Geoarchaeological Context of Archaeological Site at Kraków-Stradom (Southern Poland)

Proceedings 2019, 2019

The Vistula flood plain has a very complicated structure both in horizontal and vertical layout. This applies to both the facies' formation of the sediments and their stratigraphy. Within the site, two areas with distinctly different types of sediments can be distinguished (Fig. 6). The first refers to the extensive zone of sandy-gravel channel sediments from Late Glacial in the lower part and Subatlantic in the upper part. The second area includes the oxbow lake sequences. The Early Atlantic series, both the channel and the oxbow lake sequences of "Old Vistula". The study confirmed the position suggested by Bąkowski [11], that the "Old Vistula" has been excavated, taking into account previous morphology. It was probably a lowering of the Early Atlantic abandoned channel.

Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age settlement archaeology on the Oder and Vistula Rivers in north-west Poland

Tagungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle Band 20, 2019, 2019

Müller J., Czebreszuk J., Szmyt M., Ławniczak M., 2019, Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age settlement archaeology on the Oder and Vistula rivers in north-west Poland. In: Hrsg. H. Meller, S. Friederich, M. Küßner, H. Stäuble und R. Risch, Tagungen des Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle (Saale) Band 20: Siedlungsarchäologie des Endneolithikums und der frühen Bronzezeit In northwestern Poland, settlement practices during the Late Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age underwent significant changes. In our paper, we focus on three main aspects: settlement aggregation, settlement stability, and social hierarchy. Over the period in question, settlement aggregation initially declined, but later rose again. The communities inhabiting the study area during the Late Neolithic (the Funnel Beaker Culture and Globular Amphora Culture) preferred a moderately agglomerated settlement model. In the Corded Ware Culture, settlement sites became increasingly dispersed across the entire study area. With the beginning of the Bronze Age, the trend returned to a model of more agglomerated settlement. A similar trend was seen in settlement stability. During the Late Neolithic, settlement was moderately stable. Later, in the Corded Ware Culture, settlement became highly unstable (in the form of sites which are very difficult to verify by archaeological methods). In the Early Bronze Age, very stable forms appeared (probably alongside the less stable forms recorded in the earlier stages). These settlements were continuously renewed by succeeding generations, as in the fortified settlement at Bruszczewo, Greater Poland voivodeship. There was no uniform trend in the degree of social differentiation (the degree of internal hierarchy of the group). Instead, there was a distinct fracture between the Globular Amphora Culture and the Corded Ware Culture; the two communities, which developed alongside each other in the same regions and in parallel over time, were significantly different in their social structure. In addition, the Corded Ware Culture began a new sequence of social changes that culminated in the Únětice Culture, representing a society with a large internal differentiation and stable elites. Zusammenfassung Spätneolithische und frühbronzezeitliche Siedlungen im Oder-und Weichselgebiet in Nordwest-Polen. Die wich-tigsten Veränderungen in den Siedlungsmustern und in der sozialen Gliederung Im späten Neolithikum und in der frühen Bronzezeit verän-derten sich die Siedlungsmuster in Nordwestpolen stark. In diesem Beitrag konzentrieren wir uns jedoch auf drei Haupt-aspekte: die Siedlungverdichtung, die Siedlungsbeständigkeit sowie die soziale Struktur. Im Verlauf des hier untersuchten Zeitraums nahm die Aggregation von Siedlungen ursprünglich ab, um dann später wieder zuzunehmen. Die im Untersuchungsgebiet lebenden spätneolithischen Gruppen (der Trichterbecher-und Kugel-amphorenkultur) bevorzugten ein mäßig verdichtetes Sied-lungsmodell. Während der nachfolgenden Schnurkeramikkul-tur waren die Siedlungsstellen immer stärker über das ganze Untersuchungsgebiet verstreut. Der Beginn der Frühbronzezeit brachte dann eine Rückkehr zu einem eher konzentrierten Siedlungsmuster. Ein ähnlicher Trend lässt sich in der Siedlungsbeständigkeit nachweisen. Während des späten Neolithikums waren die Siedlungen relativ dauerhaft gebaut. Im Verlauf der Schnur-keramikkultur löste sich dies auf und die Siedlungsplätze dieser Periode sind archäologisch nur sehr schwer zu fassen. In der frühen Bronzezeit waren gewisse Siedlungen wieder dauerhaft gebaut, während andere die weniger beständige, frühere Struktur beibehielten. Die dauerhaften Siedlungen wurden über Generationen hinweg immer wieder erneuert, wie dies zum Beispiel in der befestigten Siedlung von Bruszczewo, Woiwodschaft Großpolen, der Fall war. In der sozialen Differenzierung (innerhalb der Gruppe) lässt sich hingegen keine vergleichbare Tendenz ablesen. Im Gegen-teil: die Kugelamphorenkultur und die Schnurkeramikkultur zeichneten sich durch gänzlich unterschiedliche Sozialstruk-turen aus, obgleich sie sich zur gleichen Zeit und in denselben Regionen entwickelten. Insbesondere in der Schnurkeramikkul-tur lassen sich gewisse Veränderungen feststellen, die in der Aunjetitzer Kultur mündeten und dann zur vollen Entfaltung kamen-einer Kultur, deren Gesellschaftsstruktur sich durch eine starke interne Differenzierung mit einer stabilen Elite auszeichnete.

Settlements of Local Phase of Corded Ware culture in Moravia. Acta Archaeologica Carpathica, 2021, Tom LVI, 193–220, Krakow.

Acta Archaeologica Carpathica, 2021

In the context of the long discussion on the (non-)existence of permanent Corded Ware culture (CWC) settlements and the semi-nomadic way of life of their inhabitants, ongoing excavations of common settlements have newly gained immense significance, as in almost all other regions, also in Moravia (Olomouc-Slavonín, Horní lán; Vřesovice; Seloutky; Hulín-Pravčice 1; Prostějov, Za tržištěm). Earlier sporadic indications have been joined by a series of records of settlements with sunken features and typical local ceramics identical with burial grounds, together with which they formed complete settlement areas in a number of sites. Light wattle structures, wells(?), textile production, animal husbandry, etc., have been identified, as were some very unconventional inhumation burials in pits (Olomouc-Slavonín, two cases). The cord element clearly formed a part of the mixed horizon of Strachotín-Držovice with elements of Makó/Kosihy-Čaka culture, Globular Amphora culture and Moravian Group of CWC. Absolute dating indicated the 26th–23rd century cal. BC. Absence of foundations of (residential) structures could be explained by the lower level of recognisability of CWC settlements. In other aspects, it showed no particular difference from other prehistoric farmers and cattle breeders.

On the Bandkeramik on the Lower Vistula River

Sprawozdania Archeologiczne

The Vistula River is the most important river in Polish history and culture. This paper discusses whether this could influence the hypothesis regarding the crucial role of this river for the Early Neolithic colonization of the Polish lowlands. It presents an overview of the Linear Pottery culture settlement on the lower Vistula River. The main sources of information are broad-scale survey programmes, which provide an impressive number of sites, while the extent of large-scale excavations is very limited. This is an important caveat with respect to statements on similarities and differences in occupation between the lowlands and other regions. Nevertheless, according to the present state of research, the lower Vistula region can be regarded as a remote, but important settlement area of the LBK.