Recurrent vaginal discharge causing by retained foetal bones in a bitch: a case report (original) (raw)
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Harran üniversitesi veteriner fakültesi dergisi, 2021
A four-year-old Anatolian Shepherd bitch was brought to our clinic with an intermittent purulent-hemorrhagic vaginal discharge complaint with no general symptoms for six months following the last parturition. There were no signs of mass or lesion on the vaginal wall during physical examination. Anechogenic uterine content, hyperechoic structures freely floating in the lumen, and suspicious fetal tissue remnants were detected by ultrasonography in only the left uterine horn. Hematological parameters revealed the chronic uterine infection. The unilateral ovariohysterectomy operation was performed for the more affected left horn to maintain the patient's fertility. Two fetal bone remnants were detected in the reddish infectious uterine content at the postsurgical uterine incision. Throughout the postoperative five months, vaginal discharge or any general signs of complication were not observed. We thought that the last fetus might have undergone uterine retention and autolysis in the following weeks, which caused the chronic uterine infection. Obstetrical controls are well-advised in all parturitions to reveal any fetal remnant cases/complications and to have a normal postpartum process.
A Clinical Case of Foetal Maceration and Posttraumatic Uterine Rupture in a Bitch
A clinical case of uterine rupture following external trauma and macerated foetuses, which were diagnosed 20 days after parturition and without signs of sepsis in a 10-year-old Bulgarian Scenthound bitch is described. On physical examination, there were no changes in the general condition of the animal. Complete blood counts and blood biochemistry results did not show any deviations from reference values and did not indicate sepsis development. After ultrasonography, foetal debris was observed and radiography confirmed the presence of parts of two foetuses in the abdominal cavity. Median laparotomy revealed macerated foetus (hair and bones) in the abdominal cavity, ruptured left uterine horn near to the bifurcation and a macerated foetus inside the horn. Due to the adhesions between the omentum and the uterus and pathological alterations of the uterine wall in the ruptured area, ovariohysterectomy was performed. The clinical examination had been performed for ten days until the bitch showed good recovery.
Uterine Horn Intussusception in a Chihuahua Bitch
Iranian Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology (IJVST) , 2023
Uterine Horn Intussusception in a Chihuahua Bitch Uterine horn intussusception has rarely been reported in bitches. However, the pathogenesis is not entirely clear and the incidence of uterine intussusception in bitches is unknown. This disorder occurs during the postpartum period and is a challenging clinical condition in terms of presentation, diagnosis, and management. In this report, a case of uterine horn intussusception is described in a four-year-old female Chihuahua bitch, which presented with abdominal pain, lethargy, anorexia, tremors, recumbency, and ongoing reddish vaginal discharge 20 days after whelping two pups. All the hematological and biochemical test results were within normal ranges except for a decreased calcium level. Ultrasonographic examination revealed the multilayered appearance of the uterine wall. The midline laparotomy confirmed the invagination of a proximal segment of the uterine horn into its distal segment near the uterine body. Ovariohysterectomy was performed as the recommended treatment. This case highlights the importance of assessing abdominal pain to avoid delay in diagnosis and management. Moreover, uterine intussusception should be considered as a differential diagnosis in bitches with the symptoms of abdominal pain during the postpartum period.
Uterine Rupture and Fetal Maceration in an Indian Mongrel Bitch
Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research, 2014
Uterine rupture and fetal maceration in an 11 year old mongrel bitch was diagnosed via lateral abdominal radiography and ventral midline laparotomy. The treatment of choice in cases of uterine rupture and fetal maceration is bilateral ovariohysterectomy along with plenty of intravenous fluid therapy and broad spectrum antibiotics. Incidences of uterine rupture and fetal maceration can be prevented by timely recognition of early signs of obstetrical-related complications and use of proper obstetrical techniques.
Uterine horn torsion in two non-gravid bitches
Journal of Small Animal Practice, 2000
Uterlne torsion secondary to sacculatlon of the uterine horns was diagnosed in two non-gravid bitches which were presented with anorexia, polydipsia and an acutely swollen abdomen. On the bask of the radiological and ultrasonographlc findings, which indicated the presence of an enlarged spherical or tubular structure filled with hypoechoic material In the caudal abdomen, a tentative diagnosis of pyometra was made. Exploratory laparotomy revealed unliateral uterine horn torsion along the longitudinal axis, with bilateral fluid-filled sacculatlons. Ovadohysterectomy was performed in both cases. Pathological examination of the uteri demonstrated haematometra in one dog and pyometra in the other.
Successful management of foetal maceration in a bitch
A three years old mongrel bitch was presented to the Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, Selesih with a history of the dog was naturally matted 70 days before and the bitch was not showing any sign of whelping nor uterine discharge. The body temperature and pulsation were normal with no signs of septicemia or toxemia. Animal having decrease appetite, the mucous membrane having normal color, and haematology revealed mark increase of lymphocytes and monocytes. The USG examination revealed distended uterus with hypoechoic structure but no viable fetus. Radiographic examination revealed four numbers of distorted foetal skeletons in the uterus. The case was successfully managed through surgical intervention.
Uterine and ovarian remnants in an incorrectly spayed bitch: a case report
Veterinarni Medicina, 2018
A spayed Samoyed bitch, 12 years old, was presented to the Veterinary Clinical Hospital of the University of Cordoba (Spain) with abundant vulvar sanguineous discharge over the previous three days. The clinical examination revealed a remarkable vulvar mass, which protruded through the vulvar lips. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed the presence of structures compatible with uterus and ovary, which had been presum - ably removed eight years previously. An exploratory laparotomy was carried out, which confirmed the presence of the right ovary and a remnant of the uterus. The histological evaluation confirmed a granulosa cell tumour in the ovary, and an enlarged portion of the right uterine horn with brownish contents. The vulvar mass was also surgi - cally removed and fibroma with some fibrosarcoma areas was diagnosed. This case shows the evolution of ovary and uterus into the abdomen, which were incorrectly removed after ovariohysterectomy eight years previously.
Uterine intussusception in immediate postpartum in bitches
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 2020
Uterine intussusception is a rare condition in bitches. This study aimed to report an unusual case of prolapsed uterine intussusception in a female dog. A 2-year-old American Bully bitch was received with labor history of large fetus requiring manual traction. The animal presented mucosal prolapse through the vulva, unproductive contractions and abdominal discomfort. After partial correction of mucosal prolapse, the dog was referred to ovary-hysterectomy surgery to correct prolapsed mucosa. During the surgical procedure, surgeons observed that the uterine horns were invaginated into the uterine body, rotated, and the tissue was slightly devitalized and congested. As previously described, this condition occurred during the immediate postpartum period. Thus, we suggest that this period can be a facilitator for the establishment of uterine intussusception.