İslam’ın İlk Döneminde Bilimlerin Sözlü veya Yazılı Rivayeti Sorunu (original) (raw)
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A Discussion on the Subject of the Sciences: An Examination and Critical Edition of Mullā Izārı̄’s (d. 901/1496) Treatise al-Ajwiba ‘alā I‘tirāḍāt al-Sab' al-Shidād The object of this article is to examine and provide a critical edition of the work al-Ajwiba 'alā i'tirāḍāt al-Sab' al-shidād, written by Ottoman scholarMullā Izārī. This work by Mullā Izārī is a rebuttal of Mullā Lutfı̄’s work, al-Sab' al-shidād. Both of these authors had held a discussion in the presence of the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid II. Mullā Lutfı̄ by royal command wrote the issues discussed in their debate as a treatise, after which Mullā Izārī as well wrote his work by royal command. Based on this background, I first present Mullā Izārī, followed by the name and date of the work and the reason it had been written. I discuss the contents of the treatise and specify the questions that comprised the basis for Mullā Izārī answers, as well as his answers to these questions. I determined that this treatise was written as an objection to Mullā Lutfı̄'s objection against Jurjānı̄. I show that the main point of debate between Mullā Lutfı̄and Mullā Izārī was the issue of the subjects of sciences. Within this framework, I elaborate on the meaning of distinction among sciences related to metaphysics, such as philosophy, common things, theology, and prote philosophia. I discuss the issues pertaining to the philosophy of sciences, such as the subjects of these aforementioned sciences and their distinctions, and analyze the objections raised about the subjects of sciences such as philosophy, kalām, calculations (al-ḥisāb), and arithmetic (al-‘adad), as well as the answers given to these objections. As an interesting problem, I discuss whether the type of proof could differentiate the common issues in the sciences. Throughout the article, I address the differences between how Mullā Lutfı̄ and Mullā Izārī approached the same issues. I especially attempt to show the background of Mullā Izārī's comments underestimating Mullā Lutfı̄. Lastly, I edit the text critically and show all the classical resources cited in the text one by one. Keywords: Mullā Izārī, Mullā Lutfī, al-Sab' al-Shidād, Ottoman Thought, Subject of Sciences
İslam’ın Klasik Devrinde (8.-16. Asırlar) Bilim Kurumları Kritik Bir Bakış
2. Uluslararası Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin İslâm Bilim Tarihi Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, 2023
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Hadîsin İlk Yazılı Kaynakları veya Takyîdü’l-İlm Meselesi
Hadîsin 1 ilk yazılı kaynaklarıyla ilgili en önemli mesele, onların yazıyla tespitine, Hz. Peygamber'in (a.s.) izin verip vermediğine dair rivâyetler ve bunların neticeleridir. Hadîsin yazılmasına izin verilip verilmediğine dair rivâyetlerle ilgili olarak ortaya çıkan "ilmin/hadîsin yazılması" (takyîdü'l-ilm) meselesi, basit bir tartışmadan ibaret değildir. Hz. Peygamber (a.s.), sahabe ve tabiînden nakledilen hadîsin yazılıp yazılmamasıyla ilgili haberlerin tetkik ve tahlili; bu nehiy ve emirlerin insan-Kur'ân, insan-hadîs, insan-Sünnet ve insan-ilim ilişkisinde esas alınması gereken bir takım kaide, usûl ve teamülleri tesis etmeye yönelik olduğuna açık bir şekilde işaret eder.
Türk-İslâm Bilim Tarihinin Yeniden Yazımı Açısından Bilim Tarihi Yazım Biçimleri Tartışmasına Giriş
In this study, it has been criticized the form of writing history fed by the phonemenon of Orientalism and a certain understanding of science. But this is not the main goal. Here, the primary goal is to investigate the possibilities of a history of science which is in the center of Turkish history. To ensure this there are four basic forms of science writing. In fact, these four forms of science reveals an evolution of Turkish historiography. It has to be seen ordinary the presence of such a discussion in accompanied by postmodernity. So here, it is suggested a writing format which has focused as much as possible on Turkey itself for Turkish science historiography.
Batılı Araştırmacıların Hadislerin Yazılı-Şifâhî Rivayeti Meselesine Bakışları
The issue of written-oral transmission of hadith has attracted the attention of many Western schoalars. When we look at the findings and evaluations of the researchers on the issue we see generally that it was not purpose to explain the history of transmission but they accepted it a criteria for the authenticity and explain it from this point of view. The importance of the subject according to these studies is the main argument that every hadith was exposed to danger of falsification during the transmission process.