Joaquim José de Carvalho (1895-1975) na História do concelho de Palmela. Contributo para um estudo. (original) (raw)

Patrimónios - Centro Histórico da Vila de Palmela (pp.81-93)

The project – integrated in the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) – developed by the Municipal Museum of Palmela, between 2009 and 2012, aims to involve the inhabitants of the historial town of Palmela in the rereading of urban space where they live, gather memories from the older people and the archaeological point of view in the construction of local history along with interventions works of rehabilitation of the site. The results of historicoanthropological developed on this territory will be returned to the population that lives in it, whether through exhibitions, publications or moments of conviviality/paths of reflection and heritage (re) discovery. Keywords: Museum - Heritage Animation - Architecture - Archaeology - Historic Centre - Palmela

O "Tombo da Câmara de Palmela" (séculos XIV-XIX). Da arqueologia dos documentos à arqueologia a partir dos documentos - um contributo de João Carlos de Almeida Carvalho


Throughout our history, human neglect has resulted in the destruction, disappearance and/or adulteration of documentation of intrinsic historical value. In this way, also in Palmela, the human hand was responsible for the disappearance of documents, in this case, and above all, of the council’s production. The Council’s Book, where were registered all the documents originating from the council or from other institutions and whose content mattered to the life of the municipality, were burned in 1910, in the fire ignited in the night of 4 to 5 of October at the Town Hall of Setúbal, almost completely burning the municipal archive housed there. In the eighteenth century, the municipal archives of Palmela had been transferred there, ironically with the intention of safeguarding the human unguardedness in this village – before 1758 a fire had been set in the Palmela archive by a drunken individual. Were it not by Almeida Carvalho’s (1817-1897) ability and willingness of knowledge, and an entire historical heritage would have been lost forever. The vast and a trustworthy documentary survey carried out by the researcher in the Setúbal archive at the end of the 19th century made it possible to safeguard, through summaries and marginal notes, the memory of a single written heritage. From reading, surveying, processing information and assembling the “Book”, resulted in the recovery of a vast source of information of relevance for both History and Archaeology. The unpublished information concerning, for example, the patented infrastructure in the village of Palmela – in particular, its butchers and town halls – or data on interventions on public roads, construction of fountains or even urban transformation promoted by the creation of the Jewish quarter – in the middle of the fifteenth century – demonstrating the great usefulness of this information both for Archaeology and the historical investigation related to Palmela. It is, therefore, this bridge, between two complementary disciplines, that we intend to carry out, from the analysis of the notes of Almeida Carvalho on the Tombo of Palmela, a documentary set that covers the fourteenth- nineteenth centuries, composing a volume that we sought to be reconstituted in 2016 and we now present.

Palmela: o espaço e as gentes (séculos XII-XVI)

To look at medieval Palmela for about 400 years of history means avail ourselves to the study of circumstances and structures that accompany the historical development of the Portuguese Kingdom since its formation until dawn of the Modern world. Being a territory of the Order of Santiago, that established there its first and last monastic seat, influences the whole development of local life and that’s our starting point. It therefore matters to understand how the institutions and the people who represented themselves coorelated in Palmela and understand existing permeabilities between them, especially at the level of the local oligarchy. Simultaneously, understand the evolution of these behaviors lead us to also perceive the logics of occupation and exploitation of space, trying to be traced a geography of powers and a sociology of space. Finally, and because Palmela was not an isolated territory in the Portuguese Kingdom, we will discuss the institutional relationships established with neighboring municipalities that, in due measure, influenced the economic and social dynamics in Palmela.

Carta Arqueológica do Concelho de Palmela


Primeiros resultados dos trabalhos de actualização e revisão da Carta Arqueológica, apresentando de forma sucinta o trabalho que se tem desenvolvido, desde 2007.

Novos dados sobre a Pré-história Antiga no concelho de Palmela. A intervenção arqueológica no sítio do Poceirão I

Arqueologia em Portugal 2020 - Estado da Questão - Textos, 2020

Presentation of the results of the archaeological intervention at Poceirão I (Palmela) in 2009. The work consisted of conducting systematic prospecting using a grid and a survey to diagnose the archaeological potential, recording a combustion structure and stratigraphic reading. The results obtained, allowed to individualize two Locus, a considerable dispersion of chipped stone artifacts in flint, quartz and quartzite, but without pottery. However, the strong destruction of the site, the absence of preserved anthropic contexts and a stratigraphy with reduced potential was confirmed in the excavated area. Based on the observed surface data and the materials exhumed, on Poceirão I settlement seems to have been occupied, during the Mesolithic, by groups of hunter-gatherers from the Tejo-Sado inter-estuarine region

Joaquim de Carvalho (1892-1958)

Personalia: Memoria Philosophiæ Professorum Vniversitatis Conimbrigensis, 2020

Joaquim de Carvalho nasceu, em 10 de junho de 1892, na Figueira da Foz. Acabado o ensino secundário no Collegio Lyceu Figueirense, na mesma cidade onde nasceu (1906), inscreveu-se na Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra (FDUC) em 10 de outubro de 1909. No entanto, apenas dois anos após matricular-se em Direito... Personalia: