Researches regarding the image analysis in wheat quality eval (original) (raw)

2012, Scientific Bulletin. Series F. Biotechnologies

There have been analyzed the main quality parameters of 27 wheat samples from Romanian crops, of the years 2010 and 2011, namely: Humidity (%), Hectolitric mass (kg / hl), Falling number (sec), Protein content (%), Wet gluten content (%) and Gluten Index. Afterwards, the wheat samples were ground on the Chopen pilot-type mill and the al veografic parameters were determined from the resulting flour: Resistance (P, mm), Extensibility (L, mm), Mec hanical Work (W, 10E-4J), Elasticity index (Ie,%), Gluten Extensibility index and the P/L report. The wheat samples taken for analysis were scanned using a commercial scanner, at a resolution of 200 dpi. The obtained results were examined with a specific software, used for the analysis of ImageJ image. For each image we determined the color histogram with the specific parameters: R, G, B, Brightness and Fractal Dimension. Our results have shown highly significant correlations between the color histogram parameters (Brightness, R, G, B) and th...