An Evaluation of the Quality ( Assurance ) Evaluation – Case Study : The University of Bucharest (original) (raw)

Quality Assurance in Romanian Higher Education–European Principles and Priorities

The paper aims to propose a contextual framework, generating new interpretations and institutional information that underlies more rigorous argumentations, in order to elaborate some longitudinal analysis regarding the quality indicators of the Romanian higher education. In time, it is desirable that these contextualization references be not only national, but more explicitly European. One of the purposes of the present research is to offer a synthetic view of the Romanian higher education, by analyzing, measuring and assessing a set of indicators that will lead to a better place for Romanian Universities among European and international ones.

New Perspectives of Quality Assurance in European Higher Education

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015

The concept of quality in higher education has become an increasingly important matter for institutions, as well as for public policy and debates on education. Quality assurance has been used for the overall improvement of institutions and their management. As the demand for higher education has increased, so has the demand for its accountability, reliability and value for money (Harvey and Askling 2003). Quality assurance agencies have the responsibility to institutions and the public to assure that the education and experience providers deliver is of a good standard, in order to maintain trust in the education system nationally and internationally. Most importantly, however, quality assurance review mechanisms provide valuable recommendations to how institutions can enhance their provisions. Undoubtedly, quality assurance has seen many improvements since the launch of the Bologna Process in 1999. Given the new developments of quality assurance at European level the purpose of the present paper is to realize a comparative analysis between the new and the old ESG with a look on the impact that the policy document has on Romanian Higher Education.

Quality assurance systems in higher education

Amfiteatru …, 2008

The paper tackles, in evolution, the main actions initiated at a European level which have represented landmarks in promoting some systems of assurance of educational quality in the general context of development of some strategies of quality. Connected to the tendencies existing at a European level, the paper presents the legislative-normative framework of ensuring the quality of educational services in Romania as well as other elements which have directed and s ubstantiated the elaboration of the Regulations of Assuring the Quality of the Services of Education and Scientific Research in the Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest.The system of education, in general, and the system of higher education, especially, hold a central place in the development of mankind and of the modern contemporary society, owing to their intellectual and cultural key-responsibilities and to their moral impact upon all of society. The preoccupation of assuring quality in education, by promoting some high quality curricula and some highly efficient strategies of instruction under conditions of complete transparency, were also due to the issuing of some diplomas proving the graduation from various university levels which the knowledge acquired didn't justify, a fact whose implications are deeper and deeper and ever more complex. _________________________________________________________________________ The preoccupations at a European level in the field of quality assurance in the institutes of higher education began in the period 1994-1995, when the European commission initiated a pilot-project for experimenting a unitary model of evaluation for higher education in the member-states. Initially, the project involved 47 institutes of higher education from 17 countries, a number of European associations in the field (CRE, EURASHE and the Confederation of The Conferences of Rectors in Europe) as well as an important number of international experts. The result was materialized in the elaboration of a complete methodology of evaluation which, following a series of improvements became an international reference in the field. [10] In 1998, the Council of Europe issued a recommendation of promotion within the national systems of higher education of some "comparable systems" of ensuring quality, having as a main purpose the facilitation of exchanges and the recognition of studies in the various member-states. Thus, quality assurance was focused on by the General Direction XXII of the European Commission which became the coordinator of the European Network of Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Its purpose was to develop a common, adequate, generally accepted framework for all the academic environments in the European Union and to promote the cooperation among the member-states in the field of quality assurance.

Quality Barometer - 2010 The State of Quality in Romanian Higher Education

The Quality Barometer 2010: The state of quality in Romanian higher education is a report resulting from the implementation of the ACADEMIS project by the Romanian Agency of Quality Assurance in Higher Education. The Quality Barometer 2010 provides an analysis of the consequences of three fundamental higher education institutions: external quality assurance, university procedures and autonomy. The data supporting the Quality Barometer 2010 were generated by using a complex set of qualitative and quantitative methods (questionnaire surveys administered to representative samples of students, teaching staff and employers, in-depth interviews with experts from quality commissions within ARACIS and CNATDCU, focused interviews with students and teaching staff concerning university procedures). The report shows that the current quality assurance system in Romania, centred on accreditation and provision of certifications, leads to perverse effects, encouraging conformism and ritualization of quality assurance and discouraging genuine approaches to internal institutional quality enhancement mechanisms.

Peculiarities of Quality Assurance in Higher Education: A Study of Lithuanian Institutions


Lithuania; Member of Academic Board of EUN.TQM (European Universities Network for total Quality Management, EFQM, Brussels). Address: Saulėtekio al. 22, Vilnius LT-10225, Lithuania. Tel.: +370 5 2366155, +370 686 09710. E-mail: Roma ADOMAITIENĖ – Doctor of social sciences, lecturer at the Department of Management, the Faculty of Economics, Vilnius University. Address: Saulėtekio al. 9, Vilnius LT-10222, Lithuania. Tel.: +370 5 2366154. Fax: +370 5 2366127. E-mail: Dalius SERAFINAS Doctor of social sciences, lecturer at the Department of Management, the Faculty of Economics, Vilnius University. Address: Saulėtekio al. 9, Vilnius LT-10222, Lithuania. Tel.: +370 5 2366154. Fax: +370 5 2366127. ISSN 1392-1142 ORGANIZACIJŲ VADYBA: SISTEMINIAI TYRIMAI: 2007.44

Quality assurance in the european higher education area

Higher Education Management and Policy, 2008

The concepts of quality and quality assurance day by day gain importance and become more popular in the world especially in developed countries about products and services. Bologna process aims to set up European Higher Education Area and one of the most important goals of this process is to make European Higher Education competitive, transparent, diversified and leader in the world by having high quality higher education which produce sustainable socioeconomic developments in the area and in the world. It is certain that developing a good working Quality Assurance system in the European Higher Education Area will make European Higher Education more competitive and strong in the world because Quality Assurance provides and guarantees high quality in teaching & learning, research etc. and it also leads to increase of student mobility by mutual degrees recognition and comparability thus it is obvious that Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education is a must and it should not be performed just as a mandatory technical work to comply with the resolutions of the Area. This study first of all will look into the concepts of quality and quality assurance then it will provide necessary and deeper understanding and information on quality assurance in European Higher Education Area and will talk about how to develop quality assurance system and effects of quality assurance on European Higher Education Area.

Quality assurance systems of higher education - The case of european institutions: origin, evolution and trends

Revista Gestão Universitária na América Latina - GUAL, 2014

The purpose of this research is to analyze the origin, evolution, performance and trends of higher education quality assurance systems in the following European countries: Denmark, . It also studies the performance and impact of the organizations that join the European Quality Assurance Agencies together. The main sources of data collection were in situ semi-structured interviews to members of these agencies. It was found that in higher education institutions there is a strong trend towards the development of 'internal quality assurance systems' in response to the public policies known as 'quality audits'.

Aspects regarding the quality management in the Romanian higher education

On Romania's level, the assurance of quality in the higher education is based on numerous normativ e, among which: Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area ; ISO 9001; IWA 2:2007. In the present paper we have proposed to present some of the problems currently encountered by the Romanian higher education. Quality management of education is and will always be an instrument of pressure on universities to create conditions for accession in the world rankings (some of them) or to ensure the visibility that goes beyond local communities in which they operate. Starting from the analysis and the carried out studies, we propose several directions of improving the quality of the Romanian higher education, which should aim towards the obtaining the requirements for the affiliation of the " Ovidius " University of Constanta th e European higher education quality assurance structures .

Quality Assurance in Higher Education

While the provision of higher education is becoming ever diversified, increased mobility among professionals requires greater standardization among qualifications so that they can be assessed by national authorities for decisions relating to recognition. New methods to assess qualifications are also needed to combat the academic fraud that accompanies diversification of higher education. While national authorities may lack the competence to make judgments about the quality of academic programmes and institutions, there is little comparability of standards when academic institutions are both providers and judges of their own services. For this reason, external quality assurance is most commonly organized through the creation of independent administrative structures, i.e agencies that commonly function as professional buffer organizations between public authorities and higher education institutions. To meet with dynamics of change, new methods of quality assurance such as accreditation systems have become a concern in higher education and will be emphasize in this paper.