The Einstein equation and the energy density of the gravitational field


We give a derivation of the Einstein equation for gravity which employs a definition of the local energy density of the gravitational field as a symmetric second rank tensor whose value for each observer gives the trace of the spatial part of the energy-stress tensor as seen by that observer. We give a physical motivation for this choice using light

Gravitational waves: from Maxwell to Einstein

The parallelism between Maxwell's electromagnetic field equations and Einstein's field equations of general relativity is exploited to reveal the equations obeyed by the recently detected gravitational waves. In the limit of weak metric perturbations, the formal solution to the gravitational wave equations is derived.

The Energy Density of the Gravitational Field and the Einstein Equation for Gravity in Classical General Relativity

We give a fully covariant energy momentum stress tensor for the gravitational field which is easily physically and intuitively motivated, and which leads to a very general derivation of the Einstein equation for gravity. We do not need to assume any property of the source matter fields' energy momentum stress tensor other than symmetry. We give a physical motivation for this choice using laser light pressure. As a consequence of our derivation, the energy momentum stress tensor for the total source matter fields must be divergence free, when spacetime is 4 dimensional. Moreover, if the total source matter fields are assumed to be divergence free, then either the spacetime is of dimension 4 or the spacetime has constant scalar curvature. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000) : 83C05, 83C40, 83C99.

A gravitational energy-momentum and the thermodynamic description of gravity

Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2018

A proposal for the gravitational energy-momentum tensor, known in the literature as the square root of Bel-Robinson tensor, is analyzed in detail. Being constructed exclusively from the Weyl part of the Riemann tensor, such tensor encapsulates the geometric properties of free gravitational fields in terms of optical scalars of null congruences: making use of the general decomposition of any energy-momentum tensor, we explore the thermodynamic interpretation of such geometric quantities. While the matter energy-momentum is identically conserved due to Einstein's field equations, the SQBR is not necessarily conserved and dissipative terms could arise in its vacuum continuity equation. We discuss the possible physical interpretations of such mathematical properties.

Energy–Momentum Density of Gravitational Waves

International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2008

In this paper, we elaborate the problem of energy–momentum in general relativity by energy–momentum prescriptions theory. Our aim is to calculate energy and momentum densities for the general form of gravitational waves. In this connection, we have extended the previous works by using the prescriptions of Bergmann and Tolman. It is shown that they are finite and reasonable. In addition, using Tolman prescription, exactly, leads to the same results that have been obtained by Einstein and Papapetrou prescriptions.

The Einstein equation and the energy density of the gravitational field, arXiv:0803.1684v1[math-ph


We give a derivation of the Einstein equation for gravity which employs a definition of the local energy density of the gravitational field as a symmetric second rank tensor whose value for each observer gives the trace of the spatial part of the energy-stress tensor as seen by that observer. We give a physical motivation for this choice using light pressure. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000) : 83C05, 83C40, 83C99.

Analysis of the Processes of Gravity in the Framework of Curvature of Space and the Substantiation of the New Model

Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2020

The paper belongs to the sphere of quantum physics, physics of waves and physical fields, in particular-to the gravitation. Their study provides a better understanding of the problems of natural sciences at all levels, from elementary particles, to Universe as a whole. Therefore, the solution of these problems is an urgent and important task, which to the works of many generations of scientists of the world was dedicated. However, they have not been fully resolved. In well-known works, including general relativity, determination of the wave and energy parameters of the gravitational field of the Universe and their numerical values are absent. Solutions found are limited to tensor equations of a general form, which allows their interpretation of over a wide range. Other disadvantages of famous models are: 1) the voluminous world of the Universe reduced to the planes on which space objects and other objects move, sagging planes due to their own mass; 2) signs of "top" and "bottom" of the system, which are not in the real Universe, just as they are not on Earth and not in the Solar system; 3) the formation of "voids" between the object and the curved space and others. Main goals of the work to identify these contradictions and find ways to resolve them are performed. The main difference and the scientific novelty of the work performed are the justification of the gravity model based on a rigorous determination of the wave and energy parameters of the gravitational field of the Universe and their numerical values. The initial parameters of this worked-is the frequency oscillation ν G of the waves of the gravitational field (Nastasenko's constant) found in 2011. Research Results: Knowing ν G can find all wave parameters of the gravitational field and their numerical values. The proposed new spatial-wave model of the action of gravity is based on the wave parameters of the gravitational fields of material objects. In the framework of their unity with electromagnetic fields, it reduces their structures to similar ones and eliminates the How to cite this paper: Nastasenko, V. (2020) Analysis of the Processes of Gravity in the Framework of Curvature of Space and the Substantiation of the New Model.

Title: Part II of New Basic Theory of Gravity

This paper follows the earlier paper Part I: Veringa, H.J. (September 2016), New Basic Theory of Gravity, Journal of Modern Physics 7 (1818-1828) in which a new model to describe the gravitational interaction between particles and its consequences on the attractive force between two masses is proposed. The basis for the analysis is a merger of Quantum theory and Relativity. Nowhere in the analysis there is any need to deviate from well proven and successful concepts of both theories and rules of calculation, and no exotic new particles will have to be introduced. By doing so it is demonstrated that, next to its local interactions of a multi-particle system, the Schrödinger equation leads to pairs of two and only two members. This solution is used as the invariant term in the quantized Einstein energy equation which gives gravitational interactions between members of the pairs. With this particular solution for the quantum-mechanical wave function it is found that gravity is a second order effect operating over a long range. The emphasis of this paper is on the more precise justification of some of the basic assumptions made, on the historical context into which it should be placed, how it affects the ordering of our immediate environment and works on a cosmological scale. It is also found that the generator of gravity is contributing mass to particles that have gravitational interaction. This contribution is therefore related to cosmological parameters and will be further elucidated. 1. Introduction This paper elaborates on the analyses made in an earlier publication published in September 2016 [1]. It was shown that the Schrödinger equation in free space and outside the influences of local interactions has a special solution for the wave equation of an ensemble of two particles. The two participants, or members, of this ensemble are shown to be connected into a pair which has to be seen as a pair potential, or a " generator " creating a sub-space, that manifests itself in the surroundings. Essential for this analysis is the assumed spherical symmetry. This pair potential is interpreted as the relativistically invariant mass density for a field to be described by the quantized Einstein equation known as the " Klein Gordon " (KG) equation. Quantization means that in the energy equation, as in this case the Einstein energy equation, the parameters like energy, momentum and the pair potential are replaced by their corresponding operators and are working on a wave function. This KG equation is then solved for an undefined number of pairs and it is found that a simple solution is possible which leads to an energy dedicated to the field for which the pair is responsible. It is most surprising that this solution, together with the appropriate boundary condition, gives precisely the right dependences for the gravity law as it has been discovered by Newton a few centuries ago. The previous letter addresses the basic aspects, but some of the arguments can be expounded on and be put into a context of general insights into the micro-, as well as the macro cosmos. Then, later, some interesting clarifying analogies with daily life are offered. The analysis strongly connects with the famous debates between the founding fathers of Quantum theory and Relativity. Appreciation of these controversies shows that these historical, counter-intuitive, but at that time revolutionary, insights are all-important for the present development of the basic theory of gravity. When referring to formulas in the previous paper, Part I, the equations are indicated by (I.N).

Physical-Mathematical Method Defined of Wave Parameters Gravitation Field

International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2019

The traditional principle of solving the problem of obtained parameters gravitational field associated with of transformation parameters the electromagnetic field on the basis of Maxwell and Lorentz equations. The proposed non-traditional physical-mathematical principle is solving this task by using special physical quantities found by M. Planck in 1900:-Planck's length o p l , time o p t and mass o p m , the uniqueness of which is that they are obtained on the basis of 3 fundamental physical constants: the speed c of light in vacuum, the Planck's circular constant and the gravitational constant G, which reduces them to the fundamentals of the Universe. However, it is not clear what real objects of the material world Planck's values can be related to, therefore, they are generally considered to be abstract values, therefore its not used in scientific studies. It is shown in the paper that replacing Planck's circular constant by Planck's constant h allows one to obtain new values of Planck's length l p , time t p and mass m p that are really related to the parameters of the material world. Strict physical regularities were obtained for the based on intercommunication of 3-th fundamental physical constants c, h and G, that allow to single out wave characteristic ν G from G which is identified with the frequency ν G of oscillation wave gravitational field. On this base other wave and substance parameters were strictly defined and their numerical values obtained. The solution of given problems is substantiated by well-known physical laws and conformities and not contradiction to modern knowledge about of material world and the Universe on the whole. It is actual for development of physics and other branches of science and technique.