Local Wisdom for Marriage Conflict Mediation in Muslim Minahasa, Indonesia (original) (raw)
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MAQASIDI: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum
Artikel ini membahas tentang analisis pengaruh Hukum Islam terhadap Penyelesaian Sengketa Keluarga yang dilakukan oleh Biro Konsultasi dan Konsultasi Keluarga Sakinah Masjid Al-Falah Surabaya Indonesia (FCCB). Banyak pasangan suami istri yang berkonsultasi dengan FCCB Surabaya mengenai masalah keluarga mereka, baik karena faktor ekonomi atau kecemburuan, selingkuh, atau hubungan antara menantu. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini mencoba menganalisis peran Biro Konsultasi dan Konsultasi Keluarga Sakinah Masjid Al-Falah (FCCB) di Surabaya dalam menangani perselisihan keluarga dari perspektif hukum Islam. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dan bersifat kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Data yang terkumpul disusun dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan pola pikir deduktif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: Pertama, ketika pasangan berkonsultasi dengan Biro Konsultasi dan Konsultasi Keluarga Sakinah Masjid Al-Falah (FCC...
The Settlement for Marriage Dispute Through the Islah in Indonesia
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
Islah is an institution of marriage dispute resolution for Moslem communities outside the court which still exists in Indonesia. This paper aims to examine the effectiveness of Islah as one of the institutions for resolving marriage disputes for Muslim communities in Indonesia. For this reason, the type of research used is the type of empirical legal research. This type of research is used to test the behavior of the Indonesian moslem community towards Islah as one of the institutions for resolving marriage dispute. The result of the study shows that the majority of the Indonesian Moslem community still accepts islah as one of the institutions for resolving marriage dispute between them, but in terms of obedience to islah decisions by mediator judges, it has not been fully accepted by the parties to the dispute. Since the Islah ruling is only moral in nature having no legal force that is enforced by law. The author's recommendation, the Indonesian government should make written laws to strengthen the position of Islam, so that it can provide binding power to the parties to the dispute.
Religious Conflicts Management Based on Local Wisdom in the Temple Village of Malang Indonesia
Indonesia is a country prone to conflict, because it has a pluralistic, multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural society. Therefore, it must be certain efforts to prevent the conflict between them in the community. This research aims to describe the conflict resolution through values of local wisdom. It employs qualitative approach with observation, interview, and documentation as methods to collect data. The finding shows that local wisdom values have big contribution to make community with complex religions and ethnic lived in harmony. Local wisdom values also have big role to resolve all conflict problems in the community and make them more humble, tolerant and wise to face the problem in their lives.
Al-Risalah, 2020
In general, the concept of mediation in fiqh literature concerns merely with pre-divorce conflicts. In contrast, the Malay Customary Institution in Rantau Pandan, Jambi also concerns with restoring household integrity after divorce. This paper aims at describing and analyzing the role of the Malay Customary Institution in restoring post-divorce households in Rantau Pandan. The field research was conducted where the data taken from in-depth interviews and documentation. This paper concludes that there are two forms of mediation process practiced by the Malay Customary Institution in Rantau Pandan: the mediation that is prompted by the initial request of the involving parties and that is without the precondition of reconciliation. The success of the Customary Institution in mediating familial conflicts is supported by several factors, such as; the competence of the mediators, kinship relations, and the goodwill of the respective parties. The mediation practiced of the Customary Institution works in line with the guidance of the Qur'ān and the principle of mediation in Islam. Additionally, this institution has developed the concept of mediation outside the court, both in terms of form and task. Abstrak: Konsep mediasi di dalam kitab-kitab fikih, secara umum, hanya berperan pada konflik pra perceraian. Berbeda dengan itu, Lembaga Adat Melayu di Rantau Pandan, Jambi juga berperan mengembalikan keutuhan rumah tangga pasca perceraian. Tulisan ini bertujuan mendiskripsikan dan menganalisis dari sisi hukum Islam tentang peran Lembaga Adat Melayu dalam mengembalikan keutuhan rumah tangga pasca perceraian di Rantau Pandan. Tulisan ini merupakan penelitian lapangan. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa proses mediasi yang diperankan Lembaga Adat Melayu di Rantau Pandan terbagi menjadi dua bentuk; proses yang didahului adanya keinginan rujuk dan proses tanpa didahului keinginan rujuk. Keberhasilan Peran Lembaga Adat tersebut didukung oleh beberapa faktor;
Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication
Refusal of refugee relocation policy due to the eruption of Mount Sinabung from the community members in Lingga Village, Karo Regency, in North Sumatra Province has created social conflict. This study aims to find a model of social conflict management through heart-to-heart local wisdom, known as communication purpusage in Karo, North Sumatra. This research uses a qualitative approach in order to further explore and understand the process of heart to heart basis of communication and local wisdom. Data collection techniques used in this research are observation and in-depth interviews on research subjects, more specifically the background of the conflict, the parties involved in the conflict, the impacts of the conflict, and the solutions adopted. The results of this study show that a heart-to-heart communication model in the Karo culture through a process of runggu (communication for peace) produces local wisdom of purpusage that effectively resolves the conflict. This research contributes in offering a new concept of heart-to-heart communication for resolving social conflicts using a local wisdom called purpusage. Heart-to-heart communication among all conflicting parties has created a sincere communication attitude, which tends to accept the situation, willingness to overcome the conflict, and a strong desire to live peacefully. Village Community of Lingga Karo in North Sumatra has agreed to emphasize on heart to heart communication because it is rooted in their local culture named runggu and purpusage. This research recommends that local wisdom can effectively be used as an effort to resolve social conflicts.
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Malikussaleh (JSPM)
The local wisdom values of the Acehnese have proven to be used as a mechanism in conflict resolution. The problem of conflict is not only the social reality of the people of Aceh, but it has become a problem for the world community. Many conflicts occur in communities that require deep knowledge and broad insight into adat so that they can be resolved through deliberation and consensus. Knowledge of local wisdom and insight into customary-based conflict resolution is not evenly distributed among gampong apparatus, therefore this community service aims to strengthen the role of local wisdom-based conflict resolution to create peace in Gampong Meunasah Mesjid, Muara Dua sub-district, Lhokseumawe City. The method used is strengthening and capacity building. Stages of implementation, problem identification, program implementation in the form of training. So that it is hoped that capacity and knowledge development will be achieved, improvement of the social and cultural values of the com...
Jurnal Dinamika Hukum, 2015
The constitution guarantees freedom of religious life in Indonesia. This guarantee is becoming a myth that is caused by the inability of the state or its agents in fulfilling the promises of its constitution. Religious life in Central Java that seems comfortable but it seems to keep fire. This study is a qualitative research with anthropology, ethnography and law approach. The results shows that the religious conflicts that occurred in Central Java, is because the inappropiate view of the religious exclusivism and the decreasing local wisdom in daily life. Though Central Java have local wisdom which can be used as material development of laws in conflict resolution. But there is a juridical obstacles in its development, because of the unsynchron between the law relating to local authorities in making policy of inter-religious conflict resolution. Therefore, the development of laws based on local wisdom can be done if the juridical obstacles is overcome first.Keywords: freedom of rel...
Local Wisdom in Muslim Social Community in Bali Province: A Study of Tolerance
Bali has a great tradition or culture in various aspects of life that make up the local wisdom of the local community. Local wisdom is the main factor of life tolerance of Balinese people. Although Bali is known as an island populated by Hindu majority, there are also Muslim communities who have inhabited Bali since the 15 th century and live side by side. This was a qualitative research that aimed to describe and analyze local wisdom and religious tolerance in Bali. The data acquired in this research included primary and secondary data collected through library study technique and filed research covering focus group discussion and interview with key informants. The process of data analysis started by examining all the data obtained from various sources related with the themes and were viewed from the perspective local wisdom and tolerance. The study revealed Muslims in Bali had their own color to plural society life. They were not completely deprived of their culture, because they still adopted a local culture that was not against Islamic fundamental values. The harmonious life was the result of a long process of assimilation so that it gave a birth to a life order that run side by side. In the social order, the people of Bali are familiar with the concept of Brahma, which means the bond of brotherhood as a way to reach happiness and harmony. Local wisdom in Bali includes values, norms, ethics, beliefs, customary laws, and specific rules integrated into people's lives. Local wisdom formed a harmonious relationship between man and man, man with nature and man with knowledge. Therefore, local wisdom for both Muslim or non-Muslim community in Bali created a tolerant society life.
Negotiating Love and Faith: Interfaith Marriage in Manado, Indonesia
Wawasan: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya, 2021
Interfaith marriages in people's lives have been practised in many areas in Indonesia, even if it's not legally registered. The rule of law in Indonesia does not accommodate interfaith marriages. When interfaith marriage happens, the registration system should follow marriage registration either at the KUA (office of religious affairs) for Muslims or in the Civil Registry office for other religions. This study aims to analyse the practice of interreligious marriage in Manado and how they maintain a good marital relationship between the spouse of different religions. This research employs a qualitative approach by collecting data through interviews with 30 informants who practice interfaith marriages in Manado. The results of this research found that many people in Manado consider interfaith marriage as permissible. They argue that religion is a relationship between humans and God, while marriage is related to human beings. The family of different religions based their relati...
Conflict and Its Resolution in Indonesian Islam: A Case Study of a Javanese Muslim Society in Riau
Sunan Kalijaga: International Journal of Islamic Civilization
This paper aims to examine the extent to which a Muslim society in Indonesia solves its conflict. By using a Muslim society in Riau as a case study, this article argues that the society observed has a unique characteristic which may differ from other Muslim societies in other regions. It proposes that, in this community, the negotiation is done silently to shape the peaceful social interaction and harmonious relationship. In fact, the conflict within this society is actually corrosive when the elites have basically different education background categorized into Pesantren and University graduates making diverse ideas about religious and educational issues. The conflict is identified to be hybrid as it is not solely religious or non-religious matters. The political dimension is influential which deconstructs the meaning of charismatic leader in this society. The authority of local kiyai or kiyai kampong is renegotiated by ordinary people when the kiyai is invited to be involved in th...