Business and Human Rights: Key Issues for Legal Theory (original) (raw)
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Олена Уварова. Права людини і бізнес: динамічний розвиток міждисциплінарної концепції Анотація. Рецензія на дослідницький посібник з бізнесу і прав людини за редакцією Сурії Дева і Девіда Бірчала (Research Handbook on Human Rights and Business, edited by Surya Deva and David Birchall. Edward Elgar, 2020). Ключові слова: дослідницький посібник; бізнес і права людини; міждисциплінарність. Елена Уварова. Права человека и бизнес: динамическое развитие междисциплинарной концепции Аннотация. Рецензия на исследовательское пособие по бизнесу и правам человека под редакцией Сурии Дева и Дэвида Бирчала (Research Handbook on Human Rights and Business, edited by Surya Deva and David Birchall. Edward Elgar, 2020). Ключевые слова: исследовательское пособие; бизнес и права человека; междисциплинарность. Olena Uvarova. Human Rights and Business: A Dynamic Development of an Interdisciplinary Concept Abstract. Review of research handbook on human rights and business edited by Surya Deva and David Birchall (Research Handbook on Human Rights and Business, edited by Surya Deva and David Birchall. Edward Elgar, 2020).
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The article is devoted to the concepts of business and human rights in metamodernism era (postpostmodern), when the contradictory processes of globalization and glocalization of economical and legal relations simultaneously create new opportunities and challenge the actuality and effectiveness of legal mechanisms of promotion of human rights in business field.It is emphasized that despite some progress in promoting the concept of business and human rights,the question whether international and national law is able to oblige businesses to sustain humanrights remains relevant. It is determined that the concept of business and human rights is based onthe categories of public interest, which is realized and taken into account by voluntary commitmentand implementation of relevant obligations of business entities and positive obligations of the statein the field of human rights. The article analyzes political and economic global trends and challenges which influence theconcept of business...
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Philosophy of law and general theory of law, 2021
A series of events on business and human rights that took place during the IV KharkivInternational Legal Forum in September 2020 is overviewed.The central topic of the discussions is the question of the possibility (or inevitability) of a newsocial contract, where, along with society and the state, business should become a party. The business’simpact on the daily people life and even on the state itself is becoming more and more significant.Business is seen as a direct bearer of human rights responsibilities, especially in situations where the state is too weak to protect human rights, or when it comes to an area of autonomous space in whichthe state should not interfere.Society needs to develop mechanisms that would guarantee the compliance of non-state regulationestablished by business with fundamental legal values – respect for human dignity, justice, freedom,equality. The questions of the application of the requirements of the rule of law to the sphere of suchnon-state regulatio...
Philosophy of law and general theory of law, 2021
The rapid growth in demand for private military and security services among states,international organizations and non-state actors has turned this activity into a powerful industry withmillions of people who perform – on a contractual basis and in exchange for monetary rewards – actions,which, however, often pose risks to the rights of others, local communities and nations around theworld. The author explains the urgency of the article by high-profile cases of possible participationof private military companies in the events of the occupation of Crimea and the armed conflict inDonbas, initiation of new legislation on military consulting in Ukraine and, at the same time, by themodest attention of Ukrainian jurisprudence to human rights obligations of companies providingsecurity services as non-governmental entities. The author examines the evolution of some approaches to the international legal regulation of private military and security activities and their compliance with modern a...
Constitutional guarantees rights to entrepreneurial activity
Problem setting. The article considers the category of freedom of entrepreneurial activity. The normative-legal and organizational-legal guarantees of entrepreneurial activity, enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine, are studied. Particular attention is paid to constitutional restrictions in the field of entrepreneurial activity. Target of research is to study the constitutional guarantees of ensuring the right to entrepreneurial activity and to identify shortcomings in the mechanism of their implementation. Analysis of recent researches and publications. The constitutional right to entrepreneurial activity and guarantees of its provision have been the subject of research by many scholars, in particular M.V. Vitruk, B.S. Ebzeev, M.I. Matuzov, M.P. Orzikh, M.I. Kozyubra, V.F. Pogorilka, P.M. Rabinovych, S.V. Riznyk, Yu. M. Todyky, O.O. Chub, V.M. Shapoval, V,S. Shcherbyna and others. Only some aspects of this issue were considered in the special literature, respectively, a comprehe...