Tourism Potential of Natural Caves in Bursa-Turkey (original) (raw)

The Formation and Evaluation of the Faulted Topography in the Burdur Basin, Lakes Region, SW Anatolia

Journal of Geography, 2021

Burdur Havzasi, Ust Miyosen’den baslayarak Holosen baslarina kadar suren dikey faylanmalarla olusmus, faylarin genclesmesiyle alcalan taban seviyesine gore, ozellikle Burdur havzasinin dogusunda neojen marnlari uzerinde 980, 995, 1040, 1115, 1200 ve 1300-1340 m yuksekliklerinde alti adet asinim yuzeyi meydana gelmistir. Tarim yapilan bu asinin basamaklari ile akarsu vadileri boyunca tespit edilen egim kirikliklari, Burdur Havzasi’nin alti kez coktugunu gostermektedir. Bu cokmeye bagli olarak Burdur havzasinin dogusundaki fay dikligi, gecici akarsu ve sellerle facetalar halinde derin olarak yarilmis; buradan tasinan malzemelerin birikmesiyle de Burdur Golu dogrusunda uzanan birikinti koni ve yelpazeleri ile yeniden biriken marn depolari olusmustur. Toprak olusumu icin yeterli zamanin gectigi 1100 m’nin uzerindeki asinim yuzeylerindeki marnlar uzerinde olusan rendzina topraklarina daha alt seviyelerdeki asinim duzluklerinde rastlanilmamaktadir. Fay dikligini yaran akarsu vadilerinde e...

Geomorphic Environmental Changes At Uluabat And Manyas Lakes (Southern Marmara Region, Turkey) From Neotectonics To Present Time

WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 2002

Ulubat and Manyas Lakes (Southern Marinara Region, Turkey) and their close surroundings fall into one of the most active tectonic areas of Turkey due to their location on the Norther Anatolia Fault Zone. This location has been a primary reason for important geomorphic environmental changes at this area in Quatemary. This study consists a modelling of geomorphic environmental changes at Uluabat and Manyas Lakes and their close surroundings. In modelling, paleoclimatic, paleomorphologic , paleobotanic, paleopedologic, and archeologic data have been evaluated together, Also, especially, boring data of Quatemmy stratigraphy have been used. Lithological data, earthquake records of historical and instrumental eras, and contemporary geomorphological analysis results have contributed a great deal to this study The study area was probably a Iagoonary environment which was connected to Marrnara Sea during upper Miocene. Tectonical movements which began at that time and continued up to now have caused horizontal and vertical displacements also affecting streams resulting in drainage deformations and base level changes, which conform with such an alteration. Accordingly, six basic stages can be diferentiated belonging to geomorphologic development of sutdy area. In the last section, compare between 1965 and 2001 geomorphological features of area. As the factors and processes are still current at Uluabat and Manyas Lakes, geomorphic environmental changes that took place in a time span of 35 years are an indicator for extinction of these lakes in near future.

Caves and Karst of Turkey - Volume 2

Cave and Karst Systems of the World, 2022

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Karadeniz Araştırmaları , 2016

The Valla Canyon has a karstic structure and is located in northern Turkey in the Pınarbaşı District of the historical Kastamonu city. It is one of the biggest canyons in Turkey and was composed by merging the Devrekani and Kanli Streams. The length of the canyon is 12 km and the depth is 1000-1200 m. Access to the canyon is located in Kure Mountains National Park (The only PAN Park in Turkey) and it is possible to access it via paths. Few people know and visit the canyon because of the lack of advertisement. The aim of this research is to determine geomorphological features of the canyon and to reveal tourism potential. Geological , topographical, and tectonic features were mapped and tourism potential was determined by analyzing SWOT as a method. Flora diversity, magnitude of the canyon, climate , humidity level of the mountains, its being close to water production sources, its huge karstic features, and its numbers of caves and waterfalls are strengths of the canyon. As a result, Valla Canyon has a huge tourism potential with natural beauties, attractions and it is proper for nature sports like rock climbing, canyoneering and trekking. Because of the high difficulty level, it will be a unique example for international climbers and canyoneers. ÖZET Valla kanyonu, aşınıma bağlı olarak temelin birçok yerde yüzeye çıkması nedeniyle karstik bir vadi yapısı özelliği göstermektedir. Tarihi Kastamonu şehrinin Pınarbaşı ilçesinde 26 km. uzaklığında bulunan kanyon Devrekani Çayı ve Kanlıçayı’nın birleşmesiyle oluşmuş Türkiye’nin en büyük kanyonudur. Kanyon, Pınarbaşı ilçesinin Muratbaşı Köyü, Varla (Valla) Mahallesi sınırları içinde başlayıp Cide’in Hamitli köyünde son bulmakta, kanyonun uzunluğu 12 km ve derinliği yer yer 1000- 1200 m’yi bulmaktadır. Küre Dağları Milli Parkı sınırları içinde bulunan kanyonun ulaşımı bazı patika yollarla sağlanabilmekte ve kanyonun tanıtım yetersizliği nedeniyle pek az insan bilmektedir. Çalışmanın amacı kanyonun jeomorfolojik özelliklerini belirleyip turizm potansiyelini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Jeolojik, tektonik ve topografik özellikler haritalanmış turizm potansiyelini ortaya çıkarmak için de SWOT analizi uygulanmıştır. Doğal güzellikleri ve çekici özellikleri ile bölge turizmine katkı sağlayacak olan bu kanyon yüksek zorluk derecesi ile de uluslararası boyutta dağcı, kaya tırmanışçıları ve yürüyüş sporu ile ilgilenenler için uygun bir özellik göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Valla, Kanyon, Turizm, Kastamonu

Hayat Mağarası Karst Sistemi (Bafra, Samsun, TÜRKİYE)

Jeomorfolojik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2020

In this study, Hayat Cave karst system was investigated. The study area is located within the borders of Basaran village of Bafra district in Samsun province. The system has original shapes belonging to surface and depth karst. The aim of the study is to investigate the ecological, morphological and speleological features of the Hayat Cave karst system which has not been subject of any scientific research up to now. The study is mainly based on field observations and measurements. The knowledge obtained from the area and literature was processed in Geographical Information Systems and they were converted into visual materials. The region has a humid and temperate climate suitable for karstification. The bedrock is generally composed of volcano-sedimentary rocks. However, limestones suitable for karstification are encountered in some places as around of Basaran village. Brown forest soils are widespread in the area. Flat and slightly sloping lands were generally opened to agriculture...