Chromosome numbers and genome size data for some Balkan species (original) (raw)

Towards a Genome Size and Chromosome Number Database of Balkan Flora: C-Values in 343 Taxa with Novel Values for 242

Advanced Science Letters, 2010

Nuclear DNA content or genome size is an important character in evaluation of biodiversity. The presence of different biogeographic plant groups, such as the remnants of Tertiary relictual, glacial and postglacial flora, makes the Balkans region a natural laboratory for evolutionary studies for many plant groups. Given the paucity of information about genome size for the Balkan flora we have determined the DNA content of 343 taxa, of which 242 values are novel, mainly from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Monte-Negro and Serbia. Generally, the DNA 2C-values have been estimated in several populations, and if these results were similar only one population is presented. In several taxa the presence of B chromosomes, polyploidy and hybridization events led to significant genome size variation at intraspecific level. In these cases the values of several populations are presented. The 2C DNA content and base composition (GC%) were assessed by flow cytometry and chromosome number was determined using standard methods. Genome size of studied species ranged from 1C = 0 14 pg for Selaginella helvetica to 48.00 pg for Fritillaria gracilis. Using Leitch's criteria 49% of these taxa belong to the group of very small C-values, 24% to small, 19% to medium values, 6.7% to large, and 1.2% to very large genome size. Typically, the last two groups consist of gymnosperm and monocot species. These are the first 2C-values for one family, 53 genera (9 monocots and 44 eudicots) and 242 taxa at specific (210), intraspecific (27) and hybrid (5) levels.

Chromosome numbers of selected woody species from the Bulgarian flora

The chromosome numbers of 15 woody species from the Bulgarian flora are reported: Acer platanoides, A. pseudoplatanus, Ailanthus altissima, Alnus glutinosa, Carpinus betulus, Cornus mas, C. sanguinea, Coronilla emerus subsp. emeroides, Euonymus latifolia, Fraxinus ornus, Humulus lupulus, Periploca graeca, Quercus dalechampii, Sambucus nigra and Viburnum opulus. The results for 12 species confirm previously reported counts from Bulgaria and elsewhere, whereas the chromosome numbers of Ailanthus altissima (2n = 64), Alnus glutinosa (2n = 28) and Cornus mas (2n = 18) are reported for the first time from Bulgarian accessions. New chromosome count of 2n = 14 has been established for Coronilla emerus subsp. emeroides from Bulgarian accession.

Comparative chromosome and molecular studies of some species of genus Arum from eastern Slavonia and Baranya region in Croatia

Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 2011

Karyological and molecular studies were done in this paper on three species of genus Arum; <em>Arum italicum</em> Mill. and <em>Arum maculatum</em> L., with two varieties, and <em>Arum alpinum</em> Schott and Kotschy, also with two varieties. The main goal of this paper was to establish whether they were regularly determined exclusively on the principle of morphological parameters. Karyological studies showed that the number of chromosomes for<em> Arum italicum</em> Mill. amounted to 2n=84, for <em>Arum maculatum</em> L. 2n=56 and for <em>Arum…

Chromosome number variability in central european members of theFestuca ovina andF. pallens groups (sect.Festuca)

Folia Geobotanica, 2003

Chromosome numbers for 98 plants of F. pallens, 19 of F. psammophila, F. belensis and F. vaginata, and 44 of F. ovina (originating from Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia and Latvia) are given. In addition to the F. ovina and F. pallens groups, chromosome counts for the following taxa are also reported: F. alpestris (2n=14) reported for the first time in this work, F. amethystina subsp. amethystina (2n=28), F. brevipila (2n=42), F. cinerea (2n=28), F. rupicola subsp. rupicola (2n=42) and F. versicolor subsp. versicolor (2n=14). In F. pallens, two ploidy levels (2n=2x=14+0-1B, 2n=4x=28+0-1B) as well as two natural triploid plants (2n=21+0-1B), were found. In addition to the four F. pallens types that have been distinguished in Austria, one new tetraploid type (F. pallens "scabrifolia") from the Czech Republic and Germany is reported and its taxonomy is discussed. The distributions of the Oberösterreich-Niederösterreich and Pannonisches-Hügelland F. pallens types outside of Austria are documented. Only the diploid chromosome number (2n=14) was found in F. psammophila and F. vaginata. Chromosome numbers for F. psammophila subsp. muellerstollii and F. belensis (both 2n=14) were determined here for the first time. Two ploidy levels, 2n=14+0-5B corresponding to F. ovina subsp. ovina and 2n=28 corresponding to F. ovina subsp. guestphalica and F. cf. duernsteinensis were confirmed in F. ovina. Differences in chromosome structure (simple and multiple secondary constrictions) between F. pallens as opposed to F. psammophila and F. vaginata are discussed. A complete survey of published chromosome counts for Central European species from the F. ovina and F. pallens groups is included.

The chromosomal number for rare species from Romania


T he cytogenetic d ata fo r rare and endemic species from romani an flora are uncertain and contradictory. Is necessary to establish the role of poliploidy and aneuploidy fo r survival and evolution of these species

Chromosome morphology of the czechoslovak species of the genusScorzonera

Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica, 1979

Karyotypic formulae of the Scorzonera L. species are as follows: S. purpurea L.: K (2n) ~ 14 8A m-t-6B sm and K (2n) : 14 ~-1 : 9A TM-}-6Bsm; S. austriaca WII~D.: K(2n) ~ 14 6A TM-}-6B sra-}-2Cst; S. humilis L.: K(2n)~ 14 ~ 12A m-F 2Bsm; S. parviflora JAcq.: K(2n) ~ 14 ~ 10A m-~ 4Bsm; S. hispanica L.: K(2n) ~ 12 A m~ 2B ~m. The results of the study of the karyotypes of the genera Scorzonera L., Tragopogon L. and Podospermum DC. are summarized. MATERIAL AND METHODS The method of the study of chromosomes is that of our earlier studies (Dvof+.4x et DAD./,XOV~ 1976). The terminology of the chromosomes follows LEVA• et al. (1964). Localities from which plants were collected are given for each species. Voucher specimens have been deposited in the Herbarium of the Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Science, J. E. Purkyn~f University Brno (BRNU). Only the specimen of Scorzonera humilis L. from locality No. 1 is deposited in the Museum VysoSiny in Jihlava (MJ). STEBBINS (1971) established twelve theoretical possible karyotypes according to their symmetry. The author took into account: (1) the ratio length of the longest chromosome: length of the shortest one (in mitotic metaphases it is better to use the ratio length of the longest pair of homologous chromosomes: length of the shortest one); (2) proportion of acrocentric and telocentric chromosomes in the diploid set. STEBBI~S referred chromosomes with r-index higher than 2.00 to the category of acrocentric and telocentric chromosomes. Owing to the use of terminology propounded by LEVA~ et al. (1964) in the Czech literature, we propose a modification of STEBBh~S' table (Tab. 8). In the Tabs.: a.1. ~ absolute length; r.1. ~ relative length.

Chromosome numbers of some woody species from the Bulgarian flora

Phytologia Balcanica, 2007

Abstract. Chromosome numbers of 11 woody species from the Bulgarian flora are presented in the paper. The number of Daphne pontica (2n= 18) is reported for the first time for this species. Counts of Castanea sativa, Daphne laureola, Hedera helix, Juniperus sibirica, ...

Chromosome numbers for some species of vascular plants from Europe


ROTREKLOVÁ, O., BUREŠ, P. & GRULICH, V., Chromosome numbers for some species of vascular plants from Europe. Biologia, Bratislava, 59: 425-433, 2004; ISSN 0006-3088. Chromosome numbers are given for 16 species and one interspecific hybrid of vascular plants originating from the Czech Republic, Croatia, and Italy: Artemisia annua (2n = 18), A. pancicii (2n = 54), A. repens (2n = 16), A. scoparia (2n = 16), A. tournefortiana (2n = 18), A. verlotiorum (2n = 54), Cirsium heterophyllum (2n = 34), C. oleraceum (2n = 34), C. palustre (2n = 34), C. oleraceum ×C. rivulare (2n = 34), Eleocharis acicularis (2n = 20), E. ovata (2n = 10), E. quinqueflora (2n = ca.136), Senecio aquaticus (2n = 40), S. erraticus (2n = 40), Triglochin maritima (2n = 48), and T. palustre (2n = 24). Chromosome numbers of 15 of the species were recorded for the first time from the Czech Republic. Chromosome numbers of the species from Italy and Croatia were recorded for the first time from these countries.

Chromosome numbers of woody plants from Bulgaria

Phytologia Balcanica, 2007

Abstract. The chromosome numbers of 22 woody plants from 25 populations in the Bulgarian flora are reported: Acer monspessulanum, A. tataricum, Alnus glutinosa, Betula pendula, Celtis glabrata, Euonymus europaeus, Ligustrum vulgare, Paliurus spina-christi, Populus nigra, ...

The chromosome morphology ofHesperis matronalis subsp.matronalis and related diploid taxa

Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica, 1976

Hesperis matronalis L. subsp, matronalis contains various genoms having the same chromosome number (2n = 24), differing, however, by the r-index of some pairs of homologous chromosomes. Diploid sets of the taxa Hesperis matronalis L. su~sp, matronalis, Hesperi8 sylvestris CRANTZ subsp, sylvestris, Hesperis sylves~ris CRA~TZ subsp, velenovskyi (FRITSCK) BO~ZA and Hesperis steveniana DC. are compared. MATERIAL AND METHODS The localities of plants chosen for the investigation are given below. Root-tips of young seedlings were pro-treated in a saturated solution of p-dichloro-benzene for three hours, fixed in a 96 % mixture of alcohol and acetic acid (3 : 1) for 24 hours, macerated in a mixture of HC1 and ethylalcohol (1 : 1) for one minute, rinsed in water and stained with laeto-propionic-oreeine. Preparations were made from the root-tip meristems. Drawings of the mitotic metaphases were made using a camera lucida and compared with the microphotographs. The drawings for the present paper were made from microphotographs (eyepiece FU 6.3 or FU 4.0; objective 100 x). The drawings were made by F. DVO~/~K. The chromosomes were measured in camera lucida drawings and in microphotographs. Karyological investigations were carried*out by B. DAD~KOV.&, chromosome numbers were also counted by F. Dvof~. The latter carried out the taxonomic determination of the plants. Microphotographs were made by I. GOTTVALDOV~. The terminology of the chromosomes follows LF.VA.W etal. (1964). Abbreviations: m = a metacentric chromosome (r-index 1.00-1.70); sm = a submetacontrie chromosome (r-index 1.71-3,00); st = a subtelocentric chromosome (r-index 3.01-7.00). The r-index was obtained by dividing the length of the longer chromosome arm by the length of the shorter arm of the same chromosome. According to the recommendation of Dr. J. M~Sf~EK of the Botanical Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prfihonice near Prague, we write down the karyotypic formula in the following way. After the symbol K (2n) we put the established number of chromosomes. We reserve the letter A for metacentrie chromosomes, the letter B for submetacentric chromosomes, the letter C for subtelocentric chromosomes. Over the letters we write abbreviations m, sin, st. Arabic numerals before the letter give the number of corresponding chromosomes. Only in this point we differ somewhat from Dr. J. M~si~Ex's recommendation. The manuscript was prepared by F. DVO:~K and discussed with the second author. The voucher specimens have been deposited in the University Herbarium (BRNU).