A Provably Correct Compilation of Functional Languages into Scripting Languages (original) (raw)
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While visiting the Computer Science Department of the University of Torino in November/December 1997. vi The evaluation rules for PCF are a subset of the ones for PCFP (in Figure 2.2), since the rules APP 2 and PROJ i (i ∈ {1, 2}) are not needed. All the results in the previous sections apply to PCF as well. 2.6 PCFP with primitive recursion In this section we introduce an extension of PCFP, called PCFP T , which is more suitable for expressing programs extracted from formal proofs. The language PCFP T is obtained from PCFP by adding a program constructor for primitive recursion over natural numbers (rec). There are also two constructors for specifying simplified uses of primitive recursion: the constructor it (for iteration) and the constructor case. PCFP T , which is a variant of Gödel's system T , is the language considered in Part III of this thesis. The term formation rules for the new constructors are in Fig. 2.4, and the evaluation rules are in Fig. 2.5. Since for every PCFP T term there is an equivalent (w.r.t. the interpretation in all the closed term model described in Section 2.4) PCFP term (see Fact 2.10 below), we have that all the results for PCFP presented in the previous sections apply to PCFP T as well.
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A ug 2 01 7 The Unfolding Semantics of Functional Programs
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