Improvement of Subjects Understanding Development of Teaching Materials Through Project Based Learning (original) (raw)

The experiences of teacher candidates in developing instructional multimedia materials in project based learning

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011

Evaluation is an important component of developing educational materials so the aim of this study is to evaluate teacher candidates' studies corresponding instructional multimedia material in project based learning according to their opinions in terms of the competencies it provides. This study was applied to a randomly selected sample of 200 students (100 females and 100 males) of various departments of Near East University and who got the course "Instructional Technologies and Materials Development" (ITMD) at the beginning of the 1 st term of 2010-2011 academic year. The participants got the course "ITMD" which was carried out as a Project Based Learning. Over the period of that term, the teacher candidates learned to design and develop various multimedia instructional projects such as course software, slideshow, a web-site, etc. The teacher candidates evaluated the questionnaire which was designed according to instructional multimedia materials developed by them in PBL. At a glance result according to the analysis of the questionnaire, the teacher candidates chose "mostly" answer for preparation, organization media-use, navigation tools use, appearance design and resource use operations. Based on the findings, we will discuss practical implementations of a multimedia projects with project based learning approach in teacher candidates' education

Development of the CPOL design to improve the ability to develop teaching materials

Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 2022

This study aims to develop an online-based collaborative project learning model design that can improve students' abilities in developing teaching materials. The method used is research and development. Data collection instruments are questionnaires and rubrics. Data analysis used descriptive statistics. The validation test used the individual content validity index and the overall content validity index. The Collaborative Project Online Learning (CPOL) model developed consists of six stages in learning: (1) orientation, (2) understanding project concepts and tasks, (3) designing and determining project themes, (4) working on project assignments, (5) presenting project assignments, and (6) evaluating project assignments. The results show that the content validity index shows a good category. Students are also good at developing teaching materials. Thus, the design of the CPOL model can be used in the course of developing teaching materials in higher education.

Increasing Competence in Compiling Teaching Materials through Assistance in the Development of Teaching Materials for Lecturers

International Journal of Community Service Learning

Teaching materials are an integral part of learning. Teaching materials will always develop according to technological and scientific developments. IAI Al-Khairat lecturers need an activity to help them improve their ability to compile the latest teaching materials. This mentoring activity for preparing teaching materials aims to assist lecturers in producing teaching materials that are by the characteristics of courses and students in the IAI Al-Khairat Pamekasan Madura environment. The development of teaching materials is one of the performance indicators used to evaluate the contribution of lecturers to the university's main performance indicators. Teaching materials in the main performance indicators can be used to show that the community uses them. Assistance in the development of teaching materials is carried out using the project-based learning method, where participants will produce drafts of course teaching materials. The subjects of this training activity were IAI Al-K...

Developing Instructional Design for Teaching Writing Procedural Text Using Project Based Learning


This research was aimed to develop an Intructional design in teaching procedural text using project based learning. The instructional design assisted for teaching writing for ninth grade students at SMP Negeri 2 Pontianak. This research applied development research and ADD procedure. On the analysis stage the researcher found the fundamental problems and needs of the students as well as the teacher expectation of writing material. On the designing and developing stage, the researcher collected the sources that needed and developed the instructional design. After the product assessed by the material expert, the instructional design considered as valid and applicable to use. The researcher hope that, this product can be applied in the classroom. As for the future research, the researcher suggested to conduct the instructional design based on the needs of the students. Drawing a clear design is needed to lead a good development of product.

Analisis Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Ketrampilan Komunikasi Dalam Organisasi

Jurnal PROFIT: Kajian Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Ilmu Ekonomi, 2021

Communication is the sending of information or messages to related parties. 80% of the skills or competencies needed are soft skills. 49% of soft skills are skills or abilities that must be present in each employee, namely basic communication skills. communication skills are not only used in work, but communication skills are also needed in the field, considering that communication skills are a point of the 21st century. Improving students' communication skills can be done through learning activities. These efforts can be carried out in several ways, namely the application of learning models that are useful to support communication skills in students. Many models that can be applied in learning are in the form of project-based learning models. The model applied in this research is a literature review (literature analysis). The PBL learning model can improve students' communication skills.

Analisis Pengembangan Sintak Model Pembelajaran Project-based Learning pada Mata Pelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Eelektronika di Sekolah Vokasional

Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan

This study aims to analyze the results of developing project-based learning methods for solving problems. Development is carried out by adding Project Based Learning syntax to the Learning Implementation Plan. This research method uses a Research and Development approach. The steps taken in this study include 1) needs analysis, 2) model development, 3) model validation, 4) limited trials, and 5) extended trials. The population and sample studied were vocational school students, with a total sample of 32 students. Sample selection using simple random sampling (simple random) and purposive random sampling. The analytical tools used are the normality test, homogeneity test and difference test. Based on the analysis results, it is known that the data on learning outcomes before the PjBL action averaged 79.66 with a deviation of 3.2. The lowest score is 77, and the highest score is 89. The average learning outcome data after the PjBL action is 87.58, with a deviation of 4.2. The lowest score is 77, and the highest score is 99. Based on the analysis results, it is known that the average learning outcome data before the PjBL action is 77.19, with a deviation of 1.5. The lowest score is 75, and the highest score is 80. The average learning outcome data after the PjBL action is 82.18, with a deviation of 3.7. The lowest score was 77, and the highest score was 97. The Wilcoxon Test analysis results showed differences in the score before project-based learning and the score after project-based learning. There is an influence of project-based learning on student learning values. Based on the analysis of learning development trials outlined in the lesson plan, project-based learning is feasible to use in improving student learning outcomes.

The Effect of Training with Blended Project-based Learning on The Lecturer's Competence in Developing Teaching Materials

International Journal of Social Science and Human Research, 2021

This research objective was to determine the effect of training with blended project-based learning on the lecturers' competence in developing teaching materials. The research participants consisted of 15 lecturers. The research method was a weak experimental by comparing the results of the participants' pretest and posttest. The data analysis technique of this research used N-gain of the pretest and posttest. The results showed that the N-gain score of 63.61% was classified as medium. Training with blended project-based learning for lecturers had a significant effect in increasing the competence of developing teaching materials. Blended project-based learning could increase the participation and the trainees' positive attitude.

Creating Props: Improving Writing Skills of Teaching Materials of Elementary Teacher Education Students through Project-Based Learning Model

Mimbar Sekolah Dasar

This study aimed to determine the improvement in writing skills of science teaching materials for elementary school teachers students through the Project-Based Learning (PjBL) model. This study used a quasi-experimental method with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design using portfolio assessment sheets to write science teaching materials. Data were analyzed using a T-test. This study's subjects were pre-service teacher students who contracted Natural Science Learning courses in the Elementary Teacher Education Program. The study results indicated that PjBL could increase pre-service teachers' skills in developing teaching materials relevant to the 21st-century skills, students' character, and the applicable curriculum. This result is evidenced by the results of the assessment, which increased significantly from 2.04 to 3.25. It is also based on the Wilcoxon test that Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) 0.05 which is 0.000. It means that there is an influence in the form of an increase in ...

The Effect of Project-Based Learning Models on Students’ Learning Outcomes on High Print Art Materials for Fourth-Grade Students at SD Negeri Lampeuneurut Aceh Besar

JURNAL PAJAR (Pendidikan dan Pengajaran)

This paper analyzes the significant effect of applying the Project-Based Learning model on students’ learning outcomes on high print art materials at grade IV of SD Negeri Lampeuneurut Aceh Besar. By using a quantitative methodology, the type of experimental research with a pre-experimental design uses one group pretest-posttest design. The research population was the whole fourth-grade students, which consisted of 4 classes with one class sampling using the Nonprobability Sampling or Purposive Sampling technique. Data collection was carried out using tests, which were skill tests with instruments in the form of performance tests in order to measure the students’ initial and final skills. Meanwhile, data analysis techniques used SPSS Statistics version 24 and hypothesis testing with paired sample t-tests, which obtained a significance value (2-tailed) of 0.000 <0.05. Subsequently, the decision-making criteria were H1 accepted and H0 rejected. In addition, students were able to c...

The Development of Student Worksheet Materials Teaching in a Project-Based Learning Approach

Journal of General Education and Humanities

This study aims to describe the development of Student Worksheet materials teaching the Project Based Learning approach at MTs An-Nashuha Kalimukti Pabedilan-Cirebon Regency in mathematics learning on opportunity material. Mathematics learning is done by applying the project-based learning approach with a sample class of 35 students. The method used is the cluster random sampling technique, which takes clusters or groups, not based on population members taken one by one or individually. The use of data is a test instrument in the form of a pretest and posttest to measure the value of student results of learning outcomes and a questionnaire to determine student responses to the use of worksheets with the Project Based Learning approach. The pretest and posttest tests show that students have increased, Normal and homogeneous distribution. Furthermore, to determine the effectiveness of teaching materials, researchers used the Paired Sample t-Test. The Paired Sample t-Test calculation r...