensional sequential signal. Directly inspired by papers of Fernhead and Liu ([4] and [5]), this work describes the signal in a hierarchical manner : the change dates of a time segmentation process trigger the renewal of a piece-wise constant emission law. Bayesian posterior information on the change dates and emission parameters is obtained. These estimations can be revised online, i.e. as new data arrive. This paper proposes explicit formulations corresponding to various emission laws, as well as a generalization to the case where only partially observed data are available. Practical applications include the returns of partially observed multi-asset investment strategies, when only scant prior knowledge of the movers of the returns is at hand, limited to some statistical assumptions. This situation is different from the study of trend changes in the returns of individual assets, where fundamenta...

Bayesian Online Changepoint Detection

Changepoints are abrupt variations in the generative parameters of a data sequence. Online detection of changepoints is useful in modelling and prediction of time series in application areas such as finance, biometrics, and robotics. While frequentist methods have yielded online filtering and prediction techniques, most Bayesian papers have focused on the retrospective segmentation problem. Here we examine the case where the model parameters before and after the changepoint are independent and we derive an online algorithm for exact inference of the most recent changepoint. We compute the probability distribution of the length of the current "run," or time since the last changepoint, using a simple message-passing algorithm. Our implementation is highly modular so that the algorithm may be applied to a variety of types of data. We illustrate this modularity by demonstrating the algorithm on three different real-world data sets.

Lagged Exact Bayesian Online Changepoint Detection with Parameter Estimation

arXiv: Machine Learning, 2017

Identifying changes in the generative process of sequential data, known as changepoint detection, has become an increasingly important topic for a wide variety of fields. A recently developed approach, which we call EXact Online Bayesian Changepoint Detection (EXO), has shown reasonable results with efficient computation for real time updates. The method is based on a \textit{forward} recursive message-passing algorithm. However, the detected changepoints from these methods are unstable. We propose a new algorithm called Lagged EXact Online Bayesian Changepoint Detection (LEXO) that improves the accuracy and stability of the detection by incorporating ell\ellell-time lags to the inference. The new algorithm adds a recursive \textit{backward} step to the forward EXO and has computational complexity linear in the number of added lags. Estimation of parameters associated with regimes is also developed. Simulation studies with three common changepoint models show that the detected changepoi...

A Bayesian approach to change point analysis of discrete time series


In this work we consider time series with a finite number of discrete point changes. We assume that the data in each segment follows a different probability density functions (pdf). We focus on the case where the data in all segments are modeled by Gaussian probability density functions with different means, variances and correlation lengths. We put a prior law on the change point instances (Poisson process) as well as on these different parameters(conjugate priors) and give the expression of the posterior probality distributions of these change points. The computations are done by using an appropriate Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique. The problem as we stated can also be considered as an unsupervised classification and/or segmentation of the time serie. This analogy gives us the possibility to propose alternative modeling and computation of change points, which are more appropriate for multivariate signals, for example in image processing.

An exact approach to Bayesian sequential change point detection

Computational Statistics & Data Analysis

Change point models seek to fit a piecewise regression model with unknown breakpoints to a data set whose parameters are suspected to change through time. However, the exponential number of possible solutions to a multiple change point problem requires an efficient algorithm if long time series are to be analyzed. A sequential Bayesian change point algorithm is introduced that provides uncertainty bounds on both the number and location of change points. The algorithm is able to quickly update itself in linear time as each new data point is recorded and uses the exact posterior distribution to infer whether or not a change point has been observed. Simulation studies illustrate how the algorithm performs under various parameter settings, including detection speeds and error rates, and allow for comparison with several existing multiple change point algorithms. The algorithm is then used to analyze two real data sets, including global surface temperature anomalies over the last 130 years.

Bayesian approach to change points detection in time series

International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 2006

Change points detection in time series is an important area of research in statistics, has a long history and has many applications. However, very often change point analysis is only focused on the changes in the mean value of some quantity in a process. In this work we consider time series with discrete point changes which may contain a finite number of changes of probability density functions (pdf). We focus on the case where the data in all segments are modeled by Gaussian probability density functions with different means, variances and correlation lengths. We put a prior law on the change point occurances (Poisson process) as well as on these different parameters (conjugate priors) and give the expression of the posterior probability distributions of these change points. The computations are done by using an appropriate Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique.

Bayesian single change point detection in a sequence of multivariate normal observations

Statistics, 2005

A Bayesian method is used to see whether there are changes of mean, covariance, or both at an unknown time point in a sequence of independent multivariate normal observations. Noninformative priors are used for all competing models: no-change model, mean change model, covariance change model, and mean and covariance change model. We use several versions of the intrinsic Bayes factor of Berger and Pericchi (Berger,

A Bayesian method of change-point estimation with recurrent regimes: Application to GARCH models

Journal of Empirical Finance, 2014

We present an estimation and forecasting method, based on a differential evolution MCMC method, for inference in GARCH models subjected to an unknown number of structural breaks at unknown dates. We treat break dates as parameters and determine the number of breaks by computing the marginal likelihoods of competing models. We allow for both recurrent and non-recurrent (change-point) regime specifications. We illustrate the estimation method through simulations and apply it to seven financial time series of daily returns. We find structural breaks in the volatility dynamics of all series and recurrent regimes in nearly all series. Finally, we carry out a forecasting exercise to evaluate the usefulness of structural break models.

Multisource Bayesian sequential change detection

Computing Research Repository, 2007

Suppose that local characteristics of several independent compound Poisson and Wiener processes change suddenly and simultaneously at some unobservable disorder time. The problem is to detect the disorder time as quickly as possible after it happens and minimize the rate of false alarms at the same time. These problems arise, for example, from managing product quality in manufacturing systems and preventing the spread of infectious diseases. The promptness and accuracy of detection rules improve greatly if multiple independent information sources are available. Earlier work on sequential change detection in continuous time does not provide optimal rules for situations in which several marked count data and continuously changing signals are simultaneously observable. In this paper, optimal Bayesian sequential detection rules are developed for such problems when the marked count data is in the form of independent compound Poisson processes, and the continuously changing signals form a multidimensional Wiener process. An auxiliary optimal stopping problem for a jump-diffusion process is solved by transforming it first into a sequence of optimal stopping problems for a pure diffusion by means of a jump operator. This method is new and can be very useful in other applications as well, because it allows the use of the powerful optimal stopping theory for diffusions.