Hydrodynamic and metallurgical characterization of industrial flotation banks for control purposes (original) (raw)

Analysis of the Gas Phase in Flotation Process. Part 2, Empirical Functions of Occurrence Frequency of Tested Parameters


Mineralization of air bubbles, the most important part of the froth flotation process, depends on a number of factors which affect the conditions in the flotation chamber’s work space. They can be defined as physico-chemical parameters and hydrodynamic parameters. The latter depend on the operating conditions of the floatation machine during the enrichment process. The process of forming of durable flotation aggregates is preceded by generation and dispersion of gas bubbles in the flotation machine tank which also depend on the aforementioned parameters. The paper presents the results of experimental analyses of changes of selected values which define the size of air bubbles generated in the flotation chamber.

Strategies for increasing coarse particle flotation in conventional flotation cells

If the particle size that could be effectively recovered in a flotation cell could be increased, the product size from grinding could be significantly coarsened, resulting in a more eco-efficient flowsheet. A number of strategies that could potentially increase coarse particle flotation recovery are investigated in this work by performing tests using a pilot scale 3m3 Metso RCS flotation cell operated using a copper ore. Turbulence was manipulated by changing the impeller speed, impeller size and cell aspect ratio. Tests were performed at different froth depth to enable the effect of the froth phase to be evaluated independently of effects in the pulp. The impact of distribution of turbulence on froth performance is also evaluated. This work suggests that coarse particle recovery may be sensitive to froth phase effects with recovery optimal at shallower froth depths and when turbulence at the pulp-froth interface is minimised.

Comparative study of the main flotation frothers using a new HYDROMESS adapted technique

Rem: Revista Escola de Minas, 2014

Stability of bubble size in the pulp zone and froth control is an important parameter for a successful flotation process. The present study compares the action of the main frothers in terms of: mean bubble size in the pulp zone, froth stability, surface-tension-lowering ability and reagent participation in flotation of a naturally hydrophobic mineral. Bubble size was determined using a new technique adapted from HYDROMESS, a device designed to measure drop size. The remaining indicators were obtained by determining surface tension and conducting flotation tests with the addition of hydrophobic (graphite) and hydrophilic (calcite) particles. The results indicate that methyl isobutyl carbinol (MIBC) is the most efficient frother in controlling coalescence, with critical coalescence concentration (CCC) reached at 20 ppm. Moreover, this frother has greater potential for selective action, since it increased calcite entrainment by only 2.3% at a concentration of 30 ppm. In flotation tests...