Music representation of score, sound, MIDI, structure and metadata all integrated in a single multilayer environment based on XML (original) (raw)
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An XML-based format for advanced music fruition
This paper describes an XML-based format that allows an advanced fruition of music contents. Thanks to such format, namely MX (IEEE PAR1599), and to the implementation of ad hoc interfaces, users can enjoy music from different points of view: the same piece can be described through different scores, video and audio performances, mutually synchronized. The purpose of this paper is pointing out the basic concepts of our XML encoding and presenting the process required to create rich multimedia descriptions of a music piece in MX format. Finally, a working application to play and view MX files will be presented.
An XML-based Synchronization of Audio and Graphical Representations of Music Scores
Eighth International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS '07), 2007
This paper presents an overview on a future IEEE standard aimed at providing an overall description of music. This format, known as IEEE PAR1599, is based on the XML meta-language. Its purpose is taking into account the heterogeneous multimedia representations of music, such as audio tracks, video clips and graphical instances of score. The key characteristics of the format are the possibility to enjoy such heterogeneous contents in a synchronized way and the possibility to switch from a particular representation to another in real-time.
IEEE 1599: a Multi-layer Approach to Music Description
Journal of Multimedia, 2009
IEEE 1599 is a new XML-based format to describe heterogeneous music contents comprehensively. In a single file, music symbols, printed scores, audio tracks, computer-driven performances, catalogue metadata, text and graphic contents related to a single music piece are linked and mutually synchronized within the same framework. Heterogeneous contents are organized in a multilayered structure that supports different encoding formats and
The MX Formalism for Semantic Web Compatible Representation of Music Metadata
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
Music description is nowadays considered an important matter in Information and Communication Technology. The encoding formats commonly accepted and employed are often characterized by a partial view of the whole problem: they describe music data or metadata for score, audio tracks, computer performances of music pieces, but they seldom encode all these aspects together. In this paper, we present the MX formalism that aims to address this limitation of the existing formats, by providing a Semantic Web compatible representation of music information in terms of structural and semantic features, by means of XML and OWL.
From music symbolic information to sound synthesis: an XML-based approach
This paper deals with the automatic generation of computer-driven performances and related audio renderings of music pieces encoded in symbolic format. A particular XML-based format, namely MX, is used to represent the original music information. The first step is illustrating how symbolic information can originate music performances. The format we have chosen to represent performance information is Csound. Then, an audio rendering is automatically produced. Finally, we will show how the aforementioned computer-generated information can be linked to the original symbolic description, in order to provide an advanced framework for heterogeneous music contents in a single XML-based format.
Towards a Symbolic/Time-Based Music language based on XML
The representation of Symbolic Music Information is the fundamental element of Music Information Processing. Among the several approaches developed in history the markupped one seems to be the most promising. Starting from SMDL, some XML proposals are briefly analyzed. We present our approach of layered representation of Symbolic Music Information based on the space-time organization of events. Our model splits music information in layers of representation and takes the symbolic one as the gravity center. Moreover, the symbolic layer contains a space-time structure by means of which all other layers are brought together. Then we discuss other XML standard that can be usefully related to the XML representation of music information, such as security and vector graphics standards. Lastly, we deal with some open problems in the field of music processing that might be of interest for our view of symbolic representation.
MX Navigator: An Application for Advanced Music Fruition
2006 Second International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-Channel Distribution (AXMEDIS'06), 2006
This paper describes an application that allows an advanced fruition of music contents. Thanks to our music XML format, namely MX (IEEE PAR1599), and to the interface provided by such application, users can enjoy music from different points of view: it is possible to navigate different scores, video and audio performances of the same piece; besides, each content type can be used as the leading media to keep all the other related contents synchronized. The working application has been installed at the exhibition "Tema con Variazioni" (December 2005 -January 2006, organized by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritages and held in Rome.
Symbolic Music Representation in the MUSITECH Project
4 th Music network Open Workshop, 2004
The inclusion of Symbolic Music Representation into the MPEG standard and the definition and selection of an appropriate technology are currently worked on in the MPEG Ad-Hoc-Group on Symbolic Music Representation. In this context, the work of the MUSITECH project may be of interest. In MUSITECH an integrated representation of musical information, including score, performance, audio, metadata, and music collections has been developed. The development has shown that a decomposition of musical knowledge is necessary to maximize expressiveness, usefulness, and flexibility of such a representation. Based on this representation, an infrastructure for interactive applications in music consisting of a framework, a component model, and standard components are being developed. Some results are presented in this paper.