Value of Information in Design of Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network under Uncertainty (original) (raw)
This paper presents a methodology for groundwater quality monitoring network design that takes into account uncertainties in aquifer properties, pollution transport processes, and climate. The methodology utilizes a statistical learning algorithm called a relevance vector machine (RVM), which is a sparse Bayesian framework that can be used for obtaining solutions to regression and classification tasks. Application of the methodology is illustrated using the Eocene Aquifer in the northern part of the West Bank, Palestine. The procedure presented in this paper captures the uncertainties in recharge, hydraulic conductivity, and nitrate reaction processes through the application of a groundwater flow model and a nitrate fate and transport model following a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation process. This MC modeling approach provides several thousand realizations of nitrate distribution in the aquifer. Subsets of these realizations are then used to design the monitoring network. This is done b...
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