The Impact of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) on The Audit in The Context of Emerging Technologies (original) (raw)

Impact of Erp System on Auditing and Internal Control

TIJ's Research Journal of Social Science & Management - RJSSM, 2011

Information technology is changing almost every phase of global business environment. Auditors are facing the vast challenge of working and keeping up-to-date with such sophisticated technologies. In ERP systems, operational and financial data are tied together through a complex information flow. Transactions can be automatically entered without review or pre-checking with the ERP system. Therefore with the implementation of integrated ERP systems, internal controls are developing itself to support automated operational management. The ERP systems are one of such technologies used by various organizations to achieve a strategic advantage in the competitive market. The ERP systems are computer-based systems designed to process an organization’s transactions. It facilitates integrated and real-time planning, production, and customer response. From an auditing perspective, ERP systems created new opportunities as well as new challenges. Based on a questionnaire survey, the paper attemp...

Erp Systems and Internal Audit


From an internal audit perspective, enterprise systems have created new opportunities and challenges in managing internal as well as external risks. In this work, we report results of a survey that examines internal auditors’ ability to identify and manage operational, financial, technological, compliance and other risks as the organization migrates to an ERP environment. Our findings show that the internal auditors perceive a reduction in financial and operational risk and an increase in technical risks. These effects are somewhat mitigated by their ability to assess and manage these risks. We also find that internal audit departments satisfied their needs for ERP skills not by outsourcing but by providing staff with in-house training.

ERP Systems and Auditing: a Review

In order to further advance research within auditing and ERP systems, an understanding of what research has already been done and what research is needed is of particular importance. The purpose of this study is to uncover, classify and interpret current research within auditing and ERP systems. This is done partly to identify research gaps and propose directions for future research and partly to guide researchers and practitioners investigating and making decisions on how to better synthesize the two areas. This study also tries to examine how and to which extent the implementation of ERP systems in the organizations affect audit procedures and auditors' roles. The outcome of the review is an identification of research gaps and a proposal of research opportunities within different research paradigms and with the use of different methods.

The Effect of Applying the Organization Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) in the Quality of Internal Audit: A Case of Jordanian Commercial Banks

International Journal of Economics and Finance

This study aimed at examining the impact of the ERP system on the quality of internal auditing in the Jordanian commercial banks. For this purpose, the researchers designed a questionnaire that was distributed to specialists in the same field of this research. The questionnaire consisted of eight perspectives. The study’s sample included 21 Jordanian banks, while the study’s sample consisted of thirteen Jordanian commercial banks. The results discovered a statistical and significant impact on the application of the organization's resource planning system, especially in the field of finance, marketing, sales, management, human resources as well as the services’ system. Based on these results, the researchers raised up a set of recommendations, which are including the necessity of developing the capabilities of the internal auditors in the use of the organization's ERP system in general, and enhancing the accounting system to increase the confidence and the quality of the fina...

Enterprise resource planning systems implementation and the implications for the internal audit function


Corporate governance has received increased attention from both regulators and researchers in recent years resulting in highlighting the significance of the internal audit function (IAF). Another transformative force on the IAF has been the dissemination of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems which have an impact on the legitimacy of the IAF if it is not suitably ERP Systems Implementation and the Implication for the IAF Hany Elbardan Dedication This doctoral research is dedicated to the memory of my late father, to my mother, to my wife Mayy, my daughter Malak and to my son Yassin for their endless support.

The Impact of Continuous Auditing Technology in ERP System on Improving the Internal Audit Performance: A Field Study

المجلة العلمیة للبحوث التجاریة

The study objective is to investigate the impact of CA technology adoption in ERP system on improving the internal audit performance. To achieve this objective, the levels of changing from traditional auditing to CA in ERP system have been presented, whereas this new technology has the capability to improve the internal audit performance. Moreover, the literature related to the study has been reviewed, and a field study has been conducted using the questionnaire list and interviews with internal auditors, managers, as well as IT staff (programmers and analysts of information systems) in the selected companies. The findings of the study indicated that (1) there is significant difference among the categories of the study on the impact of CA technology in ERP system on improving IA performance, (2) there is a significant relationship between adopting continuous auditing in ERP system and the internal audit performance, and (3) there is a significant impact of adopting continuous auditing technology on improving the internal audit performance.

Internal Audit Function response to ERP Systems Implementation

The internal audit function (IAF) importance has been highlighted by legislative and professional responses to various financial scandals. On the other hand, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have institutional logics in controlling business process that pressure the IAF to change. Based on the institutional theory a conceptual framework is formulated to explore the IAF change as a response to ERP systems implementation, wherein ERP systems are considered as carrier of new institutional logics. Interpretive approach has been adopted by conducting an in-depth case study in a multinational organization in Egypt. Interviews with variety stakeholders were chosen as the primary data collection method besides careful examination of available documents. Data have been analyzed using directed content analysis based on coding the transcribed interviews. The study results are enhancing the understanding of the IAF change and provide additional lessons that could be useful in improving the IAF in organizations that implement ERP systems.

Internal Audit Model Post-Erp Implementation (Enterprise Resource Planning) at PT Xyz


The research aims to compare the audit process carried out after ERP implementation with the audit model using the 2019 COBIT framework in the Monitor, Evaluate and Assess domain. It is evaluating the effectiveness of the audit using COBIT 2019 compared to the audit currently being conducted at PT XYZ. This research is applied research, using a case study method and a qualitative approach. The object of this research is PT XYZ, a company distributing pipe and pump products. 2017 PT XYZ implemented an ERP system to replace the previous program. Data analysis with the steps applied compared to the current audit process carried out at PT XYZ with the 2019 COBIT-based audit using the Monitor, Evaluate, and Assess (MEA) approach and evaluated the effectiveness of the audit model using COBIT 2019, which can ensure that audit objectives in the ERP system can be achieved effectively. The result of the research shows that there are differences in the audit process that PT has carried out. XY...

Implementation of ERP Systems: Accounting and Auditing Implications

T echnology plays a key role in today's business environment. Many companies greatly rely on computers and software to provide accurate information to effectively manage their business. It is becoming increasingly necessary for all businesses to incorporate information technology solutions to operate successfully. One way that many corporations have adopted information technology on a large scale is by installing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to accomplish their business transaction and data processing needs. The company named SAP Aktiengesellschaft (commonly known as SAP AG in the business press) is currently a world market and technology leader in providing ERP systems. As such, this article primarily discusses IT implications based on the SAP system.


The objectives of this study are to examine the activities of AIS through ERP, assessing compliance with financial regulations, and understanding financial control facilitated by ERP. Using a field study approach, the research investigates the different states of ERP systems and their impact on organizational operations. The significance of this research underscores the evolution of accounting and its integration with computerized systems over the past sixty years, leading to the development of accounting software accessible to a broader audience. However, previous literature has largely focused on the relationship between ERP and AIS, often overlooking the impact of ERP on organizational financial control. As per the method of this study primary data were collected by field survey and theses are analyzed by simple software tool like MS Excel. Results reveal a complex landscape of attitudes toward ERP systems. While there is widespread agreement on the positive impact of ERP on decision support and automated accounting processes, opinions are divided on other aspects such as data consistency, real-time access to financial data, and financial controls. Specialized ERP components for financial data, sourced from various business operations, streamline processes, reduce redundancy, and increase data accuracy, ultimately supporting informed financial decisions and regulatory compliance. Key findings include divided opinions on data duplicity elimination, real-time access to financial data, and the enhancement of financial controls. There is strong consensus on the automation and streamlining of accounting processes and the benefits of ERP for decision-making support. Conclusion reveals that clear communication, customization, data integrity, transparent reporting, balanced automation, regulatory alignment, and user training to navigate the complexities of ERP opinions. By addressing these considerations, organizations can ensure successful ERP adoption and integration, thereby enhancing their operational efficiency and financial control.