Relative Effects of Two Cooperative Instructional Strategies on Culture of Peace Among Secondary School Students in Ogun State, Nigeria (original) (raw)
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Journal of Education and Practice, 2016
The paper discusses Peace Education as Strategic Tool for Peace Building and Peace Culture in Nigeria. This was prompted by the inherent incompatibility between the objectives of individuals, ethnic/social groups in Nigeria. The research question addresses Normative and Ethical issues regarding peace, the absence of violence/hostility and its education in secondary schools were discussed; two research questions and two hypotheses where addressed. Eighty Nine (89) subjects (Teachers) were selected from 124 (Public and Private) Secondary Schools in Delta State. The internal consistency of the questionnaire items were tested using the Cronbach alpha method with a coefficient of 0.87. A mean and t test statistics was used to analyze the research question and hypothesis. The study revealed that peace and cultural harmony goes hand in hand, in order for peace education to gain academic acceptance it has to be defined in terms of the predominant culture of the society and that anti-social...
Institutionalizing culture of peace in basic education through appropriate curriculum implementation
This paper reports a study that was aimed at revealing the extent to which teachers implement Peace Education curriculum in Nigeria. The study was a survey and covered junior secondary schools in Enugu North and South Local Government Education Authorities in Enugu State, Nigeria. The sample constituted randomly selected 200 junior secondary school teachers. Questions that guided the study were based on how frequently teachers engaged in peace-prone instructional activities involving Interactive Instruction, Cooperative Learning, Conflict Resolution and Empathy. Data was analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The major findings showed that a good number of the respondents did not adopt peace-prone instructional strategies in curriculum implementation.
International Journal of Education and Research, 2015
This research on the institutionalization of peace education and peace culture at post primary school level was carried out in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria. The study sample comprised 463 out of the 3088 teacher population. Two research questions and one hypothesis were evolved to guide the study. A 26-item questionnaire titled "Peace Education and Peace Culture Questionnaire" (PEPCQ) was utilized for data collection. The reliability coefficient of the instrument using Cronbach Alpha ranged from 0.76-0.86. Data obtained were analyzed using mean and independent t-test statistical tools. Findings showed that peace education has been institutionalized into the school curriculum, although peace culture activities were yet to be made a vital part of the school life. Results further revealed that public and private schools do not differ significantly in the institutionalization of peace education and peace culture at post primary school level in Calabar Education Zone. Arising from the findings, it was recommended that activities to enhance peace education and peace culture should be encouraged in the school system.
A culture of peace will be achieved when citizens of the world understand global problems, have the skills to resolve conflicts and struggle for justice non-violently, live by international standards for human rights and equity, appreciate cultural diversity and respect the earth and each other. Such learning can only be achieved with systematic education for peace. A culture of peace consists of values, attitudes, behaviors and ways of life based on non -violence and respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms of every person. These rights have been recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The "how" is as important as the "what". Hence, the teaching-learning approaches compatible with the goals of peace education. It is important to note that these pedagogical principles are crucial namely: Holism, values formation and humanistic, dialogue, participatory, cooperative, experiential and critical Empowerment. Holistic education does not confine itself to the parameters of facts and concepts. Instead, it promotes cognitive, affective and behavioral goals of learning. Often, the focus of learning is the transmission of concepts. In peace education, the goals are threefold. First is the building of awareness on the realities, roots and consequences of violence, and the building awareness on the roots of peace. Second is the building of concern and the development of the values of empathy, compassion, hope and social responsibility. Third is the call to action beginning with the resolve to change personal mindsets and attitudes and doing something concrete about situations of violence. Participatory education means allowing learners to inquire, share and collaborate. It allows learners to engage in dialogue with the teacher or with their co-learners. The practice of articulating and listening to diverse points of views is an important exercise in broadening perspectives. Such a skill is necessary in a world where many conflicts remain unresolved because of people's refusal to listen to one another.
Promoting Peace through Peace Education and Our Secondary School Curriculum
The basic aim of Peace education to teach nursery and society of the country the values, attitudes, information, and behavioral competencies required for resolving problems and conflicts without violence and wars, to build a society that maintain beneficial and harmonious relationships. There a number of approaches used for peace education, which may be based on Islamic ideology, fundamental rights of country, practical experiences learned, and good intentions. We are passing from a time of insurgency in the history of country, a time that calls on humanity’s sincerity, inspiration and consideration to solve our conflicts and problems. Our current dilemmas are related to the culture of violence, conflicts and war, which is becoming a global human phenomenon pervading all aspects of life. Modern nations in the world, who once faced these problems, used a number of techniques and approaches to solve these conflicts and problems. It is determined that the ultimate solutions of these problems are in the consciousness of citizens of the society and to convert their culture of conflicts, violence and war, to peaceful and prosperous society by solving our problems with discussion and negations peacefully. To solve our conflicts and problems, we must transform the culture of violence, conflicts and war into a culture of nonviolence, peace and respect for others which is the fundamental goal of peace education.
Institutionalising Peace Education and Peace Culture of Post Primary School Level in Nigeria
2015 International Business & Education Conference , 2015
All over the world, education is viewed as the bedrock for any developing nation. Schools serve as platforms through which the future of any nation is formed. Education plays a decisive role in the development of any nation. It is the best endowment from government to its citizen. Peace Education is a participatory and interactive process of instruction and learning as such should be given utmost attention. The educational curricula should provide a programme that addresses psychological and physical violence, through violence prevention, conflict resolution and mediation. This paper looks into the need to institutionalize Peace Education in post secondary schools and highlight its significance in preserving the future of the nation by reducing violence and inculcating the culture of peace.
A Proposal to Combine Cooperative Learning and Peace Education in a Foreign Language Subject
The present article offers a proposal for teaching using cooperative activities within the framework of peace education in a foreign language subject. The said activities imply that students work in groups in order to accomplish a common goal, and therefore they are involved in the teaching-learning process. This research thus aims at offering a pedagogical proposal based on peace education by showing that the principles of peace education are useful for students to be successful in cooperative activities because they deal with global issues and social and peace-related content. They also promote negotiation, peaceful conflict resolution, dialogue and respect for diversity. The study reveals that the combination of peace education and cooperative learning allows students to acquire not only content but also social competences such as critical thinking, cooperation, empathy, assertiveness, conflict resolution and active listening, among others. The combination of cooperative learning...
Imparting Peace Education Through Coscholastic Activities at the School Level
European Scientific Journal, 2014
Despite tremendous advances in science and technology in the twentieth century the present world is witnessing violence, wars terrorism and conflicts to a large extent. In the modern civilized world today, the material development has crossed all the boundaries but at the same time human miseries and pain has been as such that has been never before in the history of mankind. There is no doubt that the techno scientific development today has helped mankind to reach the apex of material development but at the same time human society has also become a victim of war, terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, population menace, environmental destruction, poverty, hunger, illiteracy, over politicization of civil society, globalization, moral decay of human being and consequent psycho physical diseases. Today, the world is shrinking to a global village on one hand and on the other hand there is a growing intolerance amongst the people. Violence of all form has become very common in all the societies of the world. There is a negative trend prevailing in the societies all over the world. Under such considerations peace education has become a necessity of the present time. Co-scholastic activities in the school should be used as a vehicle for imparting Peace Education to the students. At school the children shows great enthusiasm to participate in different co-scholastic activities. The school should take this opportunity and adopt some specific ways to inculcate peace in the minds of the students through different co-scholastic activities. This paper has undertaken two objectives: 1. To study the need of co-scholastic activities for imparting peace education in the school. 2. To study the role of co-scholastic activities in imparting peace education to the students.
The aim of this study is to investigate Principal's adoption and utilization of effective conflict management strategies for promoting peace-culture in secondary schools in Anambra State. The study adopted descriptive survey design. Two research questions guided the study and two null hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance were formulated for the study. The population of the study consisted of 254 principals and 254 vice principals (Administration) in the public secondary schools of Anambra State. Data were collected using a 22-item questionnaire. The questionnaire was validated by three experts. For the reliability of the instrument, a coefficient value of 0.86 was obtained and was considered satisfactory for the study. Mean and standard deviation were used in answering the research questions. The t-test was adopted in testing the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that principals did not adopt a considerable number of effective conflict management strategies in schools. Also, the extent to which they utilized effective conflict management strategies in building peace-culture was low. It was thus recommended among others, the principals as a matter of urgency should be exposed to the necessity of adopting all the effective conflict management strategies. This should be done through conferences and seminars if the aim of building peace in secondary schools would be achieved.