Student’s Real Movement for Better Indonesia’s Farm (original) (raw)

The Implementation of Program “Desa Mandiri Benih" (Self-Sufficient Seed Villages) for Promoting Farmers Welfare (Study in Mempawah Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia)

Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi Publik

This study discussed the implementation of Self-sufficient seeds village program in Mempawah Regency, West Kalimantan as an effort of the Government to develops seeds independency in villages and able to provide quality seeds. The study conducted using descriptive qualitative approach using the program implementation theory by David C. Korten (1980). Respondents were composed of participant and non-participants farmers of the Self-sufficient seed villages program. The results showed that in terms of three elements of program content and context of Implementation on supports the program implementation were running well.It is important to observe the sustainability of this program at the end of it farmers would then be able to produce high quality seeds continuously with or without government programs. INTISARI Penelitian ini membahas tentang Implementasi Program Desa Mandiri Benih di Kabupaten Mempawah, Kalimantan Barat sebagai salah satu usaha Pemerintah Pusat untuk mengembangkan kemandirian benih di desa, dan desa mampu menyediakan benih berkualitas sendiri. Penelitian menggunakan desain kualitatif deskriptif dengan teori implementasi program David C. Korten (1980). Responden terdiri dari peserta program dan non program Desa Mandiri Benih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tiga elemen implementasi berjalan dengan baik. Sangat penting untuk meneliti kelanjutan program ini pada saat program berakhir, apakah para petani terus memproduksi benih bermutu dan bersertifikat dengan atau tanpa bantuan Pemerintah.

Agricultural Development Policy Strategies for Indonesia : Enhancing the Contribution of Agriculture to Poverty Reduction and Food Security

Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi, 2016

Tujuan penulisan paper ini adalah mendeskripsikan status ketahanan pangan nasional, kebijakan strategis terkait dalam pengentasan kemiskinan, dan kebijakan pembangunan pertanian dalam rangka peningkatan kesejahteraan petani. Dalam satu dasa warsa terakhir ini, terdapat indikasi instabilitas ketahanan pangan yang ditunjukkan oleh adanya peningkatan ketergantungan impor pangan. Peningkatan kinerja pembangunan pertanian dan pedesaan diyakini akan memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap perbaikan aksesibilitas dan ketahanan pangan rumah tangga. Sedikitnya terdapat empat program pemerintah terkait dengan pengentasan kemiskinan, yaitu pengadaan beras bersubsidi, program padat karya, program pemberdayaan usaha mikro/ kecil/menengah, dan dana kompensasi kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak untuk golongan miskin. Dalam rangka penguatan ketahanan pangan dan pengentasan kemiskinan, kebijakan pembangunan pertanian berikut ini perlu dipertimbangkan, yaitu : (1) Perluasan spektrum pengembangan irigasi dengan sasaran peningkatan produktivitas lahan beririgasi; (2) Pembaharuan arah kebijakan sebelumnya dalam rangka mengatasi kendala penawaran/produksi pertanian; (3) Reformulasi kebijakan proteksi harga melalui pembatasan impor, penegakan hukum, dan mengkaitkan program beras untuk masyarakat miskin dengan program pengadaan gabah oleh pemerintah; (4) Mendorong diversifikasi pertanian dengan menjamin ketersediaan, akssessibilitas, dan perbaikan faktor pendukung pengembangan komoditas non-beras; dan (5) Ratifikasi perlakuan khusus (special product) bagi komoditas pertanian strategis, dan kembali kepada regulasi awal AoA-WTO berdasarkan pada komitmen dan Skedul XXI.

Empowering Farmers Community: Science And Technology (IbW) for The Region in District Suppa Pinrang South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 2016

Science and technology for the Region (IbW) in District of Suppa Pinrang aims to: a) gaining their knowledge and skills in improving agricultural and post-harvest processing of the agricultural products; b) implementation of government programs that "picking, process and sale ", and c) find solution to the problems faced by the district government or community and directly affect people's quality of lives. The problems are: a) low level of social welfare in the IbW region especially farmers community, b) the government has not implemented the program "picking, process and sale ", and c) lack of knowledge and skills in the post-harvest processing of agricultural products. The method used is “demplot” done through education, training, mentoring, and service to the farmer community. Education and training are carried out to the group consist 15 persons for 5 days and mentoring regularly every month for 10 months (March-December 2012). The Outputs are: 1) improve...

Agriculture beyond Food - Experiences from Indonesia

Agriculture Beyond Food: Experiences from Indonesia. The Hague: NWO/WOTRO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the authors / publisher.

Improving smallholder crop-livestock systems in eastern Indonesia


co-authors/ contributors/ collaborators Neil MacLeod, Cam McDonald, Jeff Corfield, Lalu Wirajaswadi, Rahmat Rahman, Syamsu Bahar, Nasruddin Razak, Ketut Puspadi, Dahlanuddin, Yusuf Sutaryono, Rusnadi Padjung, Sania Saenong, Lia Hadiawati, Sahardi, Mashur, Dwi Proptomo a CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, b Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP), Mataram, Lombok Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP), Makassar, South Sulawesi Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Mataram, Lombok Hasanuddin University, Tamalanrea, Makassar, South Sulawesi

Development of Food Security in Indonesia

Agricultural Socio-Economics Journal, 2017

Agricultural policy in Indonesia has several steps historically. It is started from land distribution in old-order government of Sukarno. In that time, government focussed on distributing resources and preparing for agricultural development. However, lack of research and development of technology caused low in agricultural production and less food sufficiency. Bringing new perspective of agricultural development, new order government in 1960s brought significant progress in agricultural production in Indonesia but the farmers had to pay cost in depletion of agricultural resources and dependency in chemical fertilizer and pesticides in the production. Currently, more efforts are implemented in sustainable agriculture and diversification in food consumption expecting gains in getting higher nutrition status of individual, braking land conversion and increasing farmers’ income.

Inclusive and Sustainable Management of Suboptimal Lands for Productive Agriculture in Indonesia

There are uncountable research activities and technology development efforts have been carried out in Indonesia; however, very limited economically and/or socially beneficial technologies have been created. Very few indigenous technologies have been used in producing goods and providing services, including in agricultural sector. This problem is rooted on facts that most of the technologies developed are not relevant to real needs and/or problems of domestic farmers. Even if the technologies are substantially relevant; in many cases, they are not finacially affordable by domestic farmers, do not significantly increase profit if used, and/or less competitive compared to similar available technologies in the market. Limited availability of resources, at present and even more scarse in the future, elevates expectation on technology to contribute in establishing inclusive, productive, and sustainable agricultural development. To assure that developed technology will be relevant to the needs and contribute to agricultural development, farmers ought to be play significant active roles during priority setting, planning, and developing the technology. The real issues at present are increase in food demand as consequence of population growth and conversion of arable lands for uses in other sectors. These trends have led to intensifying agricultural activities on suboptimal lands. Efforts to increase agricultural productivity in suboptimal lands should not jeopardize sustainable function of the ecosystem and participation of local farmers. Sustainability and inclusivity should be maintained while increasing productivity. Traditional knowledge and local wisdom have to be treated as reference for developing technology for establishing productive agriculture on suboptimal lands. ABSTRAK Kegiatan riset dan upaya pengembangan teknologi sudah banyak dilakukan di Indonesia, tetapi upaya ini belum signifikan menghasilkan teknologi yang bermanfaat. Sedikit sekali teknologi domestik yang telah digunakan dalam produksi barang maupun jasa, termasuk di sektor pertanian. Persoalan ini berakar pada kenyataan bahwa teknologi yang dikembangkan jarang yang relevan dengan realita kebutuhan dan/atau persoalan nyata yang dihadapi petani. Kalaupun teknologi domestik secara substansi sudah relevan, namun sering belum sepadan dengan kapasitas adopsi petani, tidak menjanjikan keuntungan usaha tani yang lebih besar, dan/atau kurang kompetitif dibandingkan dengan teknologi serupa yang sudah tersedia di pasar. Keterbatasan sumberdaya di masa sekarang dan akan datang, menumbuhkan keharusan bahwa teknologi yang dikembangkan dapat berkontribusi nyata terhadap upaya mewujudkan pembangunan pertanian yang inklusif, produktif, dan berkelanjutan. Agar teknologi sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan dapat