Pattern and Extent of Utilization of Social Welfare Schemes by the Elderly in Northern India: An Observational Study (original) (raw)

Awareness and Utilization of Social Security Schemes by the Elderly Population of District Faridabad, Haryana, India

Journal of Comprehensive Health

Background: The currently young and productive country will be growing old in near future. The burden of elderly dependents is increasing and on the other side the informal care givers number is projected to decrease. Hence the responsibility of providing the social security to our elderly dependents lies on the government. Objectives: To assess the level of awareness and utilization of social security schemes among elderly of rural and urban Haryana. Methods: A descriptive observational cross sectional study was undertaken in the urban and rural field practice area of medical college in Haryana, India. A sample of 234 elderly (>=60 years) was interviewed regarding awareness and utilization of country and state specific social security schemes. The data is presented in descriptive format. Results: The awareness in the study population ranged from 6.8% to 85.5%. The majority of population had awareness about old age pension schemes (85.5%) and this was higher among rural as compar...

Awareness and utilization of Geriatric Welfare Schemes among urban elderly population of District Gautam Budh Nagar

Indian Journal of Community Health

Background: India has 8.6% elderly population which is going to increase to 12% by 2025. Government of India is providing for the elderly through various social security and welfare schemes as well as legislations. But various studies, mostly in rural areas have shown that the awareness regarding these schemes was poor and incomplete. Utilization of schemes by the beneficiaries was even poorer. Very few studies have assessed the same in urban areas. Aims & Objectives: To assess the awareness and utilization of geriatric welfare schemes and factors associated with them among urban elderly. Material & Methods: The study was conducted in urban field practice area of Dept of Community Medicine, SMS&R, Greater Noida. 402 elderly living in slums of Bhangel, Noida, were interviewed using semi structured questionnaire assuming 50% awareness levels in the urban area with 10% relative precision and 95% confidence interval. Results: Awareness regarding any one scheme was 31.6%, of whom only on...

Geriatric social security and welfare services in Gwalior, India: a cross sectional study of awareness, utilization, concerns and solutions

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences

Background: Between 2015 and 2050, the proportion of the world's population over 60 years will nearly double from 12% to 22%. In 2050, 80% of older people will be living in low and middle income countries. All countries face major challenges to ensure that their health and social systems are ready to make the most of this demographic shift.Methods: The present Study was a cross-sectional study done for 1 year in 2016 in which 600 households were selected by simple random sampling in Gwalior city in which the knowledge and awareness of various Government health scheme and policies and their day to day utilization in their life were assessed. A predesigned and pretested interview based structured questionnaire was used for data collection. They were analysed and interpreted by appropriate software and various statistical tests were applied.Results: The maximum no. of participants 112 (54.9%) knew about railways/road transport/air travel concessions provided to Senior citizens, 23....

Awareness about Social Security Schemes among elderly: A comparative study among rural and urban population of Khordha District, Odisha

Indian Journal of Community Health

Background: Demographic transition has led to a rise in elderly population, their social security being a priority. Awareness and utilisation of these being less researched, we undertook this study. Aim & Objective: To find the awareness regarding existing social security schemes, the pattern of their utilisation and enlist the challenges faced in utilising them. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from January to March 2018, among randomly selected consenting elderly in the urban and rural field-practice areas of a medical college. Data was analysed using EpiInfo software. Results: A total of 540(270 each in urban and rural) participants were included.55.93% in urban and 51.48% in rural were aware and 33.38% in urban and 15.56% in rural utilised atleast one of the schemes. 27.78% in urban and 25.19% in rural expressed their dissatisfaction with the pension received. The differences in the awareness about property protection and old age pension had a statisti...

Awareness and Utilization of Geriatric Welfare Services among Elderly in Nainital District of Uttarakhand

National journal of community medicine, 2016

Introduction: Population ageing is an important emerging demographic phenomenon in India. The wide gamuts of social, psychoemotional and financial correlates determine the medical problems in elderly which need to be addressed. Thus this study was undertaken to know the awareness and utilization of geriatric welfare services among elderly in Nainital district of Uttarakhand. Methods: A community based cross-sectional study was conducted in the rural areas of Haldwani, Nainital district of Uttarakhand. 440 elderly populations were selected by two stage sampling technique. Data was collected using interview method and analysis was done using SPSS v 16. Chi square test was used and p value < 0.05 was considered significant. Results: Majority of the elderly were in 60-69 years of age group, female elderly outnumbered male. Most of the elderly were illiterate, not working, married, belongs to class III and were financially dependent on their family. The awareness for old age pension scheme was seen in 97.3% while19.7% was utilizing it. The awareness and utilization of other services was poor. Conclusion: The awareness about geriatric welfare services was low. Also, the utilization of these services among elderly was very poor. The rural setting might be one of the causes for it.

Social Security for the Rural Elderly Women in India

Society & Change, Dhaka, 2018

Social security is a right to every living human beings of our society. This security can be provided by family, government and different social organizations for protection of individuals especially underprivileged and vulnerable. The study focuses on the group of disadvantaged elderly persons (above 60 years) of our society. After 60 years, peoples are transferred in the group of silvers (a term coined now across the world by organization working for the elderly person) where they are unable to do the work like the younger generation (15-59 years). The elderly women of that group are facing more problems in comparison with elderly man as found in the study area. In most of the families, main bread earner is male members and the females are financially depending on male members. After the death of the husband, again female elderly persons depend on their children. As they are financially dependent on others, so their rights and securities are also ignored. More than half (52%) elderly women are being marginalized from their families and societies and not getting proper respect. Random sampling method was used to confine the data from the country. The data has been collected through structured interview schedule and non-participatory observation method. The main objective of the study was to know the overall status of elderly women in the country and to know the facilities that are available for elderly women. This study will also find out the gaps for various insecurities among the elderly person in terms of family, health, financial, physical, legal security and societal security.

Reflection of Rural Elderly Women on Welfare Schemes: Expectations and Reality

The state and central governments old age schemes are gender neutral but in reality the rural aged women are the victims due to lack of economic support, poor health condition and lack of moral support than men. Hence, this research has been intensely analyzed the welfare programmes which are implemented by central and state governments. Dindigul district, Nillakottai taluk, Silukkuvarpatti village has been selected as a study area, 50 samples were selected from universe by using simple random sampling. Based on the following board objectives structured interview schedule has been used for data collection; Objective: • To study the socio-economic background of the rural elderly women, • To assess the level of awareness of welfare schemes for rural elderly, • To evaluate the role of welfare schemes supporting to rural elderly and • To analyse the reflection of rural elderly women on welfare schemes.

the effectiveness of senior citizen social security programme in Dhangadhi Municipality

Abstract This paper investigates the effectiveness of senior citizen social security allowance scheme in Dhangadhi Municipality. Following the definition of First World Assembly on Ageing (1982) and Jestha Nagarik Aein (2063), this study defined elderly persons as those who are 60 years and above. This study is primarily based on primary data which were collected from field survey during the month of November and December, 2012. This study covers all the wards of Dhangadhi Municipality using two stage cluster sampling and 280 households having at least one elderly person are enumerated selecting 20 households from each ward. In the sampled households, all elderly persons were interviewed. Enumeration of all elderly persons in the sampled households ensured coverage of both males and females of all age group. Out of total, 353 elderly aged 60 years and above were successfully interviewed during the field survey. Both qualitative and quantitative survey instruments were used for this study. The tools and methods used to collect primary information were questionnaire, Key Informant Interview (KII), Focus Group Discussion (FGDs), Case Study. This study found that almost all elderly know about senior citizen allowance (99.6 %) and single women allowance (99.4 %) but very little knowledge about Dalit allowance (5 %). Near around three fifth (59 %) of the respondents were found to be receiving the allowances. Among them, 45 per cent senior citizen reported that they utilized allowances for self expenditure. Among those who did not receive senior citizen allowance, about 75 per cent reported that they were ‘under age’ to receive allowance. Among those who received senior citizen allowance, 55 per cent perceived that their status in the family has improved ‘somewhat’ and another 9 per cent perceived ‘very much’. Most of the respondents and participants of FGD have perceived that the elderly allowance is inadequate to meet their overall basic necessities. So, this study recommends that government needs to increase the amount by changing policy.

Utilisation of Health Care Facilities by Geriatric Population: A Study from Rural India

Background: Elderly people are more vulnerable to diseases and are likely to utilize a significant proportion of health care facilities. This study examines the pattern of utilization of health care facilities by the elderly people of rural India. Methods: The observational cross-sectional study was carried out in the rural field practice areas of a medical college hospital over a period of one year on 660 individuals using a pre-tested questionnaire administered in their own language which was administered by the first author during a face-to-face interview. Results: There were 336 (50.91%) males in our study. The most common ailment that the subjects were suffering from was dental issues. Around 92% subjects availed the non-government facilities for their health issues, and most of them (52%) utilized services of unqualified professionals. Conclusion: Our study depicts that maximum number of subjects did not avail proper medical care and most preferred non-governmental services to government health care facilities.