Le journal inédit de Jan Willem van Wetering sous officier du 126eme regiment de ligne sous l Empire (original) (raw)
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Source / Quelle: Dr. Fridolin SOLLEDER, "Generaloberst Johann Georg von Wüst, ein militärischer Abenteurer", Das Bayerland, XXV, 46, 15. August 1914, pages 904-907.
ABSTRACT in English (résumé en français plus bas): Fridolin SOLLEDER, "General Jean-Georges de Wüst, a military adventurer" (1721 - circa 1785) The reader will find in attachment a French translation of the first biographical article on Baron Jean-Georges de Wüst (1721 - circa 1785), an article published in 1914 in German by a Bavarian archivist, Fridolin Solleder. From 1914 to the present day, de Wüst has been the subject of several other succinct biographical articles (all in German) written by local scholars. But these articles, in fact, with some variations or some further deepening of the historical context of the time, all do recopy the key information delivered by the first article, that of Fridolin Solleder. In addition, all these articles are difficult to access. The publication of the first chronologically published article for the French-speaking public therefore seemed judicious, especially since Baron de Wüst carried out the last part of his military career - the most brilliant part - in French service. But the sources of the life and military career of the Baron de Wüst are rare; almost all the precise data were given to Fridolin Solleder by a handwritten autobiography of the Baron de Wüst himself, rediscovered by this archivist in the Juliusspital [Julius Hospital] in Würzburg, Bavaria, where De Wüst lived out his days. Baron de Wüst is a character worthy of interest in several respects. As an officer of hussars, he draw from his experience in 1768 one of the first treatises on the "petite guerre" published in the 18th century. He published it in French at The Hague. This treatise was noticed in that time and Baron de Wüst was able to present it to the King of France, Louis XV, in the year of its publication. This work, with both original and synthetic content, is mentioned, with a more or less detailed account, in the main periodicals of literary and political news of the 18th century, for the year 1768 or 1769, as the case may be. The complete transcript of this military treatise can be found on our website on the following page: http://www.sandrinepicaud-monnerat.com/documents-traite-dewust.php. See also, in our book (“La petite guerre au XVIIIe siècle”, 2010), the contextualization of the treatise of Baron de Wüst in the whole military literary production on this subject in the 18th century. The life of Baron de Wüst sheds light on the ways in which it was possible to start a military career in Europe in the 18th century, and the circumstances which could accelerate the progression within the ranks, up to the highest offices, for noblemen of mediocre birth. In some respects, this is akin to the military career of Count Jean-Jacques de Beausobre (1704-1783), Lieutenant-General in French service, another theoretician of the "petite guerre". See below, in the "Talks" section, the summary of the biographical conference on Jean-Jacques de Beausobre, 1704-1783. But Baron de Wüst was a real "military adventurer." The title by which Fridolin Solleder describes him is not usurped. There is a huge gap between his early years as a hussar in Austrian service and his title of "King of India" given by the Great Mughal of Delhi; and an equally huge gap with his travels through European places of pilgrimage as a penitent expiating his sins, during the last decade of his life. A surprising character. RESUME en français : Le lecteur trouvera ci-joint une traduction inédite en français, par nos soins, du premier article biographique sur le baron Jean-Georges de Wüst (1721 - vers 1785), article publié en 1914 en allemand par un archiviste bavarois, Fridolin Solleder. Depuis 1914 jusqu’à nos jours, le personnage de J.-G. de Wüst a fait l’objet de plusieurs autres articles biographiques succincts (tous en allemand) écrits par des érudits locaux. Mais ces articles recopient en fait, avec quelques variantes ou quelques approfondissements supplémentaires du contexte historique de l’époque, les informations-clefs délivrées par le premier article, celui de Fridolin Solleder. Par surcroît, tous ces articles sont difficilement accessibles. La mise à disposition, pour le public francophone, du premier article publié chronologiquement nous a donc paru judicieuse, d’autant que le baron de Wüst a effectué la dernière partie de sa carrière militaire – la partie la plus brillante – au service de France.
Wauchier de Denain, polygraphe du XIIIe siècle
Wauchier de Denain, polygraphe du XIIIe siècle, éd. S. Douchet, Aix-en-Provence, Presses universitaires de Provence, 190 p., 2015
Auteur de la première histoire universelle en prose française, de nombreuses vies de saints et d’un roman du Graal, Wauchier de Denain s’impose comme un auteur majeur de la vie littéraire du XIIIe siècle. Pourtant, aucun ouvrage ne lui avait été consacré jusqu’à présent. Ce recueil comble cette lacune et propose de mieux comprendre ce qui fait l’originalité de l’oeuvre de Wauchier de Denain. Si de nombreux écrivains médiévaux sont, comme lui, des polygraphes, au rang desquels des noms prestigieux (Chrétien de Troyes, Marie de France, Jean Renart ou Raoul de Houdenc), Wauchier possède une écriture originale qui en fait un hagiographe, un historien et un romancier de premier plan. Les huit études ici réunies font suite à un colloque international qui s’est tenu à Aix-en-Provence et à Carpentras. Elles dressent un bilan neuf et inédit de cet auteur et s’interrogent notamment sur les caractéristiques de l’écriture polygraphique.