Science for ELLs: Rethinking Our Approach (original) (raw)

Practical considerations and support for instruction of English language learners M any educators feel ill-prepared to meet the academic needs of students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. For Oscar, a 13-year-old Mexican immigrant in the southwest, being an English language learner (ELL) brings daily challenges as he tries to keep up with learning English and the subject contents of eighth grade. He takes classes with English speakers with the expectation that he will learn English the "natural way" by immersion. Fortunately, his older brother, who came first to the United States, tutors him in most areas. This helps Oscar cope with the multitasking role of being a nontraditional student in an American classroom. In Oscar's school, 49% of the student population is categorized as ELL, four languages are spoken, 75% of the student population is Hispanic, and 98% of the students receive free or reduced lunch. Oscar is bilingual. Bilingual students learn their languages at different ages, in various settings, and for unique purposes. Despite the increasing normalcy of growing up bilingual, there is often a concern that bilingualism hinders students in school. Educators are hesitant to incorporate language-facilitating methods. Yet, policy makers, school administrators, and educators are desperate for sound research and guiding practices to implement appropriate instructional materials and assessment strategies for ELL. W i l l i a m M e d i n a-J e re z , D o u g l a s B. C l a r k , A m e l i a M e d i n a , a n d F ra n k R a m i re z-M a r i n Rethinking Our Approach