Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Avalanche Problems in Western Canada: An Analysis of the Winters 2010-2016 (original) (raw)

Linking avalanche hazard in Western Canada to climate oscillations


While the effect of large-scale climate patterns (e.g., El Niño-Southern Oscillation) on winter temperature and precipitation in Western Canada is relatively well understood, little is known regarding the link between climate and avalanche hazard. Previous studies have been hindered by the inconsistent or incomplete avalanche, weather, and snowfall observations. Using avalanche hazard assessments from Avalanche Canada and Parks Canada from the 2009/10 to 2016/17 winter seasons I examined the nature and variability of avalanche hazard and the relationship to large-scale climate patterns. I identify typical avalanche hazard situations and calculate their seasonal prevalence to develop a quantitative measure of the nature of local avalanche hazard conditions. I then use the prevalence values of typical hazard conditions to examine the relationship between climate oscillations and avalanche hazard. This study suggests a relationship between the climate patterns and avalanche hazard situations with a method that is more informative for avalanche risk management.

Snow avalanche hazard assessment and risk management in northern Quebec, eastern Canada

Natural Hazards, 2015

In the northern environments of Quebec (eastern Canada), snow avalanche hazards have been ignored for a long time because no major incident was recorded before the tragedies of Blanc-Sablon (Lower North Shore of the St. Lawrence River) in 1995 and Kangiqsualujjuaq (Nunavik) in 1999. To enhance risk reduction at these sites, this research on process characteristics describes prone terrain, run-out distance and triggering factors, and prompted efforts (permanent and temporary measures) made to mitigate and prevent future snow avalanche tragedy from short, steep slopes. Considering the high vulnerability of these communities related to the growing population of Nunavik and the lack of knowledge of avalanches on the Lower North Shore, acceptable risk was based on the implementation of a snow avalanche forecasting and warning program over 3 years, the first one in eastern Canada. Community participation and the involvement of the municipal and provincial authorities have enabled the efficient operation of the program and accentuate the sensitivity and resilience of the populations to avalanche hazard and risk, as evidenced by the subsequent identification of avalanche sites by the communities themselves. These case studies demonstrate the importance of adequate and safe land planning, notably in the context of climate change, and particularly for isolated northern communities.

Avalanche Threats and Mitigation Measures in Canada

This is a summary of the Public Safety Canada commissioned report to inventory current and predict future trends in avalanche threats and mitigation programs in Canada. By the winter of 2007, avalanches were responsible for at least 702 fatalities in Canada since the earliest recorded incident in 1782. Avalanches can affect people travelling and working on transportation corridors, ski area recreationists and workers, backcountry recreationists and guides, resource industry workers, energy generation facilities and transmission lines, and people in or near public and residential buildings. In addition to hazard assessments, mitigation programs include forecasting and control programs for roads, railroads, ski areas, commercial backcountry recreation operations, resource industry worksites and roads, energy generation facilities and transmission lines, as well as public and residential land use areas. Public programs provide avalanche safety education and avalanche conditions reports, forecasts, and warnings to self-directed backcountry recreationists. However, non-mitigated avalanche threats exist to all activity types in Canada. With the exception of residential and public land use, the various types of activity in avalanche terrain are expected to either maintain current levels or increase.

A climatology of major avalanche winters in Western Canada

Atmosphere-Ocean, 1987

A nearly continuous record of avalanches on the Canadian PaciJc Railway for the 70 yearsfrom 1910 is used to idenrify four major avalanche Winters (1919-20,1932-33, 1934-35 and 1971-72). The selection is based on the j?equency and mass of avalanche snow, and the length of rail line affected near Rogers Pass, British Columbia. Daily weather data are compiled for rhese Winters, and su$ace synoptic charts are examined for the mosr catastrophic avalanche events. Their climatology is furrher analysed by applying a weathertyping scheme and by constructing monthly sea-level pressure anomaly maps. More than one climatology is needed to explain these Winters and the daily sea-level map types are not very discriminating. Major avalanche Winters tend to be cold in December or January or bath. Some show large monthly anomalies in the average pressure distribution over the province. Large avalanches occur when there is a change in the atmospheric circulation, with a Pac$c fionral sysrem and warm sector replacing an Arctic high. These aspects of synoptic climatology are related to the mechanisms for producing big avalanches.

Verification of Canadian avalanche bulletins including spatial and temporal scale effects

Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2008

In the winters of 2004-05 and 2005-06, 235 local ratings of the current avalanche danger ("nowcasts") at and below treeline in the Coast, Columbia and Rocky Mountains of western Canada were compared with the danger rating from the public avalanche bulletin for the region including the nowcast site. These regional bulletins are issued from three to seven times per week, and the forecast regions range from 100 km 2 to approximately 29,000 km 2 . After identifying an observation bias and filtering the data to 192 cases, the local nowcasts agreed with the regional danger rating in approximately 59% to 64% of the cases in the Coast, Columbia and Rocky Mountains. The agreement rate was higher for small forecast regions than for larger regions. Many of the nowcasts could be compared with danger ratings published zero, one or two days previously, allowing the effect of different lead times to be assessed. For the observed range of forecast areas and lead times, spatial scale effects were greater than temporal scale effects.

Effects of Large-Scale Atmosphere-Ocean Oscillations on the Nature of Avalanche Hazard in Western Canada


Numerous large-scale atmosphere-ocean oscillations including El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), the Pacific North American Pattern (PNA) and the Artic Oscillation (AO) are known to substantially affect winter weather patterns in western Canada. Several studies have examined the effect of these oscillations on avalanche hazard using long-term avalanche activity records from highway avalanche safety programs. While these studies offer valuable insights, they do not offer a comprehensive perspective on the influence of these oscillations because the underlying data only represent the conditions at a few locations in western Canada where avalanches are tightly managed. We present a new approach for gaining insight into the relationship between atmosphere-ocean oscillations and avalanche hazard in western Canada that uses information published in public avalanche bulletins. Our approach converts hazard assessments recorded according to the concept...

Snow avalanche regime and climatic conditions in the Chic-Choc Range, eastern Canada

Climatic Change, 2009

Because snow avalanches occur at altitudes close to the 0 • C isotherm in mountain environments, they should respond quickly to climatic variations. This study provides tree-ring-based high-magnitude avalanche chronologies for 12 subalpine avalanche paths in the Chic-Choc Range of Québec (eastern Canada). For the period covered by the chronologies, i.e., between 1895 and 1999, high-magnitude avalanches occurred with an average return interval of 5.3 years, which represents an average annual probability of 21% for all paths. A regional avalanche activity index (RAAI) was developed to help differentiating widespread regional avalanche activity from avalanche events resulting from local factors. Nineteen years of highmagnitude avalanche occurrence were identified

Interactive comment on “Characterizing the nature and variability of avalanche hazard in western Canada” by Bret Shandro and Pascal Haegeli


The paper presents interesting approach of combination of "avalanche climates" and the snow avalanche hazard characteristics based on extensive database of the catalogued actual snow avalanches in western Canada. Results of similar "comprehensive" studies, going a bit further, were reported in past (i.e. Miagkov S.M. Kanaev L.A. (Eds.) Geografiia lavin [Geography of avalanches], Moscow: Izdatel’stvo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1992. 331p.). Also, there are several classifications of the snow avalanches produced in Russia, including the "genetic classification" of V.V.Dzuba presented in the book cited above, where the types of avalanches were related to meteorology and stratigraphy of snow cover, definitely related to the conclusions in the presented manuscript. But it was pub-

Spatial and Time Scale Effects in Canadian Avalanche Bulletins


In the winters of 2004-05 and 2005-06, 235 local "nowcasts" of the avalanche danger at and below treeline in the Coast, Columbia and Rocky Mountains of western Canada were compared with the danger rating from the public avalanche bulletin for the region including the nowcast site. These bulletins are issued from three to seven times per week, and the forecast regions range from 100 km 2 to approximately 30,000 km 2 . After identifying an observation bias and filtering the data to 192 cases, the local nowcasts agreed with the regional danger rating in approximately 57% to 64% of the cases in the Coast, Columbia and Rocky Mountains. The agreement rate was higher for small forecast regions than for larger regions. Many of the nowcasts could be compared with danger ratings published zero, one or two days previously. This allowed the effect of different lead times to be assessed. It appears that the danger rating for the larger regions with infrequent bulletins has the potentia...

In the Pursuit of Standards - the Next Step in Canada's Avalanche Risk Management Guidelines


Recognizing the need to standardize new and innovative Canadian avalanche risk management practices and respond to increasing demand from regulatory bodies, the Canadian Avalanche Association recently embarked on a two-year project to revise and update its best practice guidelines for avalanche risk management. This paper provides highlights and practical examples from the first of two new publications, which covers the technical aspects of avalanche risk management. The centerpiece of this publication are guidelines for planning and operational risk management for common avalanche terrain land-use activities in Canada.