Measuring and managing franchisee satisfaction: a study of academic franchising (original) (raw)
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This study attempts to explore different approaches of franchisee satisfaction within an academic setting, develop and validate a new measuring instrument, examine the key factors and their influence on performance and intention to remain in the network, and eventually manage the franchise network for long-term continuity. This study was conducted in Malaysia over a sample of 68 respondents representing 19 franchised colleges within Universiti Teknologi MARA's (UiTM) network. The findings suggest five dimensions of franchisee satisfaction namely social interaction, service support, financing, assurance and competence. Hence, UiTM should be able to ascertain the level of services provided, and to determine which dimensions need improvement. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of these dimensions and their relative influence may result in better allocation of resources so as to provide a better service to the franchised colleges. This study has also sought to contribute further to the growing literature on franchising by advancing a new 23-item measuring instrument, which is specifically tailored for academic franchising. Such a valid and reliable measuring scale would be a tool that tertiary institutions could use to improve their performance in the light of increasing competition with the development of global academic franchising.
Franchise as business method especially popular become in second half od 20th century (Khams, 2013.,78).Since than as a signii cant factor in business growth and lever of economic development attracts researches attention. In contest of franchise way of doing business, relation between franchisor and franchisee is crucial for success, not only for the individual member of franchise but for entire franchise system. Franchise relationship actually begins with meeting the needs of clients through cooperation of franchisor and franchisee. Each party is directly interesed in success of franchise. e element that varies franchise from most other forms of business is a symbiotic relationship of interdependence and conn dent of two legally dii erent economic. In focus of this research is franchisee satisfaction as a aquire of the right of represenatation – contractor of the franchise agreement, franchi-see as a member of distribution system and franchisee as individual that experience franchise as satisfaction for invested ee orts, knowledge and money. Research uses scientii cally verii ed questionnaire of four university teachers (Abdullah and other.,2008) satisfactory internal consistency (= 0,87). Questionnaire contains ve dimensions of franchisees satisfaction: 1) social interaction, 2) service support , 3) nancial, 4) assurance and 5) competence. Contains a total of 23 particles. Recearch is conducted between owners of the right of represenatation (dealers) and managers on the highest and middle level, employed in ten various automotive sales and service representative (ten dii erent principals) in the area of Republic Croatia. After nal analysis of the data obtained through the SPSS software package are discussed factors aa ecting the franchisee satisfaction. Also regression analysis indicates that the relationship between competitive position and its franchisee satisfaction shows meaningful, signii cant and consistent relationship.
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The Nigerian franchise sector witnessed a rapid growth at the turn of the century, from 2001 to 2010, and thereafter started declining. Disputes, relational conflicts, and high rate of outlets closure have characterized the industry over the years. Meanwhile, studies show that to a large extent, success of franchisees depends on the quality of relationship they have with their franchisors. No prior empirical study has investigated the cause of the increasing relationship disputes in the Nigerian franchise industry. This investigation aims to explore the key relationship factors that influence franchisees' overall satisfaction and intention to stay. Personal interview involving 26 franchisees was used to collect data from different franchise brands across Nigeria. Four factors emerged strongly as the antecedents of the relationship problem in the franchise system. Answering the calls of many scholars for studies in different cultures and settings on franchisor-franchisees relationship, this study provides the first-ever empirical insights into the relationship dynamics between franchisors and franchisees in Nigeria, thereby helping to strengthen the theory in the subject. The study offers some recommendations that will potentially help in reviving the industry for the benefit of the stakeholders and the economy at large.
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Journal of Strategic Marketing, 2020
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European Journal of Marketing, 2013
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Franchising Performance from Franchisee Perspective: Case in Education Franchising in Indonesia
Global Business Review, 2017
This article assesses the impact of transactional, relational, entrepreneur orientation on satisfaction and performance from the viewpoint of franchisee. The methodology includes an empirical study that was conducted in education franchising in Indonesia. The results show that the quality of relational relation is important in improving franchisee performance results. Meanwhile, entrepreneur orientation as a moderator variable gives an effect towards the improvement of franchisee performance. From the four indicators of entrepreneur orientation, in education franchise context in Indonesia, the most required indicator is the courage to take risks. This quality is required by franchisee in increasing franchisee performance because without courage to try new things and find creative ideas, franchisee performance will not improve. This article also discusses managerial implications, research limitation and future research.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2019
The franchise business is getting popularity day by day. However there is significant lacuna in understanding the crucial determinants of franchisee characteristics that influence franchise business success especially in Malaysia. Hence this study tries to identify the important factors affecting franchisee characteristics that influence the success of franchise business. An extensive focus group interview conducted to collect the data by a structured questionnaire. This research summarizes the findings of a focus group discussion, which evaluate and identify the franchisee characteristics. All focus group participants agreed and had ranked the characteristics, which had given direct impact towards determining the best criteria for the sales performance and franchisee success. Entrepreneurial capacity, professional experience, financial capacity and motivation has been ranked as an important characteristics in running franchise business. Result from this study is expected to contrib...
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Journal of Business Research, 2005
Numerous studies of franchisee failure have been conducted with mixed results reported due to methodological differences and the definition of failure used. There has been an emphasis in the literature on estimating and comparing the failure rates for these organisations. This paper acknowledges that franchisee failure is a concern but concentrates on the causes of failure. To do so, a definition of dnegative franchisee exitsT is developed to overcome deficiencies in previous definitions of failure. The research is carried out in two stages. Firstly, franchisors and their ex-franchisees are interviewed. Then, the insights gained from the qualitative research are used to develop a model for the second stage of the research. Findings from a survey of franchisors indicate that franchise system size, level of franchisee investment and degree of conflict are related to the incidence of negative franchisee exits.