Peran Kaum Awam di Gereja: Studi Kasus GSRI (original) (raw)

Pemberdayaan Kaum Awam dalam Pengembangan Pelayanan Gereja untuk Mewartakan Kabar Keselamatan

DIDASKO: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen

This article presents facts about the dichotomy of ecclesiastical ministry perspective between the ordained (Pastors, Bible teachers and those with theological education background) and the laity (ordinary church members). The church is present in the midst of the world as an announcer of salvation and must convey references and attributes in its mission so that it can organize and help humans to experience the existence and existence of God in an ever-changing world. The church must be responsive and capable of responding to the challenges that become obstacles in carrying out missions in this world. In significance, the dichotomy between the ordained and the laity (ordinary church members) continues to be pursued and fought for in the ministry of the church to proclaim salvation. The method used in this paper is a qualitative descriptive analysis method with a library approach, related literature, journals as the basis for a descriptive discussion to examine the empowerment of the...

Umat Awam Dalam Dinamika Hidup Gereja

Studia Philosophica et Theologica, 2011

The article discusses the dignity and role of the Catholic laity. The author argues that the differentiation between the laity (laikos) and clerus (kleros) does not emerge in the Scriptures. The term used in the Scriptures is laos, which refers to the chosen people. The differentiation grew as a historical development and, to some extent, created an impression that the laity were the lower group in the Catholic Church. Second Vatican Council has promoted a fresh look at the laity. They are not simply the non-clerical members of the Church. Rather, they are equal members of the People of God with a unique vocation, stemming from one Baptism, to spread the Gospel in the temporal world.

Keterlibatan Kaum Awam sebagai Katekis Akar Rumput (KAR) di Paroki Para Rasul Kudus - Tegalsari Keuskupan Agung Palembang - Artikel

As God's people, both the hierarchy and laity alike, all are united in the same faith, the faith in Jesus Christ. Being united, all are called to take part in the mission of Jesus Christ (Trimunera Christi). The task is not only for the hierarchy, but also for the laity. The laity is expected to take part in the execution of the mission; including being a local leader at the local level. By learning from the leadership of Jesus Christ, the servant leader, they carry out the mission in the field of koinonia (service of communion), leiturgia (service of worship), kerygma (proclamation of the Gospel) and diakonia (socio-civic/service of worldly life). The Church of Archdiocese Palembang realizes the involvement of the laity through its members of Grassroot Catechists. Their presence is closely linked to the development of the parish in forming small groups that are alive. Kata-kata Kunci: Kaum awam, pemimpin lokal, lingkungan, Katekis Akar Rumput (KAR), kepemimpinan pelayanan (servant leadership) PENDAHULUAN Latar Belakang Masalah Konsili Vatikan II (1962-1965) memandang Gereja sebagai paguyuban umat Allah "yang disatukan berdasarkan pada kesatuan Bapa dan Putera dan Roh Kudus" (LG 4). Sebagai paguyuban, Gereja merupakan perhimpunan kaum beriman yang dengan Pembaptisan menjadi anggota-anggota Tubuh Kristus dan dengan kedudukan mereka masing-masing dipanggil untuk melaksanakan perutusan yang dipercayakan Allah untuk dilaksanakan di dunia (bdk. LG 31). Di antara semua orang beriman Kristiani itu, berkat kelahiran dalam Kristus, ada kesamaan sejati dalam martabat dan kegiatan. Dengan itu, mereka semua, sesuai dengan kondisi khas dan tugas masing-masing, berkerja sama membangun Tubuh Kristus. Tugas membangun Tubuh Kristus merupakan tugas seluruh anggota Gereja. Tugas itu tidak hanya bagi kaum hierarki saja, kaum awam diharap juga ikut berperan serta di dalamnya.

Gereja dan Mandat Sosial Politik : Mari Mendengarkan Suara Kaum Marjinal – WCC

2013 Busan together towards life : mission and evangelism in changing landscapes sebagai titik pijak misi Allah yang dikerjakan gereja di Indonesia Oleh : Yason Resyiworo Hyangputra (STFT Jakarta d/h STT Jakarta) Abstrak Politik yang seringkali dianggap tabu bagi gereja pada masa lampau, kini telah mulai dilihat sebagai bidang yang tidak boleh diabaikan. Pertanyaan seperti " bolehkah gereja ikut serta dalam politik praktis? " , " haruskah umat Kristen membentuk partai politik? " , dan pertanyaan sejenis lainnya hanya akan membawa kita pada situasi buntu dan membatasi ruang gerak gereja dalam melakukan misinya secara sempit karena melihat arti politik juga secara sempit. Politik Kristen itu hendaknya dijalankan menuju politics of influence, ketika kekristenan tidak lagi dilihat sebagai sumber kuasa di kotak suara, tetapi sebagai inspirasi perubahan masyarakat dengan pengorganisasian rakyat sebagai fokusnya. World Council of Churches tahun 2013 di Busan, memberi sumbangan penting sebagai titik pijak atau langkah awal menjalankan politics of influence yaitu mendengarkan suara kaum marjinal dan setelah itu melakukan perubahan dalam masyarakat berdasarkan suara kaum marjinal tersebut. Kata-kata kunci : politik kristen, teologi politis, misi gereja, politics of influence, kaum marjinal, mendengar, titik pijak. Pendahuluan Pemahaman bahwa politik itu tabu bagi gereja (dan orang Kristen), adalah pemahaman masa lampau. Dulu politik dianggap kotor dan secara sangat sederhana dipertentangkan begitu saja dengan kehidupan rohani yang serba kudus. Dalam kerangka berpikir yang sempit ini, politik dianggap mengurus urusan duniawi dan karena itu tidak pantas dilakukan oleh orang-orang Kristen yang perhatiannya ke surga (Yewangoe 2013, 91).

Peran Perempuan dalam Gereja

PERANAN PEREMPUAN DALAM GEREJA Oleh Samson Hutagalung Sumber Apa ajaran Alkitab tentang peranan perempuan dalam pelayanan gereja? Ketika membaca tulisan ini, pembaca sudah barang tentu memiliki pandangan dan pengertian sendiri tentang pelayanan perempuan

Tugas Pembinaan Warga Gereja di Era Pandemi Covid-19

Tugas Pembinaan Warga Gereja di Era Pandemi Covid-19, 2021

This paper was written to fulfill the mid-semester exam assignment in the Church Community Development course at Bethel Indonesia Theological College. The title chosen was based on situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, which until now-October 2021 still dominates the world, including Indonesia. Covid-19 is an abbreviation of Corona Virus Disease which emerged to the surface of the world in year 2019 and started from a province in Wuhan-China and continues to spread to all parts of the world. The impact of COVID-19 is so extraordinary that many have been exposed, and many have died. Covid-19 has closed businesses, businesses, offices and even houses of worship/churches. So that everyone wants to work from home, study from home and worship from home. The question now is where is the role of the church? Does this covid-19 pandemic make the church free from its duties and responsibilities in carrying out God's government on this earth towards God's people and completely leave it to the congregation to worship independently? Of course not, the Church must exist and be present as it plays its role and continue to teach the word of God and carry out training for church members even in midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Peran Katekis-Awam dalam Mengemban Tri-tugas pada Lima Bidang Karya Gereka di Paroki Roh Kudus-Ru’a, Keuskupan Ruteng

Kamaya, 2023

The Catholic Church appoints lay catechists to carry out the duties of the faithful in the five areas of church duties. This article describes how lay catechists in the Parish of the Holy Spirit, Ru'a, in the Diocese of Ruteng in East Nusa Tenggara Province carry out the duties of the faithful in the five areas of church duties. The aim is to find models, forms, and challenges of lay catechist duties. The research method is descriptive qualitative, where five catechists serving in the Parish of the Holy Spirit Ru'a were interviewed in depth. In addition to them, the research also gathered information from the priest and parishioners where they work. As a result, the five lay catechists have played an essential role in five areas of the Church's pastoral work in Ru'a Parish. In carrying out their duties, they receive support and challenges from the people and the pastoral situation in the area. This research concludes that lay catechists in Ru'a Parish have carried out the tri-duties of the Church's mission according to the gospel mandate in the five areas of church duties. Their contribution has been positive in growing the faith of the people. However, they have faced many challenges, including the mindset of the people who valued the pastoral work of the clergy more than the laity. This study recommends that parishes pay more attention to the pastoral work of catechists and educate parishioners to have a more positive mindset in appreciating the pastoral work of lay catechists.

Peranan Perempuan Dalam Pelayanan Serta Bertanggung Jawab Dalam Gerejawi

Dalam kehidupan kita khususnya seorang perempuan banyak tindakan yang sering kita lakukan namun dalam tindakan itu akan ada tujuan yang ingin kita capai seperti peran perempuan dalam pelayanan gereja pada umumnya sekarang ini sudah banyak perempuan yang melakukan pekerjaan laki-laki baik dalam memimpin. Melayani Tuhan adalah perbuatan yang yang sangat mulia yang diharapkan oleh Tuhan Untuk itu seorang perempuan harus melakukan pekerjaannya serta melakukan pelayanan Tuhan dan kepada jemaat sebagai perempuan yang mampu, kuat dalam melakukan sesuatu atau tanggung jawab.

Hadir Tanpa Pamrih: Arah Pastoral Gereja di Era Pandemi

Jurnal Abdiel: Khazanah Pemikiran Teologi, Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan Musik Gereja

Pandemi COVID-19 tidak hanya menimbulkan masalah kesehatan dan kematian jasmaniah, tetapi juga melahirkan masalah-masalah yang sifatnya spiritual. Kehadiran gereja melalui karya pastoralnya di tengah jemaat amatlah diperlukan. Akan tetapi, norma physical distancing yang diberlakukan di mana-mana selama masa pandemi COVID-19 membuat pihak gereja amat terhalang untuk dapat hadir secara fisik dalam melakukan karya pastoralnya. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membaca profil situasi tersebut dengan data akurat yang diperoleh berdasarkan suatu penelitian kuantitatif (survey) dan diteguhkan melalui penelitian kualitatif (in depth interview) terhadap salah satu gereja di kota metropolitan, yaitu Gereja Kristen Jawa Joglo Jakarta. Hasil penelitian tersebut adalah ditemukan bahwa kehadiran gereja yang tanpa pamrih melalui para pelayan pastoral dalam kegiatan-kegiatan yang diselenggarakan secara on-site dan online di tengah kehidupan jemaat merupakan wujud konkret karya pastoral yang menyejahterak...

Peran Gereja dalam Meningkatkan Peran Misi Penginjilan Jemaat

Sandi, 20

Christianity and the church have an important role to play in enhancing godlike missions by carrying out the commandments of God's Great Commission. The gospel as good news and the tidings of joy for the world and the multitude must then be preached, and evangelism as the commandment of the Great Commission to be worked out. The importance of the Church's role in enhancing the role of the Congregational Evangelism Mission, because the Church has now begun to lose its essence and purpose for preaching the gospel and making disciples of each congregation in order to win many souls for God. The existence of a leadership figure in a Church or mission body also affects the role of the congregation in carrying out its mission, the need for a leader or shepherd who can foster, guide, guide, and motivate the congregation. The strategies, methods, and models described in this discussion may be able to help the role of the church in the role of its congregation's mission.