Development of a web application for monitoring solar activity and cosmic radiation (original) (raw)

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HelioClim-1: 21-years of daily values in solar radiation in one-click Cover Page

Helioshphere and Cosmic Rays Modulation Due to Solar Outputs.

Based on the observation from Omniweb data centre for solar- interplanetary data and monthly mean count rate of cosmic ray intensity (CRI) variation data from Oulu / Moscow neutron monitors during 23/24 solar cycle. It is observed that Solar variability controls the structure of the heliosphere and produces long-term as well as short-term changes in cosmic ray intensity, during minimum solar activity period the sun is remarkably quiet and the strength of the interplanetary magnetic field has been falling off to new low levels, reduces the GCR entering inner- heliosphere and it is high anti-correlation between sunspot number & GCR flux. It is also found that 10.7 cm solar radio flux, velocity of solar wind and the strength and turbulence of the interplanetary magnetic field with count rate of cosmic ray intensity are inverse correlated.

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Helioshphere and Cosmic Rays Modulation Due to Solar Outputs. Cover Page

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Observation of a time lag in solar modulation of cosmic rays in the heliosphere Cover Page

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Transport of cosmic rays in magnetosphere and heliosphere: GeoMag and HelMod webmodels Cover Page

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Studying Sun–Planet Connections Using the Heliophysics Integrated Observatory (HELIO) Cover Page

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Heliosphere modulation of Primary Cosmic Rays for the AMS-02 mission Cover Page

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Real-time cosmic ray monitoring system for space weather Cover Page

Impact of Solar Outputs on the Helioshphere and Cosmic Ray Modulation

The structure of the heliosphere controls by solar outputs and their variability produces changes in cosmic ray intensity on long-term and short-term basis. Based on the observation from Omniweb data centre for solar- interplanetary data and monthly mean count rate of cosmic ray intensity (CRI) variation data from neutron monitors were used during 1996-2014. It is observed that during declining phase of solar cycle 23and ascending phase of 24 solar cycle , the sun is remarkably quiet and the strength of the interplanetary magnetic field has been falling off to new low levels , reduces the GCR entering inner- heliosphere and it is high anti-correlation has been found between sunspot number & GCR flux. It is also found that count rate of cosmic ray intensity and solar- interplanetary parameters were inverse correlated and these solar indices were positive correlated.

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Impact of Solar Outputs on the Helioshphere and Cosmic Ray Modulation Cover Page

Effect of Solar Variability on the Helioshphere and Cosmic Rays

Solar variability controls the structure of the heliosphere and produce changes in cosmic ray intensity. Based on the observation from Omniweb data centre for solar- interplanetary data and yearly mean count rate of cosmic ray intensity (CRI) variation data from Oulu / Moscow neutron monitors (Rc=0.80 GV & Rc=2.42 GV) during 1996-2014 . It is observed that the sun is remarkably quiet and the strength of the interplanetary magnetic field has been falling off to new low levels , reduces the GCR entering inner- heliosphere and it is high anti-correlation (-0.78) between sunspot number & GCR flux. It is also found that 10.7 cm solar radio flux, velocity of solar wind and the strength and turbulence of the interplanetary magnetic field were positive correlated with each other and inverse correlated with count rate of cosmic ray intensity.

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Effect of Solar Variability on the Helioshphere and Cosmic Rays Cover Page

Veso: virtual earth-sun observatory

Earth Science Informatics, 2008

We present the Virtual Earth-Sun Observatory (VESO) at the web site This site shows a real time integrated database obtained from four instruments of the Instituto de Geofisica-UNAM studying Sun-Earth connection phenomena. (1) The Solar Radio Interferometer (RIS, Radio InterferĂłmetro Solar) measures the lower solar atmosphere radiation at 7.5 GHz, revealing microwave bursts associated with solar activity. (2) The Mexican Array Radio Telescope (MEXART, Observatorio de Centelleo Interplanetario de Coeneo) will detect solar wind large-scale disturbances between Sun and Earth (e.g., Interplanetary counterparts of Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMES) and Stream Interaction Regions (SIR)) employing the interplanetary scintillation technique (IPS) operating at 140 MHz. (3) The Cosmic Ray Observatory (RC) detects high energy galactic particles, whose flow is affected by magnetic disturbances in the solar wind, and (4) the Teoloyucan Geomagnetic Observatory (TEO) measures the variations in the Earths magnetic field. The VESO instruments provide data from four different points of the complex chain of the solar terrestrial relations and will allow the study of intense solar events causing geomagnetic activity. The VESO project is part of the celebration of the International Heliophysical Year (IHY) and the Electronic Geophysical Year (EGY) in Mexico.

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Veso: virtual earth-sun observatory Cover Page