Science fiction ur ett genreperspektiv (original) (raw)
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Sociologisk Forskning
Hur kan man gå med på att medarbeta i detta? Sociologisk Forskning (2013/3-4) innehåller tre berömda inlägg ur tidskriftens samtidshistoria. Det är Hans Zetterbergs "Traditioner och möjligheter i nordisk sociologi" (1966), där han beklagar ensidigheten i svensk sociologis inlån av amerikanska förebilder, Walter Korpis "Om undran inför sociologerna" (1990) där han gör sig lustig över alla sociologer som inte är som han, och som han därför inte begriper, och Rita Liljeströms "Individen, paret och banden mellan generationer" (1986) som presenterar ett forskningsprogram från Göteborgsinstitutionen som skulle ha blivit intressant om det hade genomförts. Redaktionen motiverar detta, främst Korpis inlägg: "Sociologin är ju en på många sätt både självupptagen och självspäkande disciplin, med ett exceptionellt beroende av de klassiska texterna och med ständigt återkommande föreställningar om det egna ämnets 'kris'. Samtidigt har disciplinens institutionella förutsättningar och dess informella hierarkier och värdesystem ofta undandragit sig sociologernas kritiska blick." Det här är vanliga föreställningar-men vad jämför man med? Hur utvecklas en "disciplin" om den inte är upptagen med att granska sina grundläggande försanthållanden och en ofta institutionsberoende oförmåga att ändra dessa eller ens visa deras hållbarhet? Skulle det vara ett fel? Vad menas med "exceptionellt beroende" av klassiska texter? Vad jämför de med i en tid då Darwin och Einstein ständigt diskuteras inom sina vetenskaper och till och med Lamarck börjar tas på allvar igen? Och det andra påståendet då, bristen på kritisk blick-vad betyder det? Innehåller det en jämförelse (t.ex. med statsvetenskap?) eller har sociologikritikerna helt enkelt gjort fel? Gäller det Sverige? Annars finns ju mängder av material, som Sociology of
Kartellisering ur ett genusperspektiv
Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, 2014
Cartelization from a Gender Perspective The cartel party theory has generated a considerable research but not been discussed from a gender perspective. In general, the gender dimension was politicized later than the traditional cleavages that the cartel party theory discusses, which lead to an expectation that women delegates may be less affected by cartel tendencies, such as alienating from party grassroots, than men. The Swedish case in particular, however, also discloses that women representation to a considerable extent have been put forward by internal endeavors of parties, which resembles processes connected to cartelization. At the same time, research shows that women have evoked a stable and clear gender dimension in politics. Taken together, this might mean that strategies rooted in cartelization have come to undermine that same process. The article uses material from the Swedish Parliamentary Survey -, Gothenburg University, to discuss these propositions.
Sociologin, hybriderna och den sociala verkligheten
Sociologisk Forskning
Senter for teknologi, innovasjon og kultur (TIK), Universitetet i Oslo Mark Elam Avdelningen för teknik och vetenskapsstudier, Sociologiska institutionen, Göteborgs universitet Sociology, Hybrids and Social Reality: The Case of Nuclear Waste The continuing technological transformation of nature means that sociology's traditional vision of a sharp divide between nature and society is becoming ever harder to defend. Star ting from Bruno Latour's critique of modernity, and Nikolas Rose's explorations of political power beyond the state, this article presents a framework for analysing the expanding wealth of hybrids of nature and society surrounding us today, and the problems of government they pose. These hybrids confront us with the need to rethink sociology's conception of 'the so cial'. With Latour's help, the interplay of nature and society can be understood as subject to technical mediation, opening the way for studies of the varying arrangements through which different configurations of nature and society are produced. Rather than alterna tive social constructions of nature, what sociologists should be at pains to analyse and question are different programmes and strategies for bringing together natural and social forces in durable combinations. In the article, the geological disposal of nuclear waste serves as a use ful example for exploring the fruitfulness of the analytical framework put forward. This complex undertaking constitutes just one component in a larger field of technoscientific endeavour that has irrevocably transformed nature while simultaneously remaking society. Addressing this case, we seek to reveal the promise of a sociology that does not bound 'the social' in advance, but rather makes the coproduction of technology and society one of its most important objects of study .
Recension: Kulick, Don (Red.) Queersverige. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur 2005, 459 s. Oversattning Rita Paqvalen
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Lust att läsa eller att låta bli?
Utbildning & Demokrati – tidskrift för didaktik och utbildningspolitk
Do you feel like reading or do you not want to read? Ideas about reading enjoyment in a project which promotes reading at Swedish preschools. The article discusses how ideas of reading enjoyment affect the practical and pedagogical practice through a project to promote reading at four Swedish preschools. Based on interviews and observations collected over a three-year period we highlight three areas where ideas about reading enjoyment are visualized in the teaching of literature: literature, play, and learning through reading enjoyment. The study shows that access to literature alone does not necessarily lead to children’s voluntary reading unless preschool teachers also take an active initiative. Likewise, play can be a pleasurable way to start reading if the adults provide some guidance. The study also notices a discrepancy between preschool teachers’ ideas of reading enjoyment and learning, which may result in the opting out of voluntary reading unless it is explicitly supported ...
The aim of this study is to analyse the importance of social factors and so cial relations around food preparation. Methods used: a questionnaire, a food diary kept by the person(s) respon sible for food preparation in the family and a number of interviews. 348 families from the counties of Uppsala and Umeå with at least one child un der 18 years of age filled in the formulas. The kitchen is a working-place where women dominate as workers. Class has a considerable effect on patterns of meals, on methods used for food preparation and on the choice of food and dishes. The division of la bour is auso effected, members of the family are more involved in the pro cess of food preparation when the mother is a higher non-manual employee or self-employed. Distinctions revealed when reading the diaries with Bourdieu's con ceptions in mind were of three kinds. One dimension is geografical, an other dimension is that of age. The third dimension is class. Upper-class families distinguished themselves by using more extras and more elaborate ways of labelling the gravy, the vegetables, the dishes themselves. They also had more alcohol with the dinner. Still another dimension is the gen der power system. The results from the interviews revealed two patterns. One is that women express in various ways that there are conflicting goals involved, hard to cope with satisfactorily. The other is that there is a great variety of ways the couples deal with the gender system-men's open or hidden domination and women's open or hidden subordination.