Status of mangrove research in Latin America and the Caribbean (original) (raw)
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Conserving Latin American and Caribbean mangroves: issues and challenges
Madera y Bosques, 2002
This is a literature review of the distribution, salient features, uses, and conservation of mangroves in the Caribbean and Latin America. These ecosystems have played a vital role in the development of the region and their value increases as tropical countries develop and commercialize their coastal zones. Unfortunately, markets ignore or underestimate the value of products and non-market services from mangroves. Science informs and improves the effectiveness of the conservation of mangroves. Professional management with participation of all sectors of society also benefits the conservation of mangroves. Understanding mangrove ecosystems requires consideration of multiple spatial and temporal scales and attention to paradoxes that can lead to ineffective conservation measures. The review includes guidelines for mangrove restoration and conservation.
The Need for a Holistic Approach in Mangrove Research and Management
Ecological Studies, 2010
The term mangrove is commonly used to identify trees and shrubs that have developed morphological adaptations, like aerial roots, salt excretion glands and vivipary of seeds, to the tidal environment. Mangroves comprise 27 genera and approximately 70 species worldwide, and mangrove forests provide vital ecological benefits such as nursery grounds and shelter for many species, coastal protection, and nutrient retention. Local coastal populations derive sustenance from the mangrove forests, i.e., catching fish and crabs for subsistence or commercial purposes, and collecting firewood and other resources from this unique environment.
Current Science, 2018
The study of mangrove communities (Avicennia germinans, Conocarpus erectus, Laguncularia racemosa and Rhyzophora mangle) in Central America reveals a total diversity of 121 species included in 7 plant communities, of which 15 are characteristic of mangroves and 31 of flooded areas with less pronounced salinity, while 75 are invasive species belonging to neighbouring communities. Frequent fires in the dry forest have caused intense erosion, leading to the silting of the lake basin. As a result, the first belt of Rhizophora vegetation is extremely rare. In contrast, there is a predominance of Laguncularia and Conocarpus mangrove plants, in addition to a belt of Phragmito Mag-nocaricetea with a high incidence of Phragmites australis, which acts as an indicator of sediment silting due to its shallowness.
Biota Neotropica
Recent statements from the Brazilian federal government indicate that impacting economic activities, particularly commercial shrimp farming, are being encouraged in mangrove areas in the near future. Alterations of the National Action Plan and legal instruments that partially protected mangrove ecosystems have created an even weaker legal framework than previously existed. Such changes are leading Brazil far from the global call to conserve mangroves and from the Aichi targets and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Unfortunately, the loss of mangrove ecosystems and their ecosystem services will negatively impact living standards for Brazilians in coastal areas.
Degradation and conservation of Brazilian mangroves, status and perspectives
Ocean & Coastal Management, 2016
Mangroves are one of the most human-affected coastal ecosystems, despite their important social and ecological roles, and after decades of devastation these forests continue facing different processes of conversion, threatening their global future. Brazilian mangroves are not an exception, despite the existence of severe protection legislation. Conversions to aquaculture, industrial and urban development among others, have destroyed more than 50,000 ha (about 4% of the total mangrove area in the country) over the past three decades. Restoration efforts have somewhat minimized losses, but has recuperated only a 5% of the total degraded area. Despite criticized, monospecific plantings have demonstrated return of some ecosystem structure and functioning, and seems to be a starting point in mangrove restoration. Around 70% of Brazilian mangroves are today inside preserved areas, but the effectiveness of these advances continues impaired by bureaucracy, lack of conservation policies and economic interests. We estimate the status of Brazilian mangroves and review some restoration and conservation efforts, suggesting some management measures like restoration and community-based ecosystem management. Based in a reforested stand in Northeastern Brazil, we assess the environmental cost of mangrove clearing and reforestation results.
IUCN Red List of Ecosystems, Mangroves of the Warm Temperate Northwest Atlantic
The 'Mangroves of the Warm Temperate Northwest Atlantic' province is a regional ecosystem subgroup (level 4 unit of the IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology). It includes the marine ecoregions of Carolinian and Northern Gulf of Mexico. The biota is characterized by 3 species of mangroves: Avicennia germinans, Laguncularia racemosa, and Rhizophora mangle, and 1 mangrove associate Conocarpus erectus, though not all species are equally distributed throughout the province. Mangroves in this province cross the USA and Mexico and are quite unique, as they exist at the latitudinal range limit of the mangrove ecosystem. The majority of mangroves in this province are located in Florida and Louisiana (USA), though substantial mangrove patches can be found in Texas (USA) and Tamaulipas (Mexico). Small mangrove patches are present in Mississippi and have recently been found in Georgia (USA) at a latitude of 30.74°N, making these some of the northernmost mangroves in the world. Mangroves in this province also experience a longitudinal aridity gradient, with more arid conditions experienced in the west (Tamaulipas, Mexico; Texas, USA) and wetter conditions in the east (Louisiana, Florida, USA). Today, mangroves in the Warm Temperate Northwest Atlantic cover a minimum of 83.11 km 2 , though due to challenges in measuring the extent of patchy mangroves at their latitudinal range limits, we expect the actual extent to be higher, and we consider the extent presented here to be a substantial underestimate. Based on global datasets, mangrove net area change in this province has been-11% since 1996, with mangrove loss caused by a combination of anthropogenic (land use change, pollution) and climatic (freezes, drought) drivers. If this trend continues, an overall change of-55% is projected over the next 50 years. Furthermore, under a high sea level rise scenario (IPCC RCP8.5) ≈83% of mangroves in the Warm Temperate Northwest Atlantic would be at risk of submergence by 2060. Moreover, ≈3% of the province's mangrove ecosystem is experiencing degradation, with the potential to increase to ≈8% within a 50-year period, based on a vegetation index decay analysis. Overall, mangroves in the Warm Temperate Northwest Atlantic province are assessed as Critically Endangered (CR). However, this conclusion should be interpreted with caution, due to challenges to mapping mangroves at this latitudinal range limit, as well as limitations to the sea-level rise modelling approaches used in this study. Important data gaps found in this study highlight a strong need for continued focused mangrove research in this province.
Restoration Ecology, 2000
Whereas the increasing knowledge on tropical coastal wetlands highlights the ecological and economical importance of such ecosystems, anthropogenic activities within the coastal zone have caused substantial, irreversible losses of mangrove areas in the Lesser Antilles during the last decades. Such a paradox gives strength to compensatory policy efforts toward mangrove restoration. We review the available knowledge on the ecology of mangrove growth and recovery in the Lesser Antilles as a contribution to possible restoration projects in such islands. Distribution of species follows a general pattern of seaward/landward zonation according to their respective tolerance to flooding and to pore-water salinity. An experimental study of seedling growth following simulated oil spill has documented the tolerance of Rhizophora mangle and Avicennia germinans seedlings to oil concentration in soils and the effects of natural biotic and abiotic factors on seedlings growth and survival. Monitoring mangrove recovery following hurricane Hugo has given information on growth patterns, from seedling to sapling stages, according to species and site conditions. Forest recovery was mostly due to pre-established seedlings. For the large Rhizophora propagules, buoyancy appears to be a quite inefficient way of dispersal far inland from the sea shore or riversides. Causes of recovery failure are discussed. From these results we attempt to answer the questions when, where, how to plant mangroves, and what species to use.
Issues and Challenges of Mangrove conservationin the Anthropocene
This essay addresses the conservation issues facing mangroves in the Anthropocene, defined as the era of human domination over the world. We review the laws, policies, international agreements, and local actions that address the conservation of mangrove forests in the Neotropics and relate them to the Anthropocene. Collaboration between governments, non-governmental organizations, and communities that depend on mangroves for their livelihood will be critical in the Anthropocene. The essay also reviews recent developments in mangrove ecology and ecophysiology that enlighten how mangroves might respond to changes in temperature and rainfall, sea level rise, and other anthropogenic and natural disturbances. Mangroves in the Anthropocene will also face changes in their species composition given the current movement of mangroves species across continental barriers as a result of human activity. These trends will lead to novel mangrove forests and in some cases expand the range of mangroves worldwide. The solution to mangrove persistence in the Anthropocene is not to isolate mangroves from people, but to regulate interactions between mangroves and humans through effective management. We will also have to expand the scope of the ecological analysis of mangrove ecosystems to include the social forces converging on the mangroves through an analytical approach that has been termed Social Ecology.
The Loss of Species: Mangrove Extinction Risk and Geographic Areas of Global Concern
Plos One, 2010
Mangrove species are uniquely adapted to tropical and subtropical coasts, and although relatively low in number of species, mangrove forests provide at least US $1.6 billion each year in ecosystem services and support coastal livelihoods worldwide. Globally, mangrove areas are declining rapidly as they are cleared for coastal development and aquaculture and logged for timber and fuel production. Little is known about the effects of mangrove area loss on individual mangrove species and local or regional populations. To address this gap, species-specific information on global distribution, population status, life history traits, and major threats were compiled for each of the 70 known species of mangroves. Each species' probability of extinction was assessed under the Categories and Criteria of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Eleven of the 70 mangrove species (16%) are at elevated threat of extinction. Particular areas of geographical concern include the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Central America, where as many as 40% of mangroves species present are threatened with extinction. Across the globe, mangrove species found primarily in the high intertidal and upstream estuarine zones, which often have specific freshwater requirements and patchy distributions, are the most threatened because they are often the first cleared for development of aquaculture and agriculture. The loss of mangrove species will have devastating economic and environmental consequences for coastal communities, especially in those areas with low mangrove diversity and high mangrove area or species loss. Several species at high risk of extinction may disappear well before the next decade if existing protective measures are not enforced.