Approaches for tuning of PID Controller (original) (raw)

PID Controller Tuning Techniques: A Review

This paper presents a review of the current as well as classical techniques used for PID tuning. PID controllers have been used for industrial processes for long, and PID tuning has been a field of active research for a long time. The techniques reviewed are classified into classical techniques developed for PID tuning and optimization techniques applied for tuning purposes. A comparison between some of the techniques has also been provided. The main goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive reference source for people working in PID controllers.

Performance Evaluation of Three PID Controller Tuning Algorithm on a Process Plant

Accurate tuning of controller in industrial process operation is prerequisite to system smooth operation which directly reduce process variability, improved efficiency, reduced energy costs, and increased production rates. Performance evaluation of a model based PID controller tuning algorithm on a chemical process plant is presented in this paper. The control action of three different PID controller tuning algorithms namely; Hagglund-Astrom, Cohen and Coon, and Ziegler-Nichols on the process plant was examined in a closed loop control configuration under normal operating condition and in the face of disturbance. LabVIEW software was used to model a chemical process plant from open loop control test data. The time domain response analysis of the controllers shows that each tuning algorithm exhibit different time response. Ziegler-Nichols algorithm shows the best performance with fastest rise time, settling time and was able to restore the system back to normal operating condition in a short time when subjected to disturbance compare to Cohen & Coon controller and Hagglund-Astrom algorithm settings.

The Effect of P, PI and PID controllers on Stability, Accuracy and Speed of Response in a Process control System

Institute of Marine Engineers, 2024

The main purpose to design a control system is to achieve accuracy in the parameters but not at the cost of stability. Also, how much time the controller is taking to correct the error or eliminate the offset is of great importance. Therefore, control systems are designed to make process accurate, stable and fast. PID controllers are the widely used in continuous types of control system to achieve stability, accuracy and fast speed response. However, if the tuning of Proportional band, Integral time and Derivative time is not under the range then either the system will become unstable or it may have error. This paper presents the consequences of improper tuning of P-I-D values and how do we improve these parameters.

PID Control for Industrial Processes

PID Control for Industrial Processes, 2018

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A Review on Tuning Methods for PID Controller


PID controller tuning is important for havingminimal overshoot in steady state response and lesser settling time.Apart from two conventional methods of tuning such as ZieglerNichols closed loop oscillation and Cohen-Coon’s process reactioncurve method there are other methods such as fuzzy set-point weight(FSPW) tuning and genetic algorithm (GA) are drawing the interestof researchers. This reports a survey on works related to PIDcontroller tuning methods using fuzzy-logic and GA. A comparisonis made between conventional two methods and fuzzy-logic basedtuning methods through simulation using MATLAB Simulink.

A Study on Performance of Different PID Tuning Techniques

The ability of Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controllers to compensate many practical industrial processes has led to their wide acceptance in industrial applications. There are several methods for tuning a PID controller. This paper takes a qualitative look at six PID tuning methods, with comparison of accuracy and effectiveness. In this Paper a Second order system is selected for study. The performance of PID tuning techniques is analyzed and compared on basis of Time response specifications.


BEST: International Journal of Management, Information Technology and Engineering (BEST: IJMITE), 2014

The basic objective of this paper is to find a better solution to nonlinear conical tank level process by the tuning of PID controllers. Since conical tank system is predominantly used nowadays in several industries to control of liquid level one of the important parameters and it needs to be controlled. The tuning here has been done using Ziegler Nicholas method (Z-N), Modified Z-N, IMC (InternalModelControl) and TL (Tyreus-Luyben) and CHR (Chien, Hrones, Reswick) methods to linearize the process and to make it attain high stability using these techniques. Also the supremacy of the chosen controller is tested for the various time integral performance criteria like ISE (Integral of the Square error), IAE (Integral of the absolute value of the error), ITAE (Integral of the time-weighted absolute error), and MSE (Mean square error). The above comparison has been done for Single Input Single Output System (SISO) for the conical tank model.

Analytical PI/PID Controller Design for Stable Processes

In process control area, it is a typical practice to use proportional-integral (PI) or proportional integral- derivative (PID) type controller for their relatively simple structures which can be comprehend easily as well as implemented in practice. Finding a simple design technique of the PI/PID type controller with a significant performance has become a very important research issue for engineers. The internal model control (IMC) based tuning rule is simple and easy to utilize, in the real practice. The analytical PI/PID controller design is very significant for a stable process because majority of the process in process industries are design as a stable. The most important fact is IMC-PI/PID tuning rule has only one used-defined tuning parameter, which is directly related to the closed-loop time constant. Although the IMC-PI/PID controllers provide satisfactory set-point tracking but incase of disturbance response is rather sluggish, especially for process with a small time-delay/time constant ratio. However, for many cases, disturbance rejection is much more important than setpoint tracking and it is reported that the suppression for load disturbance is poor when the process dynamics are considerably slower than the desired closed-loop dynamics. Consequently, a controller design emphasizing disturbance rejection rather than set-point tracking is an important design problem. However, this existing study emphasized to develop a generalized IMC-PI/PID design method for the first order as well as second order simple process.

A New Simple Auto-Tuning Method for PID Controllers

IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 1997

A simple procedure of tuning the PID controllers, based on the so-called magnitude optimum technique, is given. The tuning procedure requires only the process open-loop step response in order to calculate the PID controller parameters.