José da Silva Lisboa, José Bonifácio e Martim Francisco: discussões sobre educação no Império do Brasil (original) (raw)
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This article presents analyses and some of the research results on the contributions of the Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro (Brazilian Historical and Geographical Institute — IHGB) to education. The topics discussed are related to the ways of building knowledge about the history of education in Brazil, the institutional circulation of some members, who also comprised the functional cadres of other educational institutions, the work for the creation of courses and the Academy of Higher Studies. In these terms, we propose to consider the IHGB as a place of present and active power in political conflicts belonging to the educational field, and as an institution that produces educational policies and projects in the first decades of the twentieth century. Publications and minutes of the IHGB Review, archives of the related institutions and periodicals existing during the study, were used as sources for these analyses and arguments.
Cadernos de História da Educação, 2018
This study examines the process by which the 1947 Constituent assembly was able to incorporate the right to education into a new State Constitution for Minas Gerais. As a federative country, Brazil had established certain national guidelines for its member States regarding education and the development of school-systems, guidelines that appeared in the 1946 Federal Constitution. However, the same document also called for States to draft their own constitutional texts which, all while following federal guidelines, might nonetheless afford a certain measure of autonomy and decentralization in the management of education within each State. The present article aligns itself with other studies concerned with the link between parliamentary process and education. Our investigation of sources consulted at university and public libraries, in conjunction with close reading of primary texts (namely, the Constituent Assembly Annals available in the library and archives of the State Legislative Assembly, as well as in the Public Archive of Minas Gerais) leads us to conclude that the 1947 Constituent did in fact discharge its duty as laid out by the Federal Constitution. This is especially apparent when one compares the final text to the process by which it was drafted, as evinced by records of debate, proposals for amendment and the arguments supporting them. The chapter on education would eventually gain clearer form following the introduction of infraconstitutional legislation.
Revista Brasileira de Educação
This study deals with the process of secularization of education in Brazil. It aims to analyze the discussion on the nature of lay teaching, in the chronological arc between the end of the Empire and the beginnings of the Republic. It is a bibliographic research that discusses the political, economic, social and cultural transformations that Brazil went through and that had repercussions on the historical conformation of a secular status. The results point to the presence, since the Empire, of conceptions of lay teaching whose legal foundations were applied to educational laicization in the early years of the Republic. They show that the proposals of secularism presented by Rui Barbosa were central in defending the American legal matrix that was included in the 1891 Constitution, despite clashes with the positivist interpretation of secularism and the Catholic Church. On the other hand, followers of positivism conceived secularism based on the French matrix, lending it anti-clerical...
II DEDICATÓRIA Aos meus avós José (in memorian), Raul (in memorian), Mafalda (in memorian), e Nair pelas lições políticas, históricas e morais que lograram. E a meus pais, Horácio e Mirian, pela graça da vida. III "O novo é radical quando consegue reinventar a tradição" Professora Célia Quirino, em colóquio ao homenagear o Professor Gildo Brandão (2010). IV AGRADECIMENTOS Diversas são as pessoas e instituições as quais quero agradecer. Muito provável que minha memória me traia na hora de elencá-las, todavia. O interesse pelo tema das reformas administrativas nasceu quando auxiliei o Professor Moisés na criação e implementação do curso de Gestão de Políticas Públicas da Universidade de São Paulo, oportunidade na qual conheci a Professora Evelyn Levy, a quem muito agradeço pelos ensinamentos transmitidos quando a fui assessorar na Sub-secretaria de Gestão e Recursos Humanos da Casa Civil do Governo de São Paulo.
The “place” of liberalism in Brazil of the 19th century had been the subject of major debates in the Social Sciences. Thus, we aim to map this debate and provide a summary of these positions. To do this, we will first make a return to the context of the emergence of liberalism in England, then we will advance to its philosophical principles in John Locke. Then, we will demonstrate how these philosophical principles were interpreted in Brazil in three positions: First as an “idea out of place” (SCHWARZ, 2000; NOGUEIRA, 1976), second as “an idea tends to find its place” (COUTINHO, 2000) and third as an “idea that is in its right place” (FRANCO, 1976; BOSI, 2010).
Educação Pública no Brasil: a democratização inconclusa
Como forma de pensar a educação brasileira na efeméride dos 200 anos de independência do Brasil, elegemos como objeto de analise a trajetória da educação pública no Brasil a partir da expansão da sua rede escolar. Com base no método de investigação histórica a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental e tendo por fontes, leis, decretos e dados estatísticos, o artigo foi dividido em duas partes: A primeira, dedicada aos irresolutos percursos da Educação pública do Brasil, depois de sua anunciada Independência política do Reino Português. Na sequência, discorre sobre o longo trajeto de conquista da universalização do ensino fundamental no século XX. O resultado nos faz questionar o futuro da educação pública frente as eleições do emblemático ano de 2022.
The History of Education in Brazil: The Formation of the Field and Theoretical Influences
This article is concerned with the History of Education in Brazil in two key areas: the disciplinary field and the research field. As a discipline, the History of Education has formed a part of the school curriculum since the beginning of the 20 th century. As a research field, it gained impetus in the 60s with the setting up of postgraduate courses and became one of the most consolidated areas of Brazilian education. In the light of this, there is a discussion about academic organisation and an attempt is being made to show how the field is characterised by theoretical renewal and is facing two key challenges: cultural exchanges involving the use of English and a recognition of the value of the History of Education as a discipline in the light of the fact that less space is being devoted to it in teacher-training curricula. *** Este artículo se refiere al ambito de la formación en la Historia del Educacion en Brasil en dos áreas clave: el campo disciplinar y el campo de la investigación. Como disciplina, la Historia de la Educación ha formado parte de los programas escolares desde el comienzo del siglo XX. Como campo de investigación, ganó impulso en la década de 1960 con la creación de cursos de postgrado y se convirtió en una de las áreas más consolidadas de la educación brasileña. A la luz de esto, hay una discusión sobre la organización académica y se está haciendo un intento de mostrar cómo el campo se caracteriza por la renovación teórica y se enfrenta a dos retos fundamentales: los intercambios culturales que implican el uso del Inglés y un reconocimiento del valor de la Historia de la Educación como disciplina, a la luz del hecho de que actualmente menos espacio está dedicado a ella en los programas de formación de maestros.
Journal of Constitutional History - Giornale di Storia Costituzionale, 2020
“Social constitutionalism in Brazil: The Brazilian Education Association and the writing of the 1934 Constitution” shows how a private association worked as a lobby determined to insert a chapter on education into the Brazilian constitutional text. Although the influence of the Weimar constitution is evident, she warns against the assumption that we are concerned here with simple transplants: they were not automatic transfers, nor were they uncritical, as the constituent deliberations show.
Pragmatism and developmentalism in Brazilian educational thought in the 1950's and 1960's
Revista Brasileira de …, 2006
This article proposes to analyse some aspects of the appropriation of New School thinking in Brazil, particularly Deweyan pragmatism, in the 1950s and 1960s. The analysis is based on the assumption that the developmentalist ideology that punctuated the debate on the economic, political and social restructuring of the country in these two decades constituted fertile ground for the return and expansion of pragmatist thinking amongst Brazilian educators, articulating itself, sometimes in contradictory ways, with this ideology. The focus of the analysis will be on the writings of the group of educators which circulated around the figure of Anı´sio Teixeira, at the time director of the National Institute for Pedagogic Studies (INEP), an organ linked to the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC), which set itself the task of producing research that would support public policy in the field of education, as well as constituting itself as a center for teacher education and the stimulus and development of innovative experiences in the public school system. The appropriation of Deweyan pragmatism, in this context, had a triple perspective: pragmatism as scientific method, implying a specific conception of science, particularly the social sciences, with emphasis on the application of scientific knowledge in the solution of practical problems; as a way of democratic life; and as a synonym for experimentalism, in the sphere of schooling.
This paper is an attempt to analyze three major instances in Brazilian history which focus on the relationship between educational expansion and the political process. The first case in point is the educational expansion in Pernambuco in the early nineteenth century and its political repercussions. The second is the interaction between the rise of the middle class to power with the 1930 Revolution and the expansion of the educational system as reflected in the policies advocated by Anisio Teixeira. Finally, more recent developments in the field of mass education, both rural and urban, are analyzed in regard to their political repercussions in the early 1960’s. Against this background some observations are made concerning educational policy since the 1964 Revolution.