A synopsis of the genus Pteronia (Compositae: Astereae) in Namibia including the resurrection of Pteronia quadrifaria (original) (raw)

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New Records of Pteridophytes for Botswana Cover Page

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New distribution records and noteworthy collections of Pteridophytes in KwaZulu-Natal Cover Page

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Seeing the woodhoopoe for the trees: should we abandon Namibia's Violet Woodhoopoe Phoeniculus damarensis as a species? Cover Page

Ficus sur (Moraceae) and Gymnanthemum coloratum (Asteraceae: Vernonieae) – first distribution records for Namibia

Bothalia, 2015

Background: The distribution of Ficus sur includes most of tropical Africa, but whilst this species was suspected to occur in Namibia, this has not been verified. Gymnanthemum coloratum is a tropical African savannah shrub or tree that has been recorded for Botswana, Swaziland and South Africa, but which has not previously been recorded for Namibia.Objectives: To formally document the first records of two plant species from Namibia and provide habitat details of the localities from which these species were recorded.Method: The data presented have resulted from botanical expeditions to the poorly known Baynes Mountains in the Koakoveld region of Namibia. Specimens of the two species in the National Herbarium, Pretoria were examined to verify the identity in the case of G. coloratum, and to document additional records in Namibia for F. sur.Results: Ficus sur was recorded from two localities, and a third locality based on a specimen in the National Herbarium, Pretoria, was verified. Gy...

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<i>Ficus sur</i> (Moraceae) and <i>Gymnanthemum coloratum</i> (Asteraceae: Vernonieae) – first distribution records for Namibia Cover Page

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Pteridophytes of the Okavango Delta, Botswana (Shoutern Africa) Cover Page

Commiphora omundomba (Burseraceae), a new species from Angola and Namibia


Commiphora omundomba, described here as a new species, is known only from the Kaokoveld Centre of Endemism, a biogeographical region in southwestern Angola and Northwestern Namibia. It has hitherto been confused with C. dinteri from west-central Namibia, but both morphological and molecular evidence support a distinction between the two species. Phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequence data indicates that C. omundomba shares most-recent common ancestry with C. buruxa, a species limited to the Gariep Centre of Endemism in southwestern Namibia. Diagnostic morphological characters for C. omundomba include the white, viscous exudate, smooth bark and glabrous, trifoliolate leaves. Photographs of the plant and a distribution map are provided. The new species is mainly confined to near the Atlantic coast of the northern Namib Desert, and is widespread and locally common between Santa Maria in Angola and Puros in Namibia.

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Commiphora omundomba (Burseraceae), a new species from Angola and Namibia Cover Page

Commiphora kaokoensis (Burseraceae), a new species from Namibia, with notes on C. dinteri and C. namaensis


Commipora kaokoensis W.Swanepoel. here described as a new species, is known only from the Kaokoveld Centre of Endemism, an arid region in northwestern Namibia. Illustrations of the plant and a distribution map are provided. Diagnostic characters include the petiolate or subsessile. all-simple and relatively large leaves with the lamina obovate or elliptic. New information is provided on the leaf morphology and geographical distribution of C. namaensis Schinz and C. dinteri Engl., species with which the new species shares some similarities. When without leaves or fruit, the three species can easily be con­fused. A comprehensive table with diagnostic morphological features to distinguish between the three species is presented.

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<i>Commiphora kaokoensis</i> (Burseraceae), a new species from Namibia, with notes on <i>C. dinteri</i> and <i>C. namaensis</i> Cover Page

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Petiveria alliacea in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Cover Page

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A New Pterinochilus Species from South Africa (Araneae, Theraphosidae, Harpactirinae) Cover Page