Baryon mass in medium with holographic QCD (original) (raw)

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Dense Hadronic Matter in Holographic QCD Cover Page

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[Holographic melting of Heavy Baryons in Plasma with Gluon Condensation,” arXiv:0904.4249 [hep-th Cover Page](

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Brane-induced Skyrmion on S3: Baryonic matter in holographic QCD Cover Page

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Holographic hadrons in a confining finite density medium Cover Page

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Holographic melting of heavy baryons in plasma with gluon condensation Cover Page

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The dropping of in-medium hadron mass in holographic QCD Cover Page

Preprint typeset in JHEP style- HYPER VERSION Holographic Hadrons in a Confining Finite Density Medium


Abstract:We study a sector of the hadron spectrum in the presence of finite baryon density. We use a non-supersymmetric gravity dual to a confining guage theory which exhibits a running dilaton. The interaction of mesons with the finite density medium is encoded in the dual theory by a force balancing between flavor D7-branes and a baryon vertex provided by a wrapped D5-brane. When the current quark mass mq is sufficiently large, the meson mass reduces, exhibiting an interesting spectral flow as we increase the baryon density while it has a more complicated behaviour for very small mq.

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Preprint typeset in JHEP style- HYPER VERSION Holographic Hadrons in a Confining Finite Density Medium Cover Page

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Baryon physics in holographic QCD Cover Page

Gravity Back-reaction to the Baryon Density for Bulk Filling Branes


We consider the gravity back reaction to the baryon density in ads/qcd by reconsidering the role of the charged AdS black hole. Previously it has been known that the U(1) charge is dual to the R-charge. Here we point out that if we consider the case where AdS5 is completely filled with Nf flavor branes, the gravity back reaction produces charged AdS black hole where the effect of charge on the metric is proportional to Nf/Nc. As a consequence, phase diagram changes qualitatively if we allow Nf/Nc finite: it closes at the finite density unlike the probe brane embedding approach. Another issue we discuss here is the question whether there is any chemical potential dependence in the confining phase. We consider this problem in the hard wall model with baryon charge. We conclude that there is a non-trivial dependence on the chemical potential in this case also.

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Gravity Back-reaction to the Baryon Density for Bulk Filling Branes Cover Page

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Quark mass deformation of holographic massless QCD Cover Page