The Peterburg text of Georgy Sviridov (original) (raw)

The Hoard from Svishtov

Metals, Technologies and Interregional Contacts in the Eastern Balkans during the Bronze Age, 2018

Mid 2nd millennium BC Hoard from Central North Bulgaria

The Chronicle of Peter of Dusburg translated by Jan Potocki

The article focuses on the analysis of the manuscript of Jan Potocki which was founded in the archives of the St. Petersburg Institute of History (Russian Academy of Sciences). It is the translation into French of some parts of the «Chronicon terræ Prussiæ» by Peter of Dusburg. This translation was used by Potocki for his research in the East European history. Notes of translator contained in this manuscript shows that Potocki gave considerations to toponyms in his researches. Exploring the manuscript authors identified some sources used by Jan Potocki. To a considerable degree his notes were based on the remarks of Christophor Hartknoch, the first editor of «Chronicon terræ Prussiæ». Other source of information was the appendix of the map of Prussia made by historian and cartographer of 16th century Caspar Hennenberger. A drawing attention to toponyms was one of a characteristic features of Potocki’s works, in view of sphere of his interest ― the history of ethnos. Moreover, Potock...

Peter the Great and St. Petersburg in the Works of the Old Believers Writers of the Vyg Community

Учёные записки Петрозаводского государственного университета, 2019

АЛЕКСАНДР ВАЛЕРЬЕВИЧ ПИГИН доктор филологических наук, профессор, ведущий научный сотрудник сектора фольклористики с фонограммархивом Института языка, литературы и истории Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Федеральный исследовательский центр «Карельский научный центр Российской академии наук» (Петрозаводск, Российская Федерация

Vladimir Solovyov’s Texts in the Anthology by S.L. Frank

Solov’evskie issledovaniya, 2021

Originally published in English in 1950, A Solovyov Anthology, prepared by S.L. Frank, has already been reprinted three times, a fact that demonstrates a continuing interest in its content. This paper undertakes a textual analysis of the pieces contained in the Anthology in comparison with the original (second) edition of Solovyov’s works. This paper also makes use of archival material and Frank’s correspondence in connection with the preparation of the Anthology, and an overview of comments in the press upon its publication is also given. This paper also presents biographical information, which reveals the editorial process behind the Anthology, and an analysis of Frank’s choice of texts. The authors argue that Frank presented Solovyov, above all, as a religious thinker, and not as a theoretical philosopher. This viewpoint, on the one hand, is connected with Frank’s previous editorial work on An Anthology of Russian Religious Thinkers, and, on the other hand, can be explained by Fr...

From Lyubov Gurevich’s Memoirs About the Journal ‘Severny Vestnik’. Part One

Literary Fact, 2021

The journal “Severny Vestnik” (1891 –1898), around which relatively young Petersburg writers — A. Volynsky, N. Minsky, D. Merezhkovsky and Z. Gippius, F. Sologub — were grouped in the last years of the 19th century, was of exceptional importance for the early stage of Russian Symbolism. The publication presents new archival materials on the history of the journal: an article “Symbolism of the 1890s and the journal 'Severny Vestnik'” by L.Ya. Gurevich, prepared for an unpublished collection of articles “Russian Symbolism” edited by N.K. Gudzii and read in the form of a report at a meeting of the Literary Subsection of the State Academy of Arts, as well as the minutes of the meeting dated May 14, 1926 with the discussion of this report. An addition to L. Gurevich’s article is her notes (1897 –1898), which record the real and biographical context of the publication of “Severny Vestnik” from the moment the journal passed into her hands until it was closed, as well as her plan fo...

“We Once Met With You in St. Petersburg”. Letters of George P. Fedotov to George V. Vernadsky. 1941-1947

Herald of Omsk University. Series Historical studies, 2021

Издание писем предваряет краткое предисловие, в котором характеризуются немногочисленные контакты между двумя ставшими известными в эмиграции историками. Автор предисловия отмечает расхождения исследователей в отношении к евразийству и показывает значение поддержки Г. В. Вернадским Г. П. Федотова, начинавшего свою жизнь в США во время Второй мировой войны. Текст писем приведён в соответствие с современными нормами орфографии и снабжён необходимыми комментариями.

The Sverbeev Family Epistolary Archive

Russian Foundation for Basic Research Journal. Humanities and social sciences

The article is focused on the Sverbeev family epistolary archive study findings. Especially, this means letters of D.N. Sverbeev (1799–1874), a memoirist, and E.A. Sverbeeva (1808–1892), his wife, a hostess of the famous Moscow salon in 1840s, who had extensive ties to the Russian enlightened society. Epistolary intercourse of their sons and daughters (in particular, N.D. Sverbeev, A.D. Sverbeev and S.D. Sverbeeva) inherited and successfully maintained parents’ social ties is also of interest. The family archive maintained abundant correspondence with family friends and acquaintances including Turgenev brothers (i.e., A.I. and N.I.), K.S. and I.S. Aksakovs, N.M. and A.M. Yazykovs, archbishop Innokentii (Veniami­nov), A.N. Popov, A.S. Homyakov, I.V. Kireevskii, A.P. Elagina, S.P. Shevyryov, P.A. Vyazemskii, S.P. Trubetskoi, etc. Almost centenary epistolary archive of a whole family maintained remarkable social ties represents an important document of cultural memory and literary hist...

Again about the Hoard of Imitations of Philip III Arrhidaeus from Svishtov

Отново за находката от имитации на Филип III Аридей от Свищов, 2024

On and around the “Kaleto” hill in Svishtov, there is a settlement from the Hellenistic era, which was most active during the 2nd - 1st century BC/1st century AD. Coins from this same period are preserved in the museum, the majority of which form a coin hoard of imitations of Philip III Arrhidaeus. The purpose of this article is to consolidate the available data on these imitations from the territory of Bulgaria. At this stage of the research, the questions surrounding this coinage outnumber the answers.

From the manuscript of the priest Volodymyr (Valerian) Mykhailovych Georgievskyi (autobiography)

Ìstorìâ relìgìj v Ukraïnì, 2023

Опубліковано частину рукопису про життя і діяльності священника, краєзнавця, археолога, музейного працівника, ректора Кам'янець-Подільського інституту Володимира (Валеріана) Михайловича Георгієвського. Визначено авторство рукопису В. М. Георгієвського. Звертається увага на те, що він вперше був засуджений та відбував покарання під час арештів подільського духовенства в 1930-х рр., а у 1942 р. повернувся до Кам'янця-Подільського та брав активну участь у культурному житті міста. За співпрацю з німцями під час окупації Кам'янця-Подільського (1941-1944 рр.) В. Георгієвський був вдруге репресований радянською владою..