Acoustically responsive fibers in the vestibular nerve of the cat (original) (raw)
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Influence of efferent stimulation on acoustically responsive vestibular afferents in the cat
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 1994
In the preceding article (McCue and Guinan, 1994) we described a class of vestibular primary afferent fibers in the cat that responds vigorously to sounds at moderately high sound levels. Like their cochlear homologs, vestibular afferents and their associated hair cells receive efferent projections from brainstem neurons. In this report, we explore efferent influences on the background activity and tone-burst responses of the acoustically responsive vestibular afferents. Shock-burst stimulation of efferents excited acoustically responsive vestibular afferents; no inhibition was seen. A fast excitatory component built up within 100-200 msec of shock-burst onset and decayed with a similar time course at the end of each shock burst. During repeated 400 msec shock bursts at 1.5 sec intervals, a slow excitatory component grew over 20-40 sec and then decayed, even though the shock bursts continued. Efferent stimulation excited acoustically responsive vestibular afferents without appreciab...
Input–Output Functions of Vestibular Afferent Responses to Air-Conducted Clicks in Rats
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2014
Sound-evoked vestibular myogenic potentials recorded from the sternocleidomastoid muscles (the cervical vestibular-evoked myogenic potential or cVEMP) and the extraocular muscles (the ocular VEMP or oVEMP) have proven useful in clinical assessment of vestibular function. VEMPs are commonly interpreted as a test of saccular function, based on neurophysiological evidence showing activation of saccular afferents by intense acoustic click stimuli. However, recent neurophysiological studies suggest that the clicks used in clinical VEMP tests activate vestibular end organs other than the saccule. To provide the neural basis for interpreting clinical VEMP testing results, the present study examined the extent to which air-conducted clicks differentially activate the various vestibular end organs at several intensities and durations in Sprague-Dawley rats. Single unit recordings were made from 562 vestibular afferents that innervated the otoliths [inferior branch otolith (IO) and superior branch otolith (SO)], the anterior canal (AC), the horizontal canal (HC), and the posterior canal (PC). Clicks higher than 60 dB SL (re-auditory brainstem response threshold) activated both semicircular canal and otolith organ afferents. Clicks at or below 60 dB SL, however, activated only otolith organ afferents. Longer duration clicks evoked larger responses in AC, HC, and SO afferents, but not in IO afferents. Intra-axonal recording and labeling confirmed that sound sensitive vestibular afferents innervated the horizontal and anterior canal cristae as well as the saccular and utricular maculae. Interestingly, all sound sensitive afferents are calyx-bearing fibers. These results demonstrate stimulus-dependent acoustic activation of both semicircular canals and otolith organs, and suggest that sound activation of vestibular end organs other than the saccule should not be ruled out when designing and interpreting clinical VEMP tests.
Hearing Research, 1988
In order to increase our understanding of cochlear mechanisms, we measured changes in the rate of spontaneous fiing (SR) of single auditory-nerve fibers in response to the stimulation of medial olivocochlear efferents in cats. During the fit second of efferent stimulation, SR was depressed by up to 35% except in one very sensitive animal in which depressions up to 80% were found. With data from this aberrant cat excluded, the SR depression, on the average, increased as auditory-nerve fiber sensitivity increased, increased as the original SR decreased (data were not obtained for SRs less than two spikes/set), and had a broad maximum at CFs of about 10 kHz. After the efferent stimulation was turned off, there was an "overshoot" in which the SR increased past the original rate in some fibers. The "overshoot" was larger for fibers with lower SRs and for fibers which showed larger "adaptation" in the efferent-induced depression of SR The data on SR depression during efferent stimulation are consistent with two hypotheses: (1) that the stronger than usual efferent suppression of "spontaneous" rate found in some very sensitive fibers occurs because the Lrspontaneous" firing was, in part, a response to sound, and (2) that "true spontaneous" fig is reduced by the efferent-induced hyperpolarization of outer hair cells (OHCs) being electrically coupled through the endocochlear potential to inner hair cells (IHCs). It is suggested that (1) the efferent-induced suppression of "true spontaneous" activity is largest at CFs near 10 kHz because this CF region receives the greatest OHC innervation from medial efferents and the efferent-induced change in OHCs is electrically coupled to IHCs, whereas (2) the efferent suppression of responses to sound is largest at lower CFs because the efferent endings on OHCs act to decrease the motion of the basilar membrane and this change is propagated apieally from the active efferent synapses on 0HC.s.
The central projections of intracellularly labeled auditory nerve fibers in cats
The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1984
The central projections of physiologically characterized auditory nerve fibers were studied in the cochlear nuclei of adult cats after iritracellular staining with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). This technique consistently labels only the type I spiral ganglion neurons which contact inner hair cells in the cochlea (Liberman and Oliver, '84). The central axon of each type I neuron bifurcates in the cochlear nucleus to form an ascending branch and a descending branch. The characteristic frequency (CF) of a fiber corresponds to the dorsoventral position of these major branches and their collateral ramifications within the nucleus. Fibers of low CFs are distributed ventrally, and fibers of increasing CF are distributed progressively more dorsally. In some cases, the collateral branches deviate from this tonotopic arrangement, particularly in (1) the octopus cell region of the posteroventral cochlear nucleus, (2) the zone of bifurcations of the auditory nerve fibers, and (3) the anterior, dorsal, and lateral margins of the ventral cochlear nucleus. Spontaneous discharge rate (SR) is related to the complexity of the axon arbor, especially along the ascending branch. Fibers of low and medium SR exhibit more axonal branch points and longer collateral lengths than do those with high SR. Six of 37 labeled fibers fail to innervate the dorsal cochlear nucleus, a feature apparently unrelated to CF or SR.
Signal processing in first- and second-order vestibular neurons
Journal of vestibular research : equilibrium & orientation, 2011
, at the 33rd annual Midwinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO). The meeting program and abstracts are published online ( Organized by Jay Goldberg and Kenna Peusner, the symposium was directed toward clinicians who want to bridge the gap between basic science and treating patients for vestibular disorders, vestibular neuroscientists using structural and functional approaches to understand the labyrinth and its central pathways at the system, cellular, and molecular levels, and auditory neuroscientists intrigued by the similarities and differences in signal processing in the two systems. This special issue contains those presentations on signal processing in second-order vestibular neurons and their connections. The articles underwent peer-review for this special issue. We would like to thank the Journal of Vestibular Research for the production of this special issue devoted to the symposium. The vestibular system demonstrates a remarkable plasticity in response to changing environmental demands [9] and to recover function after pathologies affecting the peripheral vestibular receptors on one side [16]. Second-order vestibular neurons are characterized by a high degree of plasticity in their connections with first-order vestibular neurons and nonlabyrinthine inputs (for review, see [20]). As demonstrated in this symposium, recent research has been directed toward defining synaptic transmission and ionic
Galvanic and acoustic vestibular stimulation activate different populations of vestibular afferents
Clinical Neurophysiology, 2003
Objective: To deduce whether similar or distinct populations of vestibular afferents are activated by acoustic and galvanic vestibular stimulation by comparing the effectiveness of 'matched' stimuli in eliciting vestibulospinal reflexes. Methods: Twelve subjects (5 men, 7 women) underwent individual 'matching' of 2 ms tone burst and galvanic stimuli, using vestibulocollic reflexes so that corrected reflex amplitudes to tone burst and galvanic stimuli were within 10% of each other. These same intensities were then administered using 20 ms durations to determine whether they were equally effective in evoking vestibulospinal responses. Results: Corrected reflex amplitudes for vestibulocollic responses to tone burst and galvanic stimulation were not significantly different for the right (P ¼ 0:45) or left (P ¼ 0:68) sides. All subjects had vestibulospinal responses to galvanic stimulation (average intensity 4.0 mA for both sides). The short latency (SL) and medium latency (ML) components of the vestibulospinal reflexes were larger after galvanic compared to tone burst stimulation in 11 of 12 subjects (P , 0:01). Conclusions: Despite evoking equal-sized vestibulocollic reflexes, there was a clear dissociation between the magnitude of tone burst and galvanic-induced vestibulospinal reflexes. Galvanic stimulation evoked SL and ML reflexes in all subjects. Tone burst stimuli evoked only small SL reflexes and, in most cases, no ML reflexes. Acoustically-evoked vestibulocollic reflexes are likely to be due to saccular excitation. The limited effectiveness of longer tone burst stimuli to evoke ML vestibulospinal reflexes suggests that saccular afferents have, at most, only a minor role in the production of these reflexes. We conclude that galvanic stimulation is more effective in eliciting vestibulospinal reflexes than tone burst stimulation, and that the two methods activate different populations of vestibular afferents.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2005
Despite the insights obtained from click responses, the effects of medial-olivocochlear (MOC) efferents on click responses from single-auditory-nerve (AN) fibers have not been reported. We recorded responses of cat single AN fibers to randomized click level series with and without electrical stimulation of MOC efferents. MOC stimulation inhibited (1) the whole response at low sound levels, (2) the decaying part of the response at all sound levels, and (3) the first peak of the response at moderate to high sound levels. The first two effects were expected from previous reports using tones and are consistent with a MOC-induced reduction of cochlear amplification. The inhibition of the AN first peak, which was strongest in the apex and middle of the cochlea, was unexpected because the first peak of the classic basilar-membrane (BM) traveling wave receives little or no amplification. In the cochlear base, the click data were ambiguous, but tone data showed particularly short group delays in the tail-frequency region that is strongly inhibited by MOC efferents. Overall, the data support the hypothesis that there is a motion that bends inner-hair-cell stereocilia and can be inhibited by MOC efferents, a motion that is present through most, or all, of the cochlea and for which there is no counterpart in the classic BM traveling wave.
Single-fibre and whole-nerve responses to clicks as a function of sound intensity in the guinea pig
Hearing Research, 1992
This paper describes a study of the intensity dependence of click-evoked responses of auditory-nerve fibres in relation to the simultaneously recorded compound action potential (CAP). Condensation and rarefaction clicks were presented to normal hearing guinea pigs over an intensity range of 60 dB. The recorded poststimulus time histograms (PSTHs) were characterized by the latency (tp), amplitude (A e) and synchronization (Sp) of their dominant peak, parameters that are particularly important for the understanding of the CAP. For all fibres t i, decreased monotonically with increasing intensity, in a continuous way for fibres with high characteristic frequency (CF > 3 kHz), and in discrete steps of one CF-cycle for low-CF (CF < 3 kHz) fibres. An additional analysis of PSTH envelopes revealed that average latency shifts with intensity are similar for all CFs above 2 kHz. For all fibres Ap increased monotonically with intensity; the increase was stronger and maximum values were larger for low-CF than for high-CF fibres. A schematic model PSTH was then formulated on the basis of the experimental data. A sum of these model PSTHs from a hypothesized fibre population was convolved with an elemental unit response (Versnei et al., 1992) in order to simulate the compound action potential. Synthesized CAPs agreed with experimental CAPs in their main aspects.
Journal of comparative neurology, 1986
The axons of physiologically characterized spiral ganglion neurons (type I) were stained throughout their arborizations in the cochlear nucleus by the intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The tips of the axonal branches were marked by distinct swellings, ranging in size and shape from small boutons to large perisomatic ramifications. Electron microscopic analysis of such swellings revealed ultrastructural features characteristic of primary auditory synapses, consistent with the hypothesis that terminal swellings identifiable in the light microscope represent presynaptic endings. On the basis of light microscopic differences in size, these endings were organized into three categories. Endings of relatively small size (terminal boutons, free endings, boutons with filopodia, string endings, and small complex endings) composed 94% of all terminal endings. Within this category of small endings, there were predictable variations in relative size and regional distribution that related to the spontaneous discharge rate (SR) of the fiber. The endings of low and medium SR fibers (SR< 18 spikestsecond) were smaller on average than those of high SR fibers (SR > 18 spikeshecond). Furthermore, there were more endings arising from the ascending branch than from the descending branch when comparing fibers of the low and medium SR group with those of the high SR group. There were not, however, obvious morphological features of this ending category that correlated with the characteristic frequency (CF, the pure tone frequency to which the neuron is most sensitive). A second category contained medium-sized complex endings, most of which formed axosomatic contacts. This category composed 4% of the population and was found in close proximity to the perikarya of globular, octopus, and spherical cells. The endings from low and medium SR fibers were smaller on average than those from high SR fibers. These endings did not vary in their parent branch distribution with respect to fiber SR, nor did they exhibit morphological features that correlated with fiber CF. The third category contained large complex endings (endbulbs of Held) and composed 2% of the ending population. Within the anteroventral cochlear nucleus, these large, complex endings made axosomatic contact with spherical cells in the anterior division and with globular cells in the posterior division. There were no systematic variations in ending size or branch distribution that correlated with fiber SR. There was, however, a relationship between ending size and fiber CF such that fibers having CFs below 4 kHz gave rise to the largest endbulbs.