Sextortion Tops Charts in Cyber Crimes (original) (raw)

Tracing of the Blackmailers in Sextortion Case and Tactics to Defend It - An Experimental Cybercrime Case Study

International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2021

Sextortion is a new form of cybercrime that is spreading very fast in India. Sextortion is such a type of incident where victims are very ashamed of sharing and talking. And that is why it becomes a very easy and suitable target for blackmailers. Innocent social media users are being trapped in Sextortion. Victims not only lose their money but also pride and respect in society especially family members and friends. The research paper has explored to understand the modus operandi of the blackmailers. The present study has attempted to trace blackmailers in a sextortion incident. The research paper has described the process of tracing the blackmailers online. The study analyzed the incident from a cybercrime detection and identification perspective. The research paper is also attempting to spread awareness by describing tactics to defend against cybercrimes such as sextortion.

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Cyber Psychological Case Studies of Sextortion for Identifying the Accused in the Offences Committed on Social Media

International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2022

Human behaviors can never fail to astound society. People behave as they want in their privacy and sometimes it can be weirdest, dark, and taboo. Sex is not a routine and normal topic in the conversation of Indian society. Therefore, people are very secretive about their sexual beliefs, thoughts, and sexuality. Whenever anybody does anything where she/he knows that their act is not going to be known by others people tend to involve in such acts. This is the exact angle that blackmailers in sextortion have identified and they get success too in duping people. They threaten people to viral their videos or chat in the sexual act. But, the Majority of the crimes committed on social media go unreported or untraced. Due to lack of procedural setups to identify the accuses. especially in the cases of sextortion where name and shame in the society are attacked of any individual. The present research paper aims to provide a simple procedural method to identify the accused in the offences committed on social media. The authors of the research paper have chatted with the 11 blackmailers of sextortion on social media and the authors were able to identify the location of the accused. The research paper is attempting to explain the dynamics of crime and victimization of sextortion from a cyber psychological perspective.

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Growing recognition surrounds the change that the internet has provided in relation to sexual behaviour. Not only is sexually explicit material abundantly available on every device, but people are increasingly engaging in creating pornographic materials using information communication technology. Against this background, technology has provided a medium that enables new forms of sexual engagement, but also unlawful behaviours, including revenge porn, that is, the non-consensual distribution of sexually explicit images of an intimate partner, which has become known as a weapon for disgruntled partners. Countless interactive pornographic websites have been created for the purpose of enabling the sharing of sexually explicit images for the sole purpose of revenge by publicly shaming and humiliating the depicted person. Once images are uploaded they can end up anywhere on the internet. Furthermore, emerging sexually abusive behaviours include 'catfishing' and 'sextortion' are behaviours

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Cybercrime in Online Dating Site: Pornography Business in the Virtual World


Online dating sites have been a common tool for individuals to find and meet new companions and potential mates. Although it has the potential to bring great happiness into their lives, many individuals have been slow to recognize the cyber risk connected to these dating sites such as cybercrime and cyber pornography. The researcher has performed an analysis on an online dating site to know how cybercrime and pornography developed in the virtual world. The researcher used the case study method. Interviews were conducted with five key informants who had been an active member of the dating site to provide information. The result shows that there are three kinds of cybercrime activities which involve pornography content at the dating site. The first is hacking; the second is sextortion, and the third one is online prostitution. The result also shows a cybercrime activity that does not involve pornography content called

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Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality and Culture -June Issue, 2020 Cover Page

Retribution-style adult image-based sexual abuse : crime scripting, CRAVED and situational crime prevention


The majority of Harmful Digital Communications Act (HDCA) prosecutions in New Zealand typically involved the misuse of an adult (female) victim’s intimate images by a current or former (male) intimate partner--“retribution-style” imagebased sexual abuse (IBSA). Retribution-style IBSA encompasses abusive behaviours such as covert intimate filming or photography, the non-consensual storage of a victim’s intimate images, threats to disseminate such images and the actual dissemination of a victim’s intimate images. The harms of victimisation include significant emotional distress, job loss, and physical and online stalking and harassment by internet users who viewed their intimate images. Due to the ubiquity and permanence of the internet, retribution-style IBSA victims cannot be guaranteed that their intimate images would not resurface in future. This study aims to establish an evidence base for retribution-style IBSA. The crimecommission process of retribution-style IBSA is investigat...

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Retribution-style adult image-based sexual abuse : crime scripting, CRAVED and situational crime prevention Cover Page

Legal Analysis of Sextortion Crime in the Comperative Law and Turkish Law


Due to technological developments, cybercrime techniques evolve day by day. Nowadays, innocent users have been the target of cybercriminals whom want to make money or extort sexual favor in the context of sextortion crime. This paper discusses the definition of sextortion with the techniques used by the criminals, legal framework of said crime in Turkey and discusses how to prevent and solve past crimes.

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Sexual Violence in the Digital Age: The Scope and Limits of Criminal Law (with Nicola Henry).

Considerable scholarly attention has been paid to a range of criminal behaviours that are perpetrated with the aid of digital technologies. Much of this focus, however, has been on high-tech computer crimes, such as hacking, online fraud and identity theft, or child exploitation material and cyberbullying. Less attention has been paid to ‘technology-facilitated sexual violence’, where new technologies are used as tools to perpetrate or extend the harm of a sexual assault, extend control and abuse in a domestic violence situation, or distribute sexual or intimate images of another without their consent. In this article, we focus on the scope and limitations of criminal legislation for responding to these varied but interconnected gendered harms. We argue that although there have been some developments in a range of international jurisdictions, particularly relating to the phenomenon of ‘revenge pornography’, much more needs to be done both within and beyond the law. Whilst we support the intervention of the criminal law, we argue that equal attention must be given to policies and practices of educators, law enforcement agencies, service providers, online communities and social media networks to fulfil the promise of equal and ethical digital citizenship.

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Sexual Violence in the Digital Age: The Scope and Limits of Criminal Law (with Nicola Henry). Cover Page

Gendered cyberhate, victim-blaming, and why the internet is more like driving a car on a road than being naked in the snow

Cybercrime and its Victims, 2017

Gendered cyberhate in forms such as explicitly sexualised vitriol, rape threats, and revenge porn is increasingly common online. Women subjected to these new forms of sexual harassment and violence often experience profound suffering. Some have lost their jobs or have had to flee their homes. Yet the female targets of gendered cyberhate are often blamed, while the male perpetrators are excused. This chapter provides an overview of the common manifestations and significant harms of contemporary misogyny online. It draws attention to the ‘blame women/exculpate men’ dynamic evident not only in media narratives, but in the inadequate responses of police, policy makers, and platform managers. It emphasises the care required around linguistic framings of gendered cyberhate alongside the urgent need for improved regulatory interventions guided by the principles of gender equity.

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Gendered cyberhate, victim-blaming, and why the internet is more like driving a car on a road than being naked in the snow Cover Page

Image-Based Abuse, Non-Consensual Pornography, Revenge Porn: A Study of Criminalization and Crime Prevention in Australia and England & Wales

International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 2019

Distribution of nude, intimate and sexualized images of individuals without consent and against the wishes of those individuals whose image has been captured, is of growing concern across the world. Moving from the conceptualization of 'revenge porn' in the early 2000's, through to our more sophisticated understanding of the issues of "image-based abuse" and "non-consensual pornography" this paper considers the broad context of these crimes. The paper draws on the concepts of online misogyny, gender-based victimization, and "toxic masculinity". The progress towards criminalization of such online abuse, with reference to the recent introduction of new laws in England & Wales and Australia is examined. This shift from voluntary to statutory regulation, and from civil to criminal law remedies has been coupled with new crime prevention and control initiatives that seek to encourage reporting leading to prosecution and educate users and empower victims. As countries successively tackle image-based abuse through their own criminal justice systems and stakeholder engagement, there is a need to learn from and critique what has already been established. Summarizing the approaches undertaken in England & Wales and Australia we draw important conclusions that are based on the experiences of early responders, bringing together several best practices for the prevention and response to image-based abuse. ________________________________________________________________________

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